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ASPA/ WCD 508 Program. Comprehensive Training. Training Overview. At the close of this training you will be able to answer the following questions: What is 508 and what is the ASPA/WCD 508 Program? How do I read and understand the Accenture Scorecards and 508 checkpoint reports?
ASPA/ WCD 508 Program Comprehensive Training
Training Overview • At the close of this training you will be able to answer the following questions: • What is 508 and what is the ASPA/WCD 508 Program? • How do I read and understand the Accenture Scorecards and 508 checkpoint reports? • How do I complete Issue Management? • What resources are available to me?
What is the ASPA/WCD 508 Program? • What is Section 508? Section 508 refers to a statutory section in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Congress significantly strengthened section 508 in the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Its primary purpose is to provide access to and use of Federal executive agencies’ electronic and information technology (EIT) by individuals with disabilities. This means all websites, multimedia and online documents must be “508 compliant.” • The ASPA/WCD 508 Program is housed within the OS/ASPA Web Communications and New Media Division. • The goals of the program are to assist HHS OPDIVs and STAFFDIVs in: • Testing websites for 508 compliance • Providing guidance on how to remediate 508 issues within existing websites • Empowering OPDIVs with the knowledge and resources to ensure future websites meet 508 compliance standards
What are the Reports? • The Quality Reports • Link Integrity • External Link Integrity • The HHS 508 Custom Reports • The Reference Source Files Report • The Section 508 checkpoints (a) through (p)
What are the Reports? – Quality Reports • Link Integrity Reports • Measures the number of broken links within the site • External Link Integrity Reports • Identifies and measures the total number of links to sites outside the one being scanned.
What are the Reports? – Quality: Link Integrity Reports • Measures the number of broken links within the site. • Broken links close to the home page score a higher penalty than pages further away as they typically affect more users on a site.
What are the Reports? – Quality: External Link Integrity Reports • Measures the number of broken links from the site to other sites • Pages that are considered "OK" include pages that return HTTP response status codes 200, 202 301, 302, and 401
What are the Reports? – HHS 508 Custom Reports • Section 508 High level overview • The Scorecard Report provides an at-a-glance overview of the site's rating. Along with the individual ratings, broken down by category, the scorecard provides an overall Visitor Experience Rating that is a weighted average of the individual ratings. It measures overall Section 508 compliance of the site. • There are 17 reports that compromise the Section 508 reports, 16 are mapped to the actual 16 guidelines while 1 report lists pages with non-HTML documents to be checked against Section 508 guidelines • It contains the aggregate score of all the sub reports them all combined. • It contains a summary of each sub-report and their scores • The individual reports are as follows:
What are the Reports? –508: Report ref - Reference Source Files Report • This report lists pages that link to a non HTML document. • These documents must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report aH - Text Tags Report • The Rule: A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via “alt”, “longdesc”, or in element content). • This report lists all images, image maps, embeds, objects, and applets without appropriate text equivalents. • Respectively the HTML elements are img, area, embed, object, & applet
What are the Reports? – Report bH - Multimedia Files Custom Report • The Rule: Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation • This report lists all pages with multimedia content. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report cH - Color Custom Report • The Rule: Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup • This report lists every page that uses color. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? –Report dH - Readability Custom Report • The Rule: Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet. • This report lists all pages with style sheets. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report e - Server-Side Image Maps Report • The Rule: Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image map. • This report lists pages that have server-side image maps without providing redundant text links.
What are the Reports? –Report f - Client-Side Image Maps Report • The Rule: Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape. • This report lists all pages with server side image maps. • For reference only.
What are the Reports? – Report gH - Table Headers Custom Report • The Rule: Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables. • This report lists pages that have suspected data tables without the appropriate HTML markup. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? –Report hH - Complex Tables Report • The Rule: Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers • This report lists pages that have multi-level tables, but no markup to associate data cells with headers. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report iH - Frames Report • The Rule: Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation • This report lists all pages that do not have titles for frame or iframe elements. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report jH - Flicker Rate Custom Report • The Rule: Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz • This report lists pages which may cause the screen to flicker. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? –Report kH - Text-Only Alternative Custom Report • The Rule: A text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of these standards, when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes. • This report lists pages that do or do not have a link to a text only version of the page. • For reference only.
What are the Reports? –Report lH - JavaScript Custom Report • The Rule: When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology • This report lists pages which reference in-line JavaScript or external JavaScript files. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report mH - Applets and Plug-Ins Report • The Rule: When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with 1194.21(a) through (l). • This report lists all pages with embedded or clickable links to source documents that require an applet or other plug-in to be viewed properly. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? –Report nH - Electronic Forms Custom Report • The Rule: When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues • This report lists pages that do not have explicitly labeled input elements. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? –Report oH - Navigation Links Custom Report • The Rule: A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links • This report lists pages which do not have a skip link. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – Report pH - Time Delays Custom Report • The Rule: When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required • This report lists pages that have the potential to timeout. • These pages must be checked manually for compliance.
What are the Reports? – How to find the reports • Leaderboard • The Leaderboard provides average scores for overall website compliance as well as links that allow participants to drill-down and view Scorecards for each website that was scanned. • Each OPDIV receives a Leaderboard report at the end of each month. • Each OPDIV Leaderboard is pulled into an all-encompassing HHS Leaderboard that designates an overall score for each OPDIV. • Issue management
Issue Management Overview • Issue Management is a process for remediating items that the HHS 508 Reports have flagged • You can have a real impact on your score by remediating these issues through the Issue Management process
Issue ManagementLog in to complete Issue Management • Log in to complete Issue Management • Prerequisite: You will need to have an Issue management account created. If you do not have an account, please contact your 508 Coordinator who will authorize your request and initiate the process with Scansupport to get your account created. • If you have your credentials, please complete the Cheat Sheet with the following information for your records: • Server Address • Username • For training purposes, please use the following credentials to login: • Server Address • Username: • Password: • Select “Log on” • Note: These credentials are only valid during training and will be disabled after this session has ended.
Issue ManagementNavigating to Issue management • Find Reports window: • After you login, you will see the Main ADDE window • Select “Website” in the menu bar. • Select “Reports” in the menu. • Select “Find Reports” in the submenu. • The “Find Reports” Dialogue Window appears.
Issue ManagementNavigating Issue Management • Opening your report • Select the button with the ellipses (…) next to the “Search in:” input box. • The “Choose Search Location” window will appear • In the “Directories” list, select the Reports folder for your OpDiv or group • Drill down until the folder with the desired report is located • Select the latest report for your site • Select “OK” • “Search in” input box will be populated with the folder that you selected.
Issue ManagementNavigating Issue Management • Opening your report, continued • Select the “Search” button. The “Results” frame should be populated. • In the “Results” frame of the “Find Reports” window, select the desired report, usually the first result, not the ZIP file • Select “Browse” to open the report in your default Internet Browser • The report will open to the “Link Integrity Report” • Navigate to the HHS 508 Custom reports in the left navigation menu • Select the HHS Scorecard link
Issue Management • The manage link for each issue found provides a form to manage the issue with the following status options • Unclassified (default) • by default, all issues are marked as unclassified and count against the score. • Assigned • To assign an issue to another user to manage, this option is provided • The following options to be filled in are as follows: • Reason • Assigned To – Select user from the system • Due Date – Select date in mm/dd/yyyy format • Priority – Low, Medium, & High
Issue Management • Issue Management Status, continued • Passed • To mark an item as a false positive after manual verification, an item is marked as passed • Failed • This option is provided if the item will never pass. This option ought to never be used. Instead, keep the item assigned or unclassified until resolved. • Fixed • This option is provided for the Link Integrity Reports only. It is used to signify that an issue has been fixed. • Ignored • This option is provided for items that are not issues to be checked. This option should never be used. Instead the scan settings ought to be changed.
Issue Management • Issue Management Status, continued • Reason • A reason must be provided for due diligence. • Update (submit w/update button) • Once the issue has been managed the Update button must be selected. The results will reflect in the report the next time the site is scanned.
Issue Management • Issue Management Status, continued • A History link • This is provided to check the history of the management of the issue • Manage all • The manage all link must only be used when all the issues listed have been positively reviewed. This will often reflect global template issues.
Issue ManagementHHS Issue Standalone Report • This report displays a count of all the issues for the set or reports according to their status. • To navigate to this report, follow these steps: • Expand to display all the HHS Reports by clicking on “HHS 508 Custom Reports” link in the left navigation. • Select “HHS Issue Management (standalone)” link in the left navigation. • “Issue Counts by type” – This section lists the counts of issues in the current report set. • “Recent Activity” – This section lists the counts of issues that have been updated in the last 30 days. • “Assigned Issue counts by User”- This section lists the assigned issue counts for each user.
Issue ManagementExercise 1: Manage an Issue • Exercise 1: Manage an Issue • For this exercise, please have your cheat sheet ready • Step 1 – Log into the application • Step 2 – Open the Find Reports window • Step 3 – Find a Report Set that you want to manage • Step 4 – Navigate to an item to manage. • Step 5 – Change the status of an item from “Unclassified” to “Passed” and enter a reason into the “Reason” field and click submit. • Step 6 – Open the history on the item that you just managed to see your entry. • End of exercise
What resources are available? What else do I need to know? If you have questions regarding 508 standards, we can help you. We have 508 experts on our staff who can assist with questions and help clarify scorecard results. To schedule a 508 Consultation, please contact Mary.Lazzeri@hhs.gov A number of online resources (checklists, etc) are available to you at: www.hhs.gov/web/508/index.html For New Password requests, password reset requests or server access requests, please contact ScanSupport@hhs.gov. Please include the following in your email: • The name(s) & email address(es) of those who need access • A list of the folders or sites they will manage • An indication of the type of access they will have (AdHoc Scanning, Issue Management; Both)
What resources are available? We would like to introduce the ASPA/WCD 508 Team: Project Manager (OS/ASPA): Mary Lazzeri mary.lazzeri@hhs.gov Project Coordinator (OS/ASPA): Tishia Humes tishia.humes@hhs.gov Project Technical Specialists (HHS/ASPA/CTR): Tom Cheng tom.cheng@hhs.gov Aaron Murphy aaron.murphy@hhs.gov Kevin Tzeng kevin.tzeng@hhs.gov Section 508 Specialists (HHS/ASPA/CTR): Barry Johnson barry.johnson@hhs.gov William Lawrence william.lawrence@hhs.gov For the majority of inquiries, we ask you to contact scansupport@hhs.gov
What resources are available to me? Finally, we are very interested in your feedback. If you have questions or suggestions on how we can improve our service, please contact us. Project Manager (OS/ASPA): Mary Lazzeri mary.lazzeri@hhs.gov Thank you for your participation in the ASPA/WCD 508 Program!