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Safety Standards in Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste

Explore international safety standards in radioactive waste disposal, covering legal frameworks, safety assessments, management systems, and more. Includes details on PRISM, HIDRA, and ILW with insights on safety cases and management. Follows IAEA activities and ongoing projects.

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Safety Standards in Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste

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  1. TM-47125: Technical Meetingof the International Project on Demonstration of the Operational and Long-Term Safety ofGeological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste (GEOSAF Part II)26-30May 2014 Presentation on recent IAEA activities on RWM Y. Kumano WES / NSRW

  2. Outline • Overview of Safety Standards • International Projects and working groups related to disposal of radioactive waste • PRISM/PRISMA • HIDRA • ILW

  3. Safety Standards: Predisposal • Classification • Storage • Safety Assessment • Safety Case • Management System DS 447 DS 448 DS 454

  4. GSR Part 5: Predisposal Management of RW Req. 1-4: Legal framework / Responsibilities of government, regulatory body, and operator Req. 5: Security measures Req. 6: Interdependencies Req. 7: Management systems Req. 8-11: Generation/ characterization/ classification /processing /storage Req. 12: Waste acceptance criteria Req. 13-15: Safety case (preparation, scope, documentation) Req. 16: Periodic safety reviews Req. 17-20:Siting/ design/ construction/ operation/ Decommissioning Req. 21: Safeguards Req. 22: Existing facilities

  5. Safety Standards - Disposal • Site Aspects • Design • Construction • Operation • Closure • Post Closure • Safety Assessment • Management System DS 357 Monitoring and Surveillance of Disposal Facilities Specific Safety Guide

  6. SSR-5: Disposal of Radioactive Waste • Applicable to disposal of all types of waste in designed disposal facilities • Covers Operational / Post-closure phase • Req. 1-3: Responsibilities of regulatory body, operator, Government • Req. 4: Importance of safety in the • process of development / operation • of disposal facility • Req. 11: Step by step development and • evaluation of disposal facilities • Req. 12-14: safety case/safety assessment • Req. 16-17: Design and construction • Req. 18: Operation of a disposal facility • Req. 20: Waste acceptance • Req. 21: Monitoring programmes

  7. Safety Standards - Disposal • SSG-29 • Near Surface Disposal

  8. International and Harmonization Projects • Joint Working Group for the Dual Purpose Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel • Safety case covering both transportation / storage • Extended periods of storage and meeting transport requirements • CRAFT • Application of GSG-3, SADRWMS methodology & SAFRAN Tool • Illustrative examples to complement GSG-3 • PRISM / PRISMA • Safety case development • Use of the safety case in the decision making process during the lifetime of a near surface disposal facility. • GEOSAF I / II • Safety on geological disposal • Regulatory expectations throughout development and operation • Assessment – engineering, site, radiological impact, integration • HIDRA • Human intrusion for both geological / near-surface disposal facilities • Relationship with siting/ designing/ waste acceptance criteria • ILW • Draft technical document on disposal of ILW

  9. Current IAEA activities on RWM PREDISPOSAL DISPOSAL SFM GEOSAF-2 DPC WG Safety Report? WM HIDRA CRAFT PRISMA classification of radioactive Waste

  10. PRISM Project: PRactical Illustration and Use of the Safety Case Concept in the Management of Near-Surface Disposal • Objective: To share experience and communicate good practice, in particular concerning: • The components and expectations of the safety case and their evolution over the lifecycle of a near-surface radioactive waste disposal facility • Decision making at different stages in the facility lifecycle, using the safety case • Finalised in 2012 • Follow-up activity named as PRISMA


  12. Expected Deliverables of PRISMA • A project report describing the PRISMA project, the process of developing example safety case content, and lessons learned. • Sets of example safety case content supporting repository development decisions • An improved concept of the safety case evolution Next plenary meeting: 6-10, October 2014

  13. HIDRA project (1) - Objectives • Share experience and practical considerations • Provide guidance document that includes; • Role of Human Intrusion in context of the Safety Case • Methodology or Process • Examples etc. • Provide suggestions for communication strategies to describe; • Rationale for assessments of FHAs • Interpretation of the results of those assessment for the public • Provide recommendations for WASSC / RASSC for clarification of existing IAEA SSs

  14. HIDRA project (2) -Scope • Future human actions, emphasizing inadvertent human intrusion • Post-Closure for a properly closed repository, assuming loss of passive and active institutional controls (consider optimisation of design for potential partial closure) • Consider factors that influence timing of loss of institutional controls • Geologic and near-surface disposal facilities, including boreholes and intermediate depth facilities (VLLW, L/ILW, HLW, SF)

  15. HIDRA project (3) –Workplan Meetings • Annual Plenary meetings  Next Plenary 1-5, Dec, 2014 • WG meetings • Coordinating Group meetings http://ns-iaea.org/projects/hidra/ Deliverables • Project report • Booklet • Coordinating Group meetings Webpage • Latest news • ToR • Summary presentation

  16. Activities on disposal facilities for Intermediate Level Waste (1) HLW ILW LLW VLLW

  17. Activities on disposal facilities for Intermediate Level Waste (2) • Meeting: 9-13, September with 18 participants from 14 Member States Chair: Mr. Jean-Michel Hoorelbeke (ANDRA, France) • Objectives: • Information sharing on various national activities • Discussion on common issues / topics to be addressed in the Safety Report • Drafting of the Safety Report • Outcome: • Gap Analysis of identified issues related to ILW disposal and current IAEA SSs /other publications • Agreed on developing a Safety Report • Report outline & project plans

  18. Activities on disposal facilities for Intermediate Level Waste (2) Meetings • Core meetings in 2014 (Apr.2014 + Sep. 2014) – further develop document • Plenary meeting – 3-7, Nov. 2014 -- finalize the outcome document  move forward for publication as Safety Report? Contributions from meeting participants • Comment to current document • National examples

  19. …Thank you for your attention

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