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Charmed Meson measurements using a Silicon Tracker in Au+Au collisions at √S NN = 200 GeV in STAR experiment at RHIC. Jaiby Joseph Ajish 11/2/2011. Outline. Quick summary of my contributions Introduction Why collide nuclei at high energies? RHIC, STAR Physics at RHIC
Charmed Meson measurements using a Silicon Tracker in Au+Au collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV in STAR experiment at RHIC Jaiby Joseph Ajish 11/2/2011
Outline • Quick summary of my contributions • Introduction • Why collide nuclei at high energies? • RHIC, STAR • Physics at RHIC • Important observations • Heavy quark sector • Charm measurement using Silicon Tracker • Secondary vertexing • Strategy of reconstruction • Proof of principle with Ks0 • Results • Future
My contributions Charm Analysis • debugging the micro-vertexing code: - QA of the reconstructed parameters, fixing problems with dE/dx cut, and resolution studies. • Detailed Monte Carlo studies for online/offline cut optimization • Productions of Micro DSTs and Pico-DSTs • First observation charmed meson signal in real data (from 2007 Au+Au dataset) • Signal extraction, optimization, fitting, pT binning • Embedding QA, Study of Systematics and Physics Analysis Service Work • acceptance of D-mesons with a prototype designfor the HFT upgrade
Why collide nuclei at high energies? Phase Diagram Study the Strong Interaction at high temperatures/densities Understand how matter behaved at the dawn of the Universe Create and study the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase of nuclear matter. Net Baryon Density Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interactions. QCD provides us with 2 important characteristics of quark-gluon interactions (1)Asymptotic freedom – High energies, weakly interacting quarks and gluons (2) Confinement – No free quarks have been observed Collisions of heavy ions at relativistic speeds creates extreme temperatures/densities: Nuclear MatterQuark-Gluon Plasma (deconfinedpartonic matter) Lattice QCD predicts the phase transition at: Tc ~ 150 -170 MeV and ρ ~ 1GeV/fm3
RHIC Collisions Initial Conditions STAR Detector view of the event Initial high Q2 interactions Hadronization Freeze-Out Partonic matter QGP Collision systems used at RHIC are: Au+Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au and p+pat different energies (7.7 GeV to 500 GeVfor p+p)
STAR Detector (in 2007) • The tracking system consisted of : • TPC : provides momentum, particle identification • Silicondetectors : • 1 layer of silicon strip detectors (SSD) and 3 layers of silicon drift detectors (SVT). • higher spatial resolution : pointing resolution of 250µm in transverse direction (at 1GeV) was achieved (see below).
schematic view of jet production hadrons leading particle q q hadrons • Scattered partons propagate through matter • radiate energy (~ GeV/fm) in colored medium • interaction of parton with partonic matter • suppression of high pt particles • aka “parton energy loss” or “jet quenching” • suppression of angular correlation leading particle vacuum QGP Physics @ RHICNew with Heavy Ions • Hard Parton Scattering • Jets and mini-jets (from hard-scattering of partons) 30 - 50 % of particle production high pt leading particles • azimuthal correlations • Extend into perturbative regime • Calculations reliable
Physics @ RHICImportant observations (Light flavors) Partonic Energy Loss • In central Au+Au collisions the light hadrons in away-side jets are suppressed. • Not the caseinp+p and d+Au • In addition, a measurement of energy loss of high pTpartons using RAB shows significant suppression • partons lose energy via gluon radiation Nuclear modification factor RAA → energy loss in partonic mater RAA= (A-A pTspectra)/(p-p pTspectra * “volume”) Medium created at RHIC has very high opacity
Physics @ RHIC –Heavy Quark Sector • Heavy flavor is produced at the earlier stages of the collision via gluon fusion : • not affected by chiral symmetry restoration(i.e. mass is the same in/out of medium) • production cross-section found to binary scale • ideal to probe the medium createdin heavy ion collision • Theoretical models predicted gluon radiative energy loss for heavy quarks to besmaller than of light quarks, which is not experimentally observed. • Measuring collective motion (v2) of charm mesons will indicate whether thermalization is reached in the earlier steps of the collision. • There are unresolved charm cross-section discrepancies between STAR and PHENIX 1) Non-photonic electrons (NPE) Method - decayed from charm and beauty hadrons 2) At pT ≥ 6 GeV/c, RAA(NPE) ~ RAA(h±) !!! 3) Surprising Results: contradicts pQCD predictions challenges our understanding of the energy loss mechanism Needs Direct measurement of D and B mesons
Measurement using Silicon Vertex Detector and decay vertex fit ✔ In order to enhance physics capabilities, STAR used a 1-layer silicon strip (SSD) and 3-layer silicon drift (SVT) detectors which are placed inside the TPC. ✔ Full operation in year 2005 and 2007 ✔ Was not designed (thickness, geometry) for charm measurement ✔ Full reconstruction/fit of the decay vertex by combining K and π tracks – Some particle ID capabilities obtained from TPC dE/dx bands of Kaon, Pion Caveats: Very short lived particles: for a realistic D0 distribution average decay-length at <pT> ~ 1 GeV/c is 60-70 μm Marginal resolution: At <pT> ~ 1GeV/c, the resolution achieved with hits on all silicon layers is ~ 250 μm Poor PID: For p > 0.7GeV/c, the K, π bands overlap giving rise to large combinatorial background. Poor PID
D0 Decay Topology Reco - MC [cm] Mean of the difference reconstructed -MC Rms of the difference reconstructed -MC • Full reconstruction/fit of the decay vertex • Introduction/Use of full track error matrix for best error estimates • Optimization of cuts based on MC studies • Better resolution in secondary vertex position is achieved with the fit method compared to usual helix swimming methods.
Reconstructed Quantities (example) (MC Data (pure D0) Events) pT Resolution Invariant Mass Reconstructed Decay Vertex Resolution • Resolution : • Inv Mass ~ 13 MeV (0.7%, after a gauss fit) • Trans. Momentum ~ 17 MeV • Decay Vertex Coordinates ~ 220 μm (transverse) • ~ 200 μm (z-direction) • The reconstructed parameters behave as • expected with the current detector resolution.
Proof of principle with K0s • Test with K0s decay reconstruction : • K0S π+ π- (BR = 69.2%) ; c = 2.68 cm ; Mass = 0.497 MeV/c2 • Signed decay length : • an excess can be observed on the positive side of the decay length distribution, indicating the presence of long-lived decays. • use the decay length significanceL/L to improve the signal. • more appropriate because of the momentum dependence of the decay length. Before cut After cut background Signal+background After using a cutSL > 10, a clear peak at the K0S mass is observed.
D0+D0bar Signal (in 2007 Data) • 24 Million Au+Au @ 200 GeV/c events are used for this analysis. • 3rd degree polynomial fit is used for background estimation. • Kinematic fit yields an improved signal of 10-σ for combined D0+D0bar signal. • Signal remains stable as cuts are varied. Pol3 + gaus Pol3 gaus fit Gaussian Mean = 1864.19 ± 10 MeV
Invariant Mass of D0 and D0bar separately D0bar/D0 Ratio ~ 1.18 ± 0.24 Statistical thermal models predict vanishing baryonic chemical potential (μB) at RHIC energies ( ) The D0bar/D0 ratio obtained here is compatible with unity indicating a vanishing μB.
Attempts to extract physics • Uncorrected pT spectra: • A normalized pT Spectra corrected for • acceptance and efficiency is used to: • - extract total charm cross-section, freeze out parameters etc. • - calculate energy loss RAA • At this time, we do not have a proper embedding sample to do corrections • - sample has too few Silicon hits • The ratio of central to MB yield in |y|<0.5, scaled by the number of binary collisions: • A ratio 1 is expected • results from polynomial fit background is inconsistent with the binary collision scaling of charm. Some of the results with a polynomial background estimate seem to be inconsistent. A robust background estimation method needed to see if the peak observed was an artifact – a “same sign” background subtraction method was performed
An explanation for the non-consistent physics results Same cuts are used to produce this picture that were used in the polynomial fit case The fact that about a third of the SVT/SSD system was dead during Run-7, combined with the marginal resolution of the previous generation silicon detector and combinatorial background limits our efforts. A final effort to measure the signal using a multivariate analysis is in progress.
Ongoing Analysis with Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) • TMVA is a ROOT integrated machine learning technique. It uses classifiers to discriminate signal from background. • We used the Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) classifier • Training samples for signal (pure D0) and background (`same sign’) are provided. It will produce a classifier output with weight files for signal and background. • After training, testing can be done with Data sample (MC Embedding/Real) MC D0 Embedding 2007 Au+Au Data (1-2% of available data) • Preliminary results looks promising, work in progress to run over the whole data – which will be the final phase of this analysis.
Recent charm measurements with Time Of Flight (TOF) Detector • STAR Time Of Flight (TOF) detector provides better particle ID • measure particle velocity β • dE/dx+ TOF offers excellent K, π separation up to p ~ 1.5 - 2 GeV/c • New results use ~ 250 Million Au+Au Events from year 2010 and p+p events from 2009 Charm Cross Section Corrected pT Spectrum and RAA in AuAu D0 and D* in p+p • Charm cross section shows scaling with number of binary collisions indicating charm production via initial hard scattering • Suppression of charmed meson observed around ~ 4 GeV/c
Future Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) • STAR is undergoing a detector upgrade for the unambiguous measurement of charm – The Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) Key Measurements of HFT include: (1) Rcp (3) Charmed Baryon to Meson Enhancement (2) Elliptic flow, v2 • The method developed here is a baseline for analysis involving the Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT)
Distance ofClosest Approach resolution • run 7 Au+Au@200GeV (MinBias trigger). • DCA resolution as a function of inverse momentum. • Reflect the resolution and Multiple Coulomb Scattering. STAR preliminary • Including the silicon detectors in the tracking improves the pointing resolution. • with 4 silicon hits, the pointing resolution to the interaction point ~ 250 μmat P = 1GeV/c.
Secondary Vertex fit – Simulation Reco - MC [cm] Mean of the difference reconstructed -MC Rms of the difference reconstructed -MC Reco vs. MC [cm] • There is no systematic shift in reconstructed quantities. • The standard deviation of the distribution is flat at ~ 250 m, which is of the order of the resolution of (SSD+SVT).
Strategy of Reconstruction Cuts are applied in the analysis code to reduce background and to increase the candidate pool Select Event – Apply Event Level Cuts Select Trigger Cuts on Z-Vertex Position and its error Loop over Tracks – Apply Track Level Cuts Number of Silicon Hits Transverse DCA (DCAXY) Track Momentum etc. Pair Association - D0 Candidate Level Cuts rapidity, Cosine of Kaon decay angle etc. Decay Vertex Fit – Decay fit Level Cuts probability of fit, decay length error of decay length etc. Particle Identification – Apply PID Cuts |nσK|, |nσπ| Output Saved for offline Analysis
Measurement via Semi leptonic (indirect) channels • Indirect measurement through Semi-leptonic decay channels: • D0 e+ + X (BR : 6.9 %) • D+/-e+/- + X (BR : 17.2%) • ✔Large pT range. • Use of specific triggers • Relative contribution of electrons from B and D mesons are unknown. Measurement using azimuthal correlation of D mesons with e- Azimuthal correlation of open charm mesons with non-photonic Electroncan be utilized to disentangle the charm and bottom contributions
Measurement via hadronic (direct) channels • Direct measurement using a combinatorial method • Measurement of hadronic decay modes via invariant mass analysis. • D0 (D0)K-+(K+-) BR : 3.8 % • D+/-K BR : 9.2% • ✔ C and B contributions separated. • Limited to low momentum range. • No triggers, no decay vertex reconstruction • Challenging for charm mesons due to small decay length Results using STAR Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Detector (TOF+TPC offers better PID) TPC Only (Low pT)
2007 Production MinBias Cuts in 1st Production • cut changed • new cut Cuts in 2nd Production • EVENT level • triggerId : 200001, 200003, 200013 • Primary vertex position along the beam axis : • |zvertex| < 10 cm • Resolution of the primary vertex position along the beam axis: • |zvertex|< 200µm • TRACKS level • Number of hits in the vertex detectors: SiliconHits>1 • Transverse Momentum of tracks: • pT >.5GeV/c • Momentum of tracks • p >.8GeV/c • Ratio TPC hits Fitted/Possible > 0.51 • Pseudo-rapidity :||<1.2 • dEdxTrackLength>40 cm • DCA to Primary vertex (transverse), • DCAxy< .2 cm • Radius of first hit on track : • < 9 cm if number of silicon hits =2 • < 13 cm else • EVENT level • triggerId : 200001, 200003, 200013 • Primary vertex position along the beam axis : • |zvertex| < 10 cm • Resolution of the primary vertex position along the beam axis: • |zvertex|< 200µm • TRACKSlevel • Number of hits in the vertex detectors : • SiliconHits>2 (tracks with sufficient DCA resolution) • Transverse Momentum of tracks: • pT >.5GeV/c • Momentum of tracks: • p >.5GeV/c • Number of fitted: • TPC hits > 20 • Pseudo-rapidity :||<1(SSD acceptance) • dEdxTrackLength>40 cm • DCA to Primary vertex (transverse), • DCAxy< .1 cm
Continued.. Cuts from Previous production Cuts in New Production • D0 candidate • |y(D0)|<1 • |cos(*)|<0.8 • DECAY FIT level • Probability of fit >0.01 && |sLength|<.1cm • Particle ID : ndEdx :|nK|<2.5, |nπ|<2.5 DECAY FIT level Probability of fit >0.1 && |sLength|<.1cm Particle ID : ndEdx :|nK|<2, |nπ|<2 In both productions we made a pico file for further analysis. Cuts Used for making a pico file Previous Production New Production • ndEdx :|nK|<2, |nπ|<2 • |cos(*)|<0.6 • DCA daughters < 300 µm |D0Eta|<1.85 |Cos(θ*)<0.6
Physics @ RHIC Important observations (Light flavors) Partonic Energy Loss Partonic Collectivity • Substantial elliptic flow (v2) signal observed for a variety of particle species. • Rapid Thermalization • v2 scaled by the number of valance quarks shows an apparent scaling • Development of anisotropy in the partonic stage of collision • In central Au+Au collisions the light hadrons in away-side jets are suppressed. • Different for p+p and d+Au • In addition, a measurement of energy loss of high pTpartons using RAB shows significant suppression • partons lose energy via gluon radiation Medium created at RHIC has very high opacity Behaves like an ideal fluid
Heavy Quark Energy Loss Puzzle – NPE Method Still the main method at RHIC STAR: Phys. Rew. Lett, 98, 192301(2007) and nucl-ex/0607012v3 1) Non-photonic electrons (NPE) decayed from - charm and beauty hadrons 2) At pT ≥ 6 GeV/c, RAA(NPE) ~ RAA(h±) !!! Contradicts naïve pQCD predictions Surprising results - - challenge our understanding of the energy loss mechanism - force us to RE-think about the elastic-collisions energy loss - Requiresdirect measurements of c- and b-hadrons.
Charm Cross-Section Comparison at 200 GeV STAR and PHENIX do not agree about total charm production x-section NLO Ref: R. Vogt, arXiv:0709.2531v1 [hep-ph] Need precise, exclusive measurements
Measurement via Semi leptonic (indirect) channels • Indirect measurement through Semi-leptonic decay channels: • D0 e+ + X (BR : 6.9 %) • D+/-e+/- + X (BR : 17.2%) • ✔Large pT range. • Relative contribution of electrons from B and D mesons are unknown. • Use of specific triggers Measurement using azimuthal correlation of D mesons with e- Azimuthal correlation of open charm mesons with non-photonic Electroncan be utilized to disentangle the charm and bottom contributions[3] ✔ Triggers on high pT electrons Any information from direct reconstruction of D and B-mesons would help