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Case 1/Case 2 Classification. Morel & Prieur, 1977. Limnology & Oceanography 22(4):709-722. Case 1/Case 2 Classification. Morel & Prieur, 1977. Limnology & Oceanography 22(4):709-722. Case 1/Case 2 Classification.
Case 1/Case 2 Classification Morel & Prieur, 1977. Limnology & Oceanography 22(4):709-722
Case 1/Case 2 Classification Morel & Prieur, 1977. Limnology & Oceanography 22(4):709-722
Case 1/Case 2 Classification An ideal case 2, a suspension of non-living material with a zero concentration of pigments An ideal case 1 would be a pure culture of phytoplankton
Case 1/Case 2 Classification current definitions • Models use [chl] as the input parameter to predict IOPs (usually a, b, and bb) and/or AOPs (usually R(l) and K) • Models also used to estimate [chl] from IOPs/AOPs (e.g. ocean color) • Models cannot simply use [chl] (anyone need a good thesis topic?)
Problems with Case 1/Case 2 • no sharp dividing line between cases • CDOM concentration • coccoliths (scattering) • [chl] is a poor proxy for biomass or C • chl:C changes • [chl] varies with depth • global correlations do not imply local ones • developed for optically deep waters • all optically shallow waters are case 2?
input of CDOM from shallow areas drained during ebb tide predicted a from a standard case 1 bio-optical model open ocean water from flood tide Problems: An Example
predicted from a standard case 1 bio-optical model Problems: An Example Is this case 1 or case 2??
Oh the Complexities • classify parameters differently (b is case 1 and a is case 2) • doesn’t address some problems • different wavelengths could be classified differently • rapid temporal fluctuations between 1 & 2 • breaking waves Mobley et al suggest dropping the case1/case2 classification and simply model waterbodies according to their constituents. (understand the complexities!)
Current Work optical properties of phytoplankton species Stramski & Mobley, 1997. Limnology & Oceanography 42(3):538-549
Current Work optical properties of mineral particles Babin & Stramski, 2004. Limnology & Oceanography 49(3):756-767.
Current Work coupled physical-biological-optical models Fig. 3a. Simulated particulate absorption at 442 nm. Fig. 4a. Total chlorophyll a from functional groups 1-4. Bissett et al, 1999. Deep-Sea Research: Part I, 46(2):271-317.
Understanding IOPs & AOPS • Inverse modeling (Rrs [chl], other parameters) more difficult • Case 1, optically deep waters • radiative transfer theory • derivative analysis • neural networks • spectrum matching Using input of data from Figs 1&2, modeled using Hydrolight