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知的インタフェース特論. Main Topics for 1998. Concurrent Computation Models Formal Abstract Models Concurrent Programming Methodology. Keywords. Concurrency, Communication, Formal Semantics Verification, Distributed Computation, CSP. Textbook and Preferred Reading. Textbook.
知的インタフェース特論 Main Topics for 1998 • Concurrent Computation Models • Formal Abstract Models • Concurrent Programming Methodology Keywords Concurrency, Communication, Formal Semantics Verification, Distributed Computation, CSP 知的インタフェース特論
Textbook and Preferred Reading • Textbook Communicating Sequential Processes C.A.R. Hoare ISBN 0-13-153271-5 Necessary copies will be distributed at each lecture • Preferred Reading Communication and Concurrency, Milner (ISBN 0-13-115007-3) The Theory and Practice of Concurrency, Roscoe (ISBN 0-13-674409-5) Other materials will be shown on the web page. 知的インタフェース特論
Communication Links • The Web Pages Of Lectures: Http://www.agusa.nuie.nagoyau.ac.jp/person/yuen/csp.html Of CSP: Http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/ • The Mailing List Lecture-interface@agusa.nuie.nagoya-u.ac.jp To attend, write a message with subject “APPEND” to lecture-interface-control@agusa.nuie.nagoya-u.ac.jp 知的インタフェース特論
A Concurrent Computation Model communication Program2 Program1 Different from the sequential computation models (such as the classical automaton) in that: • Distributed controls (Synchronous or Asynchronous) • Intermediate observation by communication • Reactive behavior 知的インタフェース特論
Difficulties in Concurrency • Non-determinism • Synchronization • Open Semantics Caused by the distributed controls Relative constraints by communication mechanism Cannot be captured as simple functions 知的インタフェース特論
So, what’s the matter? Observation Programs in a network make a concurrent computation • Non-determinism Lack of stability • Synchronization Environment Dependency • Reactivity History Sensitiveness Hard to find a bug Hard to prove the correctness 知的インタフェース特論
P1 P2 delay P1 P2 Example (Wired Logic Circuit) BUT 知的インタフェース特論
Cf:=0; lf:=1; Send frame cf and ack lf; cf:=cf; (*) Loop begin got ack 0 ==> lf:=0; send frame cf and ack lf; cf:=cf & timeout ==> resend frame cf and ack lf; got ack 1 ==> lf:=1; send frame cf and ack lf; cf:=cf & timeout ==> resend frame cf and ack lf; Loop end Channel Channel Example (Sliding Windows Protocol) One bit protocol Station A Station B A station can send the next data without at most one acknowledge. 知的インタフェース特論
A0 0 1 B0 0 0 A1 1 0 B1 1 1 A2 An n 0 1 a Example cnt’d (SW Protocol) Station A Station B Events A sends frame 0, acks frame 1 B receives frame 0 B sends frame 0, acks frame 0 A receives frame 0 A sends frame 1, acks frame 0 B receives frame 1 B sends frame 1, acks frame 1 A receives frame 1 A sends frame 0, acks frame 1 Typical (intended) trace for the protocol Last frame # received correctly Current frame # 知的インタフェース特論
A0 0 1 B0 0 0 A0 0 1 B0 0 0 A1 1 0 Example cnt’d (SW Protocol) Station A Station B Events A sends frame 0, acks frame 1 B receives frame 0 B sends frame 0, acks frame 0 Frame get lost A resends frame 0, acks frame 1 B receives frame 0 B sends frame 0, acks frame 0 A receives frame 0 A sends frame 1, acks frame 0 A trace with time-out 知的インタフェース特論
A0 0 1 B0 B0 B1 1 0 0 1 0 1 A0 0 0 B1 1 0 A1 A1 1 1 1 0 Example cnt’d (SW Protocol) Station A Station B Events A and B sends frame 0, acks frame 1 A and B receives frame 0 with ack 1 A and B resend frame 0, ack frame 0 A and B receive frame 0 with ack 0 A and B send frame 1, acks frame 0 A and B receive frame 1 with ack 0 A and B send frame 1, acks frame 1 A and B receive frame 1 with ack 1 Duplicated trace 知的インタフェース特論
Then, how to tackle them? Verification of Programs • Test • Proof of correctness A Program is believed to be correct if it passes tests. Practical, but not complete A Program is correct if it is proved to be correct. Often not practical, but complete 知的インタフェース特論
In this Lecture…, We mainly focus on proofs of correctness since: • Concurrent Programs are difficult to be dealt with. • Reliability is often critical. • Formal Semantics can be the fundamental design principle. 知的インタフェース特論
Objectives For concurrent (network) programming: • High reliability • Maintenance with less effort • Appropriate flexibility 知的インタフェース特論
Techniques to be used = Abstract Formal Method • Too much details • A number of assumptions • Too complex semantics Formal Description (Computer) Program Too concrete very often Especially for concurrent (network) programs 知的インタフェース特論
A simple example from UNIX #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> main(int argc,char **argv) { if (fork()==0) { printf(“This is a child process : %d\n”,getpid()); printf(“My parent is : %d\n”,getppid()); } else { printf(“This is the parent proess : %d\n”,getpid()); printf(“My parent is : %d\n”,getppid()); } } 知的インタフェース特論
Another Simple Example in Unix 知的インタフェース特論
A simple Example in JAVA 知的インタフェース特論
A simple Example in JAVA (cnt’d) Altair-yuen>>51 java ProcessEmu This is a parent thread : Thread-4 My parent thread is main This is a child thread : Thread-5 My parent thread is Thread-4 知的インタフェース特論
Why so difficult? Inappropriate Abstractness in Description • Operating System • Language Syntax System Call mechanism Various Data Structures Specification Objectives Semantic Coarseness Control mechanism 知的インタフェース特論
Prospects • Abstract Description • Automated Reasoning Mathematical Notation Semantic Clarity Abstractness Handling Specific Calculus Axiomatic Characterization Proof system 知的インタフェース特論
Spectrum • Global Synchronousness • Communication Mechanism • Network dynamism Assume the global tick or not. Synchronous or Asynchronous. Dynamic or Static Networks. 知的インタフェース特論
Computation Model communication Program1 Program2 • Control over programs • Communication Model Yes : Synchronous No: Asynchronous Synchronous / Asynchronous Implementation 知的インタフェース特論
Communicating Sequential Processes Hoare, C.A.R. (1978, 1985) • Asynchronous over program • Synchronous communication • Sequential control for each program • Static Configuration Http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/tony.hoare.html 知的インタフェース特論
What to be discussed for CSP Theoretical Aspect • Abstract Operational Model • Algebraic Characterization • Various Semantics Software-Model Aspect • Modeling • Tools • Verification Techniques 知的インタフェース特論
Communicating Process Model • Agents • Ports • Links One-to-one communication 知的インタフェース特論
, , ) ( S, S 1 The Operational Model LTS= Labeled Transition system Nondeterminism S 1 Nondeterminism 知的インタフェース特論
A Typical Example Is it the case that P=Q? 知的インタフェース特論
The Answer is… • Yes • No Since complete traces are identical Deadlock distinguishes them 知的インタフェース特論
A More subtle Example 知的インタフェース特論