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Experimental neutrino physics in the U niversity A ut ónoma M adrid -01: next UV

Experimental neutrino physics in the U niversity A ut ónoma M adrid -01: next UV FPA2009-13697-C04-02: SK UAM -03: next , T2 K IFAE -04: next , T2 K IFIC.

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Experimental neutrino physics in the U niversity A ut ónoma M adrid -01: next UV

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  1. Experimental neutrino physics in the University Autónoma Madrid -01: nextUV FPA2009-13697-C04-02: SK UAM -03: next , T2KIFAE -04: next , T2KIFIC Luis Labarga, University Autonoma Madrid Spanish Evaluation Panel for the Particle Physics Projects in 2009 Madrid 20090528

  2. About experimental neutrino physics in the UAM (I) • Scientific goal: • Learn about the fundamental symmetries and interactions • by performing top-class neutrino measurements • How: • Join the current world’s best neutrino experiment • Cooperate / coordinate with the Spanish Groups performing • related experiments • Important guideline: • Exploit / Promote to the maximum existing national • facilities: The LSC / Canfranc Underground Laboratory • ( + other minor ones for radioactivity/material analysis) • What: • See next slide

  3. About experimental neutrino physics in the UAM (II) SK is the “K” of T2K Present: Super-Kamiokande (SK), the world’s best  experiment - learn about experimental  physics - carry out R&D to improve dramatically water-cherenkov techniques for SK and successors - perform top-class  measurements Laguna - R&D on next generation  experiments most related to this proposal next , T2K next , T2K Medium term: - incorporate T2K to the scientific program Long term: - next generation  experiments Laguna / HyperKamiokande - next generation 20 (and / or DM) experiments ? T2K next

  4. “Similar” (0) or “Very Related” (1) previous projects

  5. Feasibility study of the LSC for LAGUNA (by “dream team” formed by best spanish engineers and construction companies) Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 20:25:34 +0200 From: Eduardo Becerril Villa <ebecerri@acciona.es> To: luis.labarga@uam.es Cc: Corina Trommer <ctrommer@stmr.es>, Clemente Saenz Sanz <csaenzs@acciona.es> Parts/Attachments: ....... Buenas tardes. Adjunto le envío planos preliminares de la situación de los tanques con tanteos de trazados posibles para las galerías constructivas, así como su posición relativa con los trazados del Túnel Carretero de Somport y el Túnel del Ferrocarril. ....... just tackled major geotechnic and social-impact issues next

  6. The people Real - Luis Labarga [LL]; T.U. (100%) Based in the UAM - Lluis Martí [LlM] PostDoc CPAN (100%) Based in the Kamioka Observatory, Kamioka Potential - Engineer / Instrumentation Phys. CPAN - Graduate student letter from AP representatives in CPAN EC ensuring their full support at this year’s Call

  7. SuperKamiokande (SK) is currently the most powerful scientific apparatus for p- decay and  physics  discovery of Atmospheric- oscillations  help solving Solar-problem  world’s best limit on p lifetime  precise measurement of leptonic mixing matrix parameters  discovery of SN1987a burst (Kamiokande)  world’s best limit on relic Supernova ,s

  8. Xe lamp inside SK: - we have been able to take important responsibilities in its running - f.i. the Auto-Xenon calibration system, one key aspect for the E resolution of the SK-IV solar  measurement and others ... monitor diffuser ring of PMT,s at Z= – 17.6 m [LL] Ax monitor; Z = – 17.6 m;+ 17.6 m normalized to value at day: 42 T2K day • but, apart from it and the needed service work, our priority in • this Proposal is the neutron tagging R&D program as follows

  9. SK success largely due to detection technique: Water Cherenkov Caveat: no neutron tagging  no inverse beta decay measurement  no anti- tagging  marginal sensitivity to Supernova-  no sensitivity to reactor- Solution: [ Beacon & Vagins 2004] dissolve 0.2% (by mass) Gd compound in SK water SK has committed to bring Vagins’ idea into reality

  10. Neutron tagging in Gd-enriched Super-Kamiokande necan be identified by delayed coincidence. Possibility 1: 10% or less n g ne n+p→d + g p p 2.2MeV g-ray [reaction schematic by M. Nakahata] Gd e+ g Possibility 2: 90% or more n+Gd →~8MeV g DT = ~30 msec Positron and gamma ray vertices are within ~50cm. + T2K  excellent n-tagging efficiency (> 80%) with fantastic consequences for SK and “successors”....

  11. coincident signals inSK[and successors]with Gd2(SO4)3  ~ 5 DSNB (“relic” Supernova)  events/year ~ 15000 events from Galactic Supernova at 10 Kpc [~ 100/ 300000 in HK, LAGUNA-WS] J.F.Beacom, M.R.Vagins; PRL93(2004)171101  high precision measurement of m221vs. sin212 [ Global/KamLAND plot from A.Bandyopadhyay, S.Choubev, S.Goswami, S.T.Petcov, D.P.Roy; arXiv:0804.4857 ] [red reactor antineutrino contours by S. Choubey, S.T. Petcov]

  12.  major impact on next generation  detector (Hyper-K, LAGUNA); they are not conceived without n-tagging T2K or inverse  D. Autiero et al.; JCAP11(2007)011

  13. Over the last five years there have been a large number of Gd-related R&D studies carried out in the UCI and Japan: M.R.Vagins at NNN08 Paris, Sept. 2008

  14. deployed inside SK: Am/Be source: a+ 9Be → 12C*+n 12C+ g(4.4 MeV) inside a BGOcrystal array, in 2 liters of 0.2% GdCl3 solution first observation of 8 MeV  cascade from Gd in a large WC det.

  15. . . . after the positive results of those preliminary studies SK has committed to bring Vagins’ idea into reality  strong SK R&D program led by M. Nakahata (ICRR, U. Tokyo) and M. Vagins (IPMU, U. Tokyo and UCI)  UAM to join it as deep as possible [this proposal] The current team: • ICRR – Y. Koshio, M. Nakahata, H. Sekiya, • A. Takeda, Y. Takeuchi, H. Watanabe • IPMU – J. Schuemann, M. Vagins • Madrid – L. Labarga, Ll. Marti • Okayama – H. Ishino, A. Kibayashi, M. Sakuda • UCI – K. Bays, J. Griskevich, R. Hall, B. Kropp, • M. Smy, H. Sobel

  16. SK-Gd R&D program, UAM current missions [this proposal] Gd concentration meter Test Tank Background  Preparation of SK-V (SK-Gd) analyses. next next , T2K T2K

  17. Gdconcentration-meter next  Measure ~ 0.1% Gd concentration with an accuracy of 1 % [this proposal] [20090423, LL] Gd meter

  18. The Gdtest - tank will be a prototype of the full experiment, with its own water-filtration system, 50-cm PMT’s, and DAQ electronics FY2009: Design + construction of test-tank and PMT-support structure FY2010: water-filtration system, preparation +mounting of PMT’s, installation of electronics and DAQ computers FY2011 to FY2013: Experimental program to address technical, reconstruction and background issues PMTs [Kibayashi] 6m x 6m Water system Transparency measurement 0.2%Gd water in ~100 ton class water tank

  19. New Cavity [M.Nakahata 20090522] To SK tank To Atotsu entrance Boring line for various utility (SK water, cooling water and etc.) SK water system Access tunnel and a experimental hall (size is being discussed with Mitsui mining company; at least 10m x 10m x 7mHigh) 50m

  20. UAM in the test-tank  participate in its design, assembly and commissioning of the tank itself and of the PMT support structure [LlM]  contribute, modestly and if at all possible, to hardware related to PMT, electronics, DAQ computing ... [LL]  participate in the development of the test-tank’ specific online and offline software [LlM] perform full program of scientific tests [LL,LlM] this proposal

  21. UAM and the thermal-nbackground [this proposal] The SK-Gd project has the unavoidable problem that, in addition to inverse-decay reactions fromSNandNuclear Reactor , SK will see almost ALL the thermal-n inside the SK tank; they come mainly from(,n) reactions and Spontaneous Fission from 238U,232Thcontaminations in the various materials A)they must neither saturateSK nor deteriorating data taking B)work out their contributions to other SK measurements, parti- cularly solar  analysis implement in SK detector simulation For all SK-materials and the Gd-compound:  estimate n-yield vs. En per ppt of238U and 232Th[LlM]  measure 238U,232Thcontaminations[LL], LSC  Input total n-yield vs. En to SKMC and work out the nbackgroundin SK analyses [LL,LlM ] next T2K

  22. neutron spectra and yield from SK materials and Gd-compound calculations [LlM] Illustration: neutrons/ sec / cm3 from [pure-water (H2O) ] + [ 0.2% Gd2(SO4)3 with 10ppb 238U / 232Th ] 232Th chain  238U chain code used: Sources-4C (RSICC-ORNL) total production in SK (50 kton) 

  23.  Full program of measurements of 238U,232Thcontaminations in SK materials and Gd-compound at the LSC[LL] next ToLSC: EoI-11-2009 Screening for SuperKamiokande (Gd)  Duration: 2010 - 2011 [match with test-tank schedule]  Approximately 30 measurements of 1-2 weeks duration ~ 15 of samples of selected parts of the ~ 40 different materials of which the SK detector is composed ~ 15 of samples of the ~ 100 ton of Gd-compound to be dissolved in SK  Measurements to be performed by UAM (with the active help of next colleagues) UZ is supporting these activities and has offered help (advise, know-how) for its successful realization

  24. Training for UAM has been provided by UZ; it consisted of  one very low bkg. measurement of a very low radiation aluminum for XMASS  at least one measurement of the “current” candidate Gd-compound for SK [ Gd2(SO4)3 ] [done] next ! [done] Al

  25. Funding Request: - buffer for PostDoc and Graduate Student positions 31.600, 3 portable computers - consumables - shipping of material Kamioka  SLC - trips to SK, SLC, Conferences - Per-diem permanent stay in Kamioka - contribution to HV of test-tank - contingency 227.145, 258.745,

  26. Summary / Conclusions • the beginning of a fascinatingresearch program in • experimental neutrino physics has been proposed • it involves the best neutrino experiment so-far • it will have a major impact in medium and long • term experimental neutrino physics • - it cooperates / coordinates with the Spanish • Groups working in related research • - it makes maximum use of the LSC • ... all that with a rather modest economical load

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