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Validation of the LHC09a4 preproduction for the 10 8 pp minimum bias events

Validation of the LHC09a4 preproduction for the 10 8 pp minimum bias events. Open issues. Need to be fixed. Store QA root files. Needs change in rec.C Use the Vertex constrain. Change in rec.C Proper magnetic field selection. Change in rec.C Dead areas in TPC like 2009. Change in DataBase

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Validation of the LHC09a4 preproduction for the 10 8 pp minimum bias events

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  1. Validation of the LHC09a4 preproduction for the 108 pp minimum bias events

  2. Open issues. Need to be fixed • Store QA root files. Needs change in rec.C • Use the Vertex constrain. Change in rec.C • Proper magnetic field selection. Change in rec.C • Dead areas in TPC like 2009. Change in DataBase • Multiple reconstruted tracks in TPC. • Gammas from prim pi0's always stored(missing in 0.5% of events). Change in Config.C or by default (needs change in AliDecayerPythia.cxx) • TPC PID probability for pions is strange. • Generated h distribution for Omegas • TRD tracking info. Change in AliESDtrack • TRD PID. Change in PIDNN

  3. electron sample for TRD M. Heide

  4. Grid production: TPC PID, electrons as electrons

  5. Same, pions as electrons ?

  6. Backup: TPC PID for pions

  7. Pt from grid (everything the V0 finder gives you, cuts on kinks, TPC refit and TRD quality -> one of the tracks has to pass all layers)

  8. Pt in grid production, after cuts on TPC PID, pointing angle and DCA

  9. TRD : A. Bercuci, M.Fasel

  10. resolution to MC systematic to MC TRD supermodule opening angle TRD resolution

  11. resolution to MC systematic to MC TRD supermodule opening angle Tracking performance @ TRD TPC – TRD matching efficiency

  12. Using TRD friends

  13. Plots with trunk after fix AliESDtrack with flat p, all particles

  14. Plots with v4-16-Release after fix AliESDtrack with flat p, all particles

  15. PID performance

  16. TRD comparison for different AliROOT-versions Sebastian Huber - s.huber@gsi.de

  17. The same plot for two AliROOT-versions v4-14-Rev-02 v4-16-Rev-05 What‘s that

  18. phi vs eta of vertex tracks ?

  19. Data-Checking:TPC TRD matching Sylwester Radomski Dirk Krumbhorn

  20. Data • AliRoot: v4-16-Rev-05 • min. bias • ~ 500k events (grid) • analysis based on: $ALICE_ROOT/TRD/qaAnalysis/

  21. pT information • no cuts • pT: • inner Para • outer Para • vertex • constrained to vertex • vertex vs. in • vertex vs. out • lower plots: peak at 0

  22. number of TRD cluster • no cuts except status bits • same entries for TPCrefit and TRDpid except for: no TRD cluster • TRDrefit: • less entries • also entries with 0 clusters

  23. TRD PID info • no cuts • only few tracks with TRDrefit • pT from outer parameter • number of cluster without status cuts

  24. Offline V0 finder (H. Ricaud)

  25. Offline V0 finder: K0S candidates: 0.358 K0S associated: 0.093 (per event) On-the-fly V0 finder: K0S candidates: 0.528 K0S associated: 0.096 (per event)

  26. Offline V0 finder: Λcandidates: 0.381 Λ associated: 0.0094 (per event) On-the-fly V0 finder: Λcandidates: 0.543 Λ associated: 0.011 (per event)

  27. Offline V0 finder: Λcandidates: 0.381 Λ associated: 0.0082 (per event) On-the-fly V0 finder: Λcandidates: 0.543 Λ associated: 0.0095 (per event)

  28. A. Maire (Cascade status)

  29. As seen in rec.C of LHC09a4 (http://pcalimonitor.cern.ch/PWG/)‏ “Double_t v0sels[]={33, // max allowed chi2 0.05, // min allowed impact parameter for the 1st daughter 0.05, // min allowed impact parameter for the 2nd daughter 0.5, // max allowed DCA between the daughter tracks 0.99, // max allowed cosine of V0's pointing angle 0.2, // min radius of the fiducial volume 100 // max radius of the fiducial volume }; AliV0vertexer::SetDefaultCuts(v0sels);” “Double_t xisels[]={33., // max allowed chi2 (same as PDC07)‏ 0.025, // min allowed V0 impact parameter (was 0.05)‏ 0.010, // "window" around the Lambda mass (was 0.008)‏ 0.025, // min allowed bachelor's impact parameter (was 0.035)‏ 0.2,// max allowed DCA between the V0 and the bachelor (was 0.1)‏ 0.998, // max allowed cosine of the cascade pointing angle (was 0.9985)‏ 0.2, // min radius of the fiducial volume (was 0.9)‏ 100// max radius of the fiducial volume (same as PDC07)‏ }; AliCascadeVertexer::SetDefaultCuts(xisels);” All QA plots (Casc + V0 within Casc) = in applicance with those selections, except DCA between V0 and Bach but = was expected (corrected on the trunk but not on the Release branch)‏

  30. Nb of Analysed events

  31. √ Ok. Reconstructed candidates √ Ok.

  32. Reconstructed candidates Low Stat analysed ... √ Ok.

  33. Generated primaries This is expected. - Ok. √ Ok.

  34. ? ? ? why not enhanced Generated primaries

  35. PHOS QA

  36. General QA (1) Number of clusters in PHOS modules per event. All modules show approximately same (reasonable) distribution. Average number of clusters/event: 0.6

  37. General QA (2) Spectra of all clusters again looks reasonable. Spectra in all modules approximately coincide However, in linear scale one can see that in Mod. 4,5 yield is smaller due to holes in TRD/TOF in front of these modules

  38. General QA (3) Distributions in modules are flat as expected

  39. Invariant mass spectra Linear and quadratic parameterization of Bg Width is reasonable: 5-6 MeV

  40. p0 raw yield p0s measured down to 0.5 GeV (note that 5 PHOS modules are included in this simulation About 10 pi0 were measured at pt=5 GeV per 645 000 events Linear and quadratic parameterization of Bg around peak Request: Add PHOS.QA.*.root to the jdl output for more detailed evaluation.

  41. GRID Train task :Multiplicities

  42. Description • In ReadESDs • Loop over ESDtrackCut accepted tracks from a given AliESDEvent • An ESD accepted track is analyzed if: • It exists • It has good label (GetLabel()>0) • It has an AliExternalTrackParam (options: ConstrainedParam or TPCInnerParam) • No kink, TPC refit • It's charged • It passes the user-defined cuts •  Count it in ConnectInputData: AliESDtrackCuts (standard cuts): SetMinNClustersTPC(50); SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(3.5); SetMaxCovDiagonalElements(2,2,0.5,0.5,2) SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE); SetMaxNsigmaToVertex(3); SetRequireSigmaToVertex(kTRUE); SetAcceptKingDaughters(kFALSE); • In ReadMCs • Loop over MC Stack->GetNtrack() from a given AliMCEvent • A particle from the stack if analyzed if • It exists • It "IsPhysicalPrimary" • It is inside a given acceptance (for TPC, | h | < 1.5) • It is charged. • It passes the user-defined cuts •  Count it in Exec: ReadESDs ESD analysis with optional cuts ReadMCs MC truth analysis with optional cuts

  43. Results User cut: GetConstrainedParam full rapidity ( |h|<1.5) no pt cut User cut: GetConstrainedParam central rapidity ( |h|<0.9) no pt cut User cut: GetConstrainedParam all rapidity ( no h cut) no pt cut 2 different ESD cuts 8 different MC truth cuts The output of each cut is stored in a user-defined object No vertex cuts No consistency (mother after daughter)

  44. Forward-Backward (FB) multiplicity correlations nF = forward multiplicity nB = backward multiplicity b = correlation strength Analysis done with AliRoot v4-16-Rev-03 Slightly smaller <Nch> has been observed (from 8.2 to 7.3) (preliminary results) • MC cuts: • Existance of TParticle *particleMC • Inside TPC Full acceptance • Vertex cuts: • if(ParticleMC()->Rho()<0.0001) continue; • if(ParticleMC()->R()>100) continue; • Consistency required • Physical Primary required • pt cut on/off

  45. TPC Jacek Otwinowski

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