This happens because when you look inside the bottom hole of the periscope, the light beam reflected off the topmirror that is angled to reflect the light beam on to the bottommirror which is angled to reflect the light out the bottom end of the periscope toward your eye. Therefore, when you look into the bottom end of the periscope, it appears that you are looking out the top end. Periscopes When you look into the bottom end of the periscope, you see out the top end… but why?
The History of Periscopes • The periscope was invented for the navy in 1902 by Simon Lake but later perfected by Sir Howard Grubb. • The USS Holland submarine was an advanced piece of technology, but had one flaw: the crew on the submarine couldn't see. So, With Sir Howard Grubb’s help, they installed a periscope. • Up until around 1955, submarines relied on periscopes to guide them though the dark depths of sea. Now and days, submarines rely on installed underwater television.