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Road Map for intra-State ABT in Maharashtra. Consultancy by : Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Central Transmission Utility of India & Operator of RLDCs. (TSO) One of the largest transmission utility in the world Operating 47,500 ckms of EHV transmission lines
Road Map for intra-State ABT in Maharashtra Consultancy by : Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd
Central Transmission Utility of India & Operator of RLDCs. (TSO) One of the largest transmission utility in the world Operating 47,500 ckms of EHV transmission lines 82 EHVAC & HVDC sub-stations 46,500 MVA transformation capacity Emerged as leading consultancy Organisation in Power Sector Catalytic Role in Power Sector Reforms Diversified in Telecom, APDRP, Rural Electrification POWERGRID AT A GLANCE
POWERGRID FUNCTIONS P O W E R G R I D CTU FUNCTIONS Inter-state Transmission Services NON-CTU FUNCTIONS Telecom, Consultancy, Distribution TSO RLDCs LICENSEES
Rendering consultancy services to utilities like GEB, MPSEB, Goa, CSEB, D&D, DNH, Tata Power, BSES ,WBPDCL, UPPCL, UPCL,BSEB, RRVPNL, KPTCL,GRIDCO, Malana Power, Chandigarh, ASEB, Pondicherry, MeSEB, Afghanistan, Bhutan Telecom, THPA, MOP. Areas of Consultancy Transmission Lines/Sub-stations SCADA/EMS O&M of EHV Transmission System APDRP,REC Telecom Intra-State ABT & Metering Consultancy for project cost of about Rs. 5000 Crores. Consultancy by POWERGRID
Construction and O&M of EHV Transmission System Grid Management SCADA/EMS ABT Metering Telecom POWERGRID’s Expertise
On site administrator for the Tariff Study in Feb.,94 by International Consultant M/s ECC Inc., USA Co-ordinated the study and mooted the idea of frequency linked tariff to ECC Basic frame work developed Lead role in RTFs/ NTF deliberations ABT is a commercial mechanism linked to frequency specially designed for Indian Grid condition CERC hearings with utilities Clarifications on issues CERC issued Order on 04.01.2000 Development of ABT Mechanism
More than 150 presentations to SEBs Generators Central / State Government Other Utilities In-house development of software for Scheduling Energy Accounting Time tested and proven software Legal issues resolved ABT implementation– POWERGRID’s Expertise
Only Utility having proven capability in Development of ABT Implementation of ABT Actual Operating experience Pioneers and leaders in ABT mechanism Expertise to train the personnel Experience in development and implementation of Scheduling Procedure Energy Accounting Development of Special Energy Meters Development of Metering Scheme Experience in Operation of Pool Accounts for UI and reactive Charges POWERGRID’S Expertise in ABT
Foreseen the requirement of a New Meter for ABT Tailor made meter specifications for ABT tariff Prototype development followed by field trials Vendor Development Main features of SEMs Tamper proof and low cost Developed and manufactured indigenously Accuracy of class 0.2 Static Meters to record energy transmittals in 15 min. time block Reactive power measurement in pre-specified voltage conditions Establishment of Data Collection and Data transfer infrastructure Development of Energy Meters by POWERGRID
01.11.2003 POWERGRID co-ordinated and provided all infrastructure for ABT implementation. Other Regions followed 01.12.2002 WR took lead for ABT implementation 01.04.2003 01.07.2002 Pool Accounts Operated by RLDCs. ABT implemented in All Five Regions. 01.01.2003
Relying on our expertise, consultancy for intra-State ABT awarded by GEB. Consultancy being awarded by PSEB shortly Other States are approaching for consultancy Experience in intra-State ABT implementation
RLDCs have collected and disbursed UI Pool account : Rs. 4500 Crores Reactive Pool Account : Rs. 53 Crores No discrepancies, disputes raised Amount disbursed within 3 days e-banking facilities available Expertise in Operation of Pool Account
Similarities between ABT at Regional Level and intra-State level • Regional ABT • Regulator- CERC • Central Sector Generators • IPPs • SEBs • SEMs • Day Ahead Scheduling by RLDCs • Weekly Settlement of regional UI • UI Pool Account • Reactive Pool A/c • Intra-State ABT • Regulator- SERC • State Sector Generators • embedded generators • Discoms • SEMs • Day Ahead Scheduling by SLDCs • Weekly Settlement of State UI • UI Pool Account • Reactive Pool A/c
Work Plan Kick-off Meeting Discussions & Presentations To State Utilities Write-ups and Comments Providing Alternatives on Issues – Discussion of Rationale- Choosing best Options for Maharashtra Review of existIng commercial arrangements among Utilities Embedded generators etc. Study of Experiences at inter- Regional level Preliminary Data By MSEB
Work Plan……..contd. Comments from State Utilities Discussions & Presentations To State Utilities Preparation of Draft Report Submission of Final Report
UI mechanism takes care of the deviations in an inherent way Price based on frequency reflecting load generation balance in the grid No negotiations, no bidding. Flexible-anybody can inject or draw. ISO purchases balancing power and despatches Price of balancing power based on bids which reflect notional market conditions Requires Exchanges, complicated procedure and involves cost in setting up of computerised systems ABT Balancing Market
Inadvertent exch-anges priced based on frequency & price is known to all No gaming UI Pool allows frequency variation between 49.0 and 50.5 Hz. Complex mechanism for pricing inadvertent exchanges Gaming is possible Suitable in systems where frequency has to be maintained close to nominal ABT Balancing Market
POWERGRID EXPERTISE IN SCADA • Establishment of large sized ULDC projects worth Rs.2200 Crores • Multi-vendor RTU integration • Usages of variety of communication mediums • Type testing, FAT/SAT • Establishing system for remote operation of EHV s/s • Separate engineering department
POWERGRID EXPERTISE IN SCADA • Continuous association with leading consultants : KEMA-ECC INC, KEMA-Macro, IVO – Finland, EDF –France • Signed MOU with KEMA ECC INC ,USA Establishment of large sized ULDC projects • Complete project life cycle experience • Preparation of Feasibility report • Preparation of tender specifications • Tender evaluation and award • Design & Engineering, testing & commissioning
NEED OF SCADA FOR ABT • To monitor & control the load & generation in real time • Special energy meters provide energy & average frequency for every 15 minutes time block • Data of energy meters is generally downloaded weekly • SCADA system for energy meters telemetry
SCADA APPLICATIONS • Power flows in real time • Monitor schedule & actual drawals • Provides information on generation • Reactive power management using capacitor / reactors. • Management of voltage by transformer tap adjustment
Unified Grid Operation National Level NLDC Regional Level ERLDC WRLDC NRLDC SRLDC NERLDC 5 Nos. State HQ Level 29 Nos. SLDC SLDC SLDC Group / Distt Level SUB LDC SUB LDC SUB LDC 51 Nos. Plant / Sub- Station Level 1015 Nos. RTU RTU RTU
Pioneers of ABT Synonymous to each other Only Utility with time proven track record Capabilities in all associated systems Expertise recognised internationally Aware of the needs /areas of the power utilities in the country MSEB would be in experienced hands POWERGRID AND ABT
“Very impressive Load Dispatch Centre. First of its kind in the world. Quite sophisticated with data and technology in real time. You Should be proud.”” Linda k. Breathitt, Commissioner, FERC, Washington DC. Observations of FERC
“The new tariff regime has provided significant benefits to the states, Generators and the consumers. It has helped in implementing grid discipline and its optimal and safe operation.” “POWERGRID has achieved a unique landmark in Northern and Southern Regions, having three hierarchical levels as against two levels being implemented worldwide.” Observations of World Bank