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Experimental Design

Understand the various types of experimental designs - from simple to complex and quasi-experimental designs, and learn about threats to validity and control measures. Explore examples such as post-test control group, RMD, and more.

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Experimental Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Experimental Design I. Definition of Experimental Design II. Simple Experimental Design III. Complex Experimental Design IV. Quasi-Experimental Design V. Threats to Validity

  2. Experimental Design I. Definition of Experimental Design Control over the sequence and proportion of the independent variable involving: 1) at least two conditions (i.e. an independent variable); 2) random assignment of subjects to conditions; and 3) the measurement of some outcome (i.e. dependent variable

  3. Experimental Design II. Simple Experimental Design 1. Post-test Control Group Designs (t-test) E R X -> O1 C R -> O2 Example 2. Pre-Post-test Control Group Designs (t-test) E R O1 X -> O3 C R O2 -> O4

  4. Experimental Design II. Simple Experimental Design 3. Soloman Four Group Design (t-test) E1 R X1 -> O1 C1 R -> O2 E2 R O1 X1 -> O3 C2 R O2 -> O4 4. Simple Designs using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) E1 R X1 -> O1 E2 R X2 -> O2 E3 R X3 -> O3

  5. Experimental Design III. Complex Experimental Design (Factorial Designs) 1. Completely Randomized Designs (Here a 2x3 CRD) C-E1C-E2 C-E3 R-E1 O11 O12 O13 R-E2 O21 O22 O23 Main Effects Interaction Effects

  6. Experimental Design III. Complex Experimental Design 2. Incomplete Designs (IRD) Split Plot Design C-E1C-E2C-E3 R-E1 - O12 O13 R-E2 O21 O22 - 3. Repeated Measures Designs (RMD) Latin Square Design O1 O2 O3 O4 O2 O3 O4 O1 O3 O4 O1 O2 O4 O1 O2 O3

  7. Experimental Design IV. Quasi-Experimental Design 1. One Shot Case Study E O1 X ->O2 2. Non-Equivalent Control Group Design E O1 X -> O3 C O2 -> O4 3. Interrupted Time-Series Design E O1 O2 O3 X O4 O5 O6

  8. Experimental Design V. Threats to Validity 1. History = confounding of IV over time 2. Maturation = age / experience contaminate 3. Testing = subjects come to understanding IV 4. Regression to the Mean = extreme scores regress 5. Selection of Participants = non-random assignment 6. Mortality = subject attrition 7. Diffusion of Treatments = lack of control group

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