DCAH CHAPTER 5 1763-1783 Revolutionary periodGeorge IIINo taxation without representationsEnglish Debt after French and Indian war, Salutary neglectLawsProclamation of 1763Stamp act of 1765boycottsstamp act congresssons of libertydeclaratory act 1766townshend acts (paper, glass, lead, paint, tea)trials held in admiralty courtsquartering actboston massacre 1770Sam adams defense of the soldierspeace returns 1770-1773 except tea tax
TEA ACT CHANGES IN THE ACT TO TRICK THE COLONIST • SMUGGLING • BOSTON TEA PARTY 1773 • COERCIVE ACTS – INTOLERABLE ACTS • COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE • 1ST CONTINENTIAL CONGRESS 1774 • LEXINGTON AND CONCORD – Gen Gage, Paul Revere, Minutemen • 2ND CONTINENTIAL CONGRESS • BUNKER HILL • Gen. George Washington, Boston, Minuteman Army • Thomas Paine and “Common Sense” • Patrick Henry and “Give me liberty or give me death” • Committee to explore Independence – T. Jefferson, B, Franklin, J, Adams, E. Randolph, R. Sherman
Declaration of independence – July 4, 1776Dorchester heightsnew york city - long island, new jersey, winter fighting“crossing the deleware “and princetoncampaign of 1777 - barryst. leger, gentleman johnnyburgoyne,sir williamhoweSaratogaresults of saratoga – french allianceBritish move south - charleston SC - Cornwallisloyalist vs patriotsCornwallis move north to virginiayorktown 1781allies desire to delay the peace treatytreaty of paris 1783independencefishing rightsbordersloyalist claims