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Violence against parents: family dynamics and keys for the intervention. Paris, 27th November 2010. Some facts. Violence against parents: an emergent phenomenon Numbers (I). About the increase of judicial complaints:. Violence against parents judicial complaints in Spain (*).
Violence against parents:family dynamics and keys for the intervention Paris, 27th November 2010
Violence against parents: an emergent phenomenonNumbers (I) About the increase of judicial complaints: Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Violence against parents judicial complaints in Spain(*) (*)Source: El Correo (19/05/2008) Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Adolescence Violence against parents:Contextual and personal characteristicsCalvete, E., Orúe, I. y Sampedro, R. (2009). En Prensa • Longitudinal studies. • 1.477 adolescent sample between 12 and 17 years old. • 7,2% has attacked their parents once at least. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Relationship between women attacked and their aggressors Servicio de Atención Telefónica para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Masculina Doméstica Gobierno Vasco - Agintzari Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Definition Physical violence (aggressions, pushes, throwing objects) or verbal violence (repetitive insults, menaces) o non verbal violence (aggression menaces, broking appreciate objects), make them repetitive against parents or their tutors. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Violence against parents types • Traditional VAP: problem add to another big one. • New VAP: the VAP as the main problem Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“Traditional” violence against parents • Autism or serious mental deficiency. • Mental disorders: delirious or hallucinations. • Mental disorders related with drug-addition. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“Traditional” violence against parents • Adolescents that defence themselves being victims of abuse. • Violence used as a way of protection. • Retaliation: child abused or abandoned that return the treatment when the roles change. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“New” Violence (I) • It’s a new intra-family violence model, in one hand related with the “control” and “power” and in the other, with the obtaining of objectives. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“New” Violence (II) • Children, adolescents and young people, visibly “settled down”, with more or less violence behaviour extended, but often reduce to the family surrounding. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“New” Violence (III) • Often Drug-taking. But these consumes don’t appear in the “centre” of the problem, “additional” problem or “facilitator” of the violence. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
“New” Violence (IV) • Violence in “scale”: it starts with insults, continues with menaces and breaking objects and finishes with physical aggressions more and more serious. • This process could take years. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
General facts (I) • Prevalence: very different numbers and little credible (from 0,6 to 16 %) • Age: often old parents • Social level: from every socio-economical level • Gender: • Aggressor: inter-gender similar probability • Attacked: mothers have more probabilities Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (I) • Educational model change: • From authoritarianism to permissiveness. • From a hierarchic model (authoritarian) to a “democratic” bad understood model. • In family and school. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (II) • Educative conflicts between parents and teachers Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (III) • in the number of children. • in the number of hours that parents stay at home: “key children”. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (IV) • Changes in family models: Nuclear family < 50 % Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (V) • Changes in the family cycle: delay in the medium age of paternity ↓ “Aged parents” Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Social changes (VI) • More permissive society with aggressive behaviour from children and less from the parents. • in the violent messages in de Media. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Pseudo-independence • These things make that parents authority decreased. • Many children accede to a pseudo-independence: their parents have abdicated in their roles and have to get in charge of their lives without an effective detachment. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Lack of de Legitimacy • Children have more power ,and in some occasion have all the power: despotic children. • However, they have not legitimacy to exercise power: to conserve it, they have to use violence. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (II) • Gallagher (2004) correlates VAP with two educative styles: • Permissive-liberal • Authoritarian violent Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IIIa) • Authoritarian-violent style More related with traditional VAP Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IIIb) • Multi-violent families Violence as a conflict resolution method. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IIIc) • Any rebelliousness is punished with increase of the punishment, menaces, humiliations y violence. • Authoritarianism is not negotiable and it is exercise in a rigid and inflexible way. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IIId) • VAP appears as: • Defensive • Protection • Retaliation • In “mirror” • Linked to serious psychopathology Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IVa) • Permissive-liberal style (or punitive non strict) More related with the New VAP Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IVb) • Rules not clear. • Children are often over-protected: they receive everything, without counterparts. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (IVc) • Generates despotic children. • Low self-esteem. • Low level of frustration. • Low empathy. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (Va) negligent style Related with both types of VAP Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Educative styles (Vb) • Parents have abdicated from their role. • Absent of rules. • Pseudo-independence and parentalización of children. • VAP as an imposition or to refuse the role settled. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (Ia) • Family experience to solve conflicts using violence. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (Ib) • General violence: everybody against everybody. • Impasse Tension Tension Violence Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (II) • Non normative parents “democratic”, excessively permissive, that love their children whatever they do. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (III) Over-protective parents because different reasons: very wished child, late, fragile o adopted, well-disposed to satisfy every wish of their children. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (IV) Parents in-satisfied with their role or verbalizations about their lives are empty. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (Va) • Conflictive relationship between parents. • Mutual des-qualifications • Triangulation Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (Vb) • In-consistence and disagree between parents about the children education. • Arbitrariness in child punishments. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (VII) • Hierarchy problems: parents that renounce their roles and refuse to establish rules. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (VIII) • Peace and family harmony myth. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Factors that favour the apparition of the violence against parents (IX) “Passionate” relationship, “fusional” between one of the parents and the adolescent. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Malfunction Areas Three areas: • Hierarchical organisation and establishment of rules. • Protection and secret. • Separation and fusion. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF
Family types I • Mono-parental families with parent-child fusional relationship. • Families with deep disagrees between the couple: • Triangulation. • Multi-violence families. Roberto Pereira. Director EVNTF