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Simulation with Arena
1. Chapter 7Entity Transfer andSteady-State Statistical Analysis Last update September 7, 1999Last update September 7, 1999
2. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 2 What Well Do ... Types of Entity Transfers
Resource-Constrained Transfers
Transporters (Model 7.1)
Non-accumulating (Model 7.2)
Accumulating (Model 7.3)
Statistical analysis of steady-state simulations
Warm up and run length (Model 7.4)
Truncated replications (Model 7.5)
Batching in a single run (Model 7.6)
Automatic run-time confidence intervals via batch means
3. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 3 Types of Entity Transfers Connect
Connection graphic vs. module Labels (no graphic)
Non-zero-delay constant, r.v., expression
Stations, animated Routes
Fixed routes vs. entity-dependent Sequences
Connect and Route both assume:
No limit on number in transit at a time
Entities have their own feet
4. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 4 Resource-Constrained Transfers Limit total number of entities in transit at a time
Telecommunications (number of packets)
Logistics (number of vehicles)
Entities still have their own feet
Model via existing constructs think creatively
Model space on the road as a Resource
Limit number of Units of this Resource
Entity must Seize unit of space resource before beginning trip, Release it at end of trip
The space resource must be defined via a Resources module if > 1 unit is required
5. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 5 Resource-Constrained Transfers (contd.) Leave Data area of many logic modules
Tran Out button
Seize a unit of the space resource
Priority (1 is highest, )
If no units are free, entity must stay where it is
Option for Load Time
Enter Data area of many logic modules
Tran In button
Release the unit of the space resource
Option for Unload Time
6. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 6 Transporter Concepts Carts, fork lifts, trucks, wheelchairs, people,
When entity is ready to go somewhere, it needs to be picked up and moved
Use Transporters moveable resources
Activities: Request, Transport, and Free
Two types of Transporters
Free-Path (well do)
Travel time depends only on velocity, distance
Ignore traffic jams and their resulting delays
Guided (wont do)
AGVs, intersections, etc.
7. Simulation with Arena Chapter 7 Entity Transfer and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 7 - 7 Creating Transporters Transporter data module (Transfer panel) Transporter name (Cart in our model) Number of Units (2) Free Path vs. Guided (accept Free Path default) Distance Set (accept default name Cart_Dst) Velocity (50 feet/min.) Initial Position (accept Arbitrary default) Options ... When Freed ... (Remain Where Freed) Can have Schedules, Failures, Statistics Picture for animation, including Ride Point