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  1. Adulting Like A Pro: Essential Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults, and Tips on How to Become a Grown-Up. With an Activity After Every Chapter.

  2. Description Get access to the skills and secrets your parents wish they'd had, and get ahead of the adulting game!It&#8217sexciting getting closer to adulthood&#8230But let&#8217sbe honest &#8211it&#8217salso a bit scary.On the one hand, you have all the freedoms of independence to look forward to&#8230But on the other, you&#8217resuddenly going to be faced with a lot more responsibility than you have right now.If you feel that niggling feeling of doubt and uncertainty come to the surface every now and then, rest assured that you&#8217renot alone. Nearly everyone faces at least a little fear about how to become an adult and leave home&#8230but as is the case with most fears, what that really comes down to is a fear of the unknown.When you know exactly what to expect from adult responsibilities and you know how to tackle them with confidence and grace, you&#8217llfind that a lot of that fear dissipates and you&#8217releft only with the feeling of excitement for becoming an adult.Unfortunately, this isn&#8217tsomething you can solve through diligent schoolwork. You need the skills that are left out of the curriculum &#8211skills that most adults wish they&#8217dbeen taught and had to figure out for themselves simply by fumbling through.But you have a better option&#8230one that gives you practical opportunities to get started right away.You&#8217rejust one click away from a resource that will help you acquire all the skills and knowledge you need to enter adulthood with confidence.With a practical task to launch you from the starting blocks with every chapter, this comprehensive yet easy-to-follow guide has you covered. Inside, you&#8217lldiscoverThe #1 thing you need to figure out in order to find fulfillment in adulthood &#8211and exactly how you can go about itThe secret to turning four walls into a home &#8211no matter where you live&#8230Plus how to clean your house like a proEverything you need to know to make sure your bank balance is always on your sideHow to make yourself into a kitchen whiz (no matter how little experience you have right now)The essential day-to-day skills most people don&#8217trealize they need &#8211and how you can acquire them easilyThe answer to making yourself irresistible to prospective employers&#8230Plus essential interview skills that win the jobThe essential components of staying healthy (there&#8217smore to consider than you might realize)Why being a grown-up doesn&#8217tmean you should stop growing &#8211and what you can do to make sure you always doThe things every adult you know wishes they&#8217dknown about buying a home when they were your agePractical activities with every chapter &#8211so you can put all your new knowledge into practice immediatelyAnd much more.If you thought you already knew everything you needed to know about taking care of yourself, you&#8217rein for a surprise&#8230There&#8217snot one person who gets to adulthood knowing everything that the adult world requires of them&#8230Bu you&#8217reabout to get ahead of the game and arrive at your 21st birthday armed with knowledge your parents wish they&#8217dhad&#8230You&#8217rejust one click away!Adulting gets to be easy, and it gets to be fun Scroll up, and click &#8216adto cart&#8217right now to make sure it is!



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