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Special Guests: Senate Leadership, Future SCHED Senators, Rules Committee Senate Committee Assignments, present and potential future Forthcoming LAS Elections Cocktails- Brooklyn’s at the Pepsi Center. LAS Caucus April 9, 2014. Current Membership. 66 LAS 28 SPS 20 SPS + 8 EDU
Special Guests: Senate Leadership, Future SCHED Senators, Rules Committee Senate Committee Assignments, present and potential future Forthcoming LAS Elections Cocktails- Brooklyn’s at the Pepsi Center LAS Caucus April 9, 2014
Current Membership • 66 LAS • 28 SPS 20 SPS + 8 EDU • 16 BUS • + Cat II, AFF, etc.
ARTICLE IV Section 2 • Membership on Committees.Unless otherwise indicated in the Bylaws, membership on committees shall be as follows: each school shall have a number of representatives equal to the integer quotient of the number of committee members divided by the number of schools. Any additional members for any committees shall be elected from the Senate at large.
There are 13 Committees (L,S,B,A) (plus appointments) • APC (3,2,2,1) • Budget (2,2,2,2) • Curriculum (3,3,3,2) • Elections (1,1,1,2) • Diversity (4,3,2,0) • Welfare (3,2,1,2) • GenStud(2,1,1,0,+) • IRC (1,1,1,2) • Multicultural (2,1,1,1) • Prof Leave (3,2,2,0) • RTP (3,2,2,0) • Rules (2,2,2,1) • Stud Aff (1,1,1,2) • TOTAL LAS: 30 • TOTAL SPS: 25 • TOTAL BUS: 21 • AT-LARGE: 14
Senator to Seat ratio Senators may occupy two committee seats max. • LAS:66/30 = 2.20 Senators/Seat .45 seats/sen • SPS:28/25 = 1.12 Senators/Seat .9 seats/sen • BUS:16/21 = 0.76 Senators/Seat 1.3 seats/sen • EDU: 8/20 = 0.4 (!) 2.5 seats/sen • While SPS 20/25 = 0.8 That’s Unpossible!
My thoughts to EDU Senators • Senate votes should represent departments • Committee votes should represent Schools/Faculty in General • Organized Caucusing with SPS or BUS should increase your input, not marginalize it
Six Caucuses? Rewrite Article IV Section 2 Rewrite FS By-Laws
LAS L, A, S • If LAS breaks into three caucuses, Science (the largest) could also break into two caucuses– why not--, doubling the committee seat representation • Three caucuses under Article IV Section 2 would make for larger committees with more LAS representation.
*RTP • Must be tenured • Must not be in any other level of candidate review