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PayMobile. Features Overview. PayMobile | Features & Services. Subscriber Benefits. Agent Management Benefits. Service Provider Benefits. Merchant / SME Benefits. Immediate onboarding, convenient end-user experience, stimulation.

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  1. PayMobile Features Overview

  2. PayMobile | Features & Services SubscriberBenefits Agent ManagementBenefits Service ProviderBenefits Merchant / SMEBenefits Immediate onboarding, convenient end-user experience, stimulation Structure your sales force, supervise, act, remunerate & retain New payment methods, loyalty programs, financial diary, salary disbursement etc Easy & quick enrolment, AML/CFT regulation compliance, tax, fee & commission End-user Interface Reliable & Open Solution EconomicalOperation Innovation Biometric recognition, QR codes, blockchain, voice recognition… Extensive portfolio of access channels, ergonomic GUI Technically & funtionally APIs, SDKs, HW agnostic, Virtualisation

  3. Subscriber Benefits • Immediate onboarding, convenient end-user experience, stimulation

  4. Subscriber benefits | Immediate on-boarding • Register instantaneously anywhere and immediately use the system. Removing barriers and facilitating easy registration helps subscribers get on-board and using the service faster. PayMobile offers subscribers the ability to register via: • Self registration • At an agent • Bulk registration eServGlobal

  5. Subscriber benefits | Suitable Services • Tailor your offering to your market. Launch with essential services to build scale and enrich with new offers as the market matures. Everyday needs Cash-in, cash-out, domestic transfer Everyday convenient services Payments, recharge Financial services Loans, savings and insurance Useful extras Printed vouchers, vouchers per SMS, direct recharge, any amount, fixed amount (electronic recharge) eServGlobal

  6. Subscriber benefits | Convenient end-user experience • PayMobile facilitates a seamless end-user experience by accommodating \features and services such as: QR code payment Proximity payment with shortcode TSN to protect privacy eServGlobal

  7. Subscriber benefits | Boost the activity • The right reward to the right target. • Use an intuitive GUI to create promotional campaigns rewarding targeted service usage. • Rewards act as an incentive to push subscribers’ consumption. • The reward campaign efficiency can be increased with Apeiron Business Intelligence module. eServGlobal

  8. Agent Management Benefits • Structure your sales force, supervise, act, remunerate and retain

  9. Agent management | Structure your sales force • Manage your sales network by grouping agents, by granting them specific rights and by defining specific commissions to them and their managers • Sales group • Exclusive group • Fleet group • Hierarchy eServGlobal

  10. Agent management | supervise, act, remunerate and retain • Supervision • Rich, extensive real-time report to supervise the sales activity • agents • The group managers • The service provider • Action • In case of issues, back office can • Support the failing agent • Execute rollbacks • Execute transfers with the adjustment transaction • Remunerate • Real time commission tool • Custom commission plan thanks to a rich set of parameters • Loyalty programme • Complementary to the commission plan • Efficient despite low investment • Flexible and proactive, enable to launch spotted actions eServGlobal

  11. Service Provider Benefits • Easy & quick enrolment, AML/CFT regulation compliance, rich and easy to use

  12. Service Provider benefits | Quick & easy enrolment • Nomad KYC solution • Compatible with all iphone and Android smartphones • Enrolment by SMS or USSD • Compliant with any other interfaces • Proven reliability in hostile countries such as Iraq or Somalia (environment & regulation) • Extensive KYC solution • Identity forms are updated in real-time • Solution includes attachments, print contracts, biometry • Maker/checker • Full compliance with AML/CFT regulation • KYC "the more you give, the more you get" • profile • limits • oversight • fraud management with Apeiron eServGlobal

  13. Service Provider benefits | Exhaustive suite of transactions • The PayMobile platform facilitates an exhaustive suite of transactions catering to all markets and users: • Attract customers by solving population needs with basic services • Ensure revenue with extensive payment capabilities (the right flow for the right segment) • Increase revenue by offering financial services such as loans and savings High value / low volume payments Bill payments, School fees, Utility payments Low value / high volume payments Retail payments, transportation eServGlobal

  14. Fournisseur de service | fees and commissions • Tax, fee & commission The commission is the amount paid to the agent within the transaction execution based on the transaction amount. • Define the right tax, fee and commission plans using an extensive set of parameters • Easy to use with a graphical GUI • Payed in real-time • Possible to pay commissions to the recuiter to ensure enrolment level of quality and the agent’s manager • Incentive plan • The incentive is the amount payed to the agent based on the reached sales objective over a defined period. • Easy to use with a GUI • Booster: different percentages based on the passed sales objectives • Finely tuned plan with a rich set of parameters • Stimulation SMS eServGlobal

  15. Service Provider benefits | Easy to operate • The solution is easy to operate and configure Most features can be configured by the service provider via a GUI such as profiles, limits Service provider can create new bundles of products independently via a GUI Manage the SMS notification content via a GUI Rich set of reports including • Accounting • AML • Sales • etc eServGlobal

  16. Service Provider benefits | Business intelligence • Better understand your service offering with Apeiron • eServGlobal’s business intelligence module, Apeiron, is a comprehensive solution that includes segmentation, machine learning, data analytics and reporting services. • It can be rapidly deployed and easily evolve to adapt to a changing landscape. • Take smart decisions • Revenue assurance • Push the right services to the right person • Ensure quality of service to preserve service adoption Segmentation Machine Learning Data Analytics Reporting eServGlobal

  17. Merchant / SME Benefits • New payment methods, loyalty programs, financial diary, salary disbursement etc…

  18. Merchant benefits | New payment methods • Merchants and companies can benefit from PayMobile by taking advantage of: • New payment methods: bill payment, proximity payment, web payment • Real-time payments • Extensive feature flows to adapt the right security level, technical complexity and end user experience eServGlobal

  19. Merchant benefits | Additional benefits • Benefits for SMEs Loyalty programmes Financial diary opening door to financial services such as loans • Benefits for Companies Ability to communicate with end users with SMS broadcast Salary disbursement Cross-border payment eServGlobal

  20. End-user interface • Extensive portfolio of access channels, ergonomic GUI

  21. End-user interface • Offer the right access channel to the right population segment • Extensive portfolio of access channels IVR, USSD, SMS, USSD menu browsing and smartphone apps • Unified end-user experience across all mobile financial access channels • Ergonomic end user interface • Connect any custom access channel such as a kiosk with the API farm eServGlobal

  22. Reliable & open solution • Technically and functionally

  23. Reliable & open solution • Technical Highly reliable and open solution • Built on SOA architecture • Financial transaction lifecycle enabling reliable reconciliation and settlement • 35 years of experience in integration including integration with central banks up to very demanding level such as Central Bank of Jordan • Connection engine includes Store And Forward to adapt to low connectivity • Functional • PayMobile ensures the service is accessible via the wider payment landscape • Interoperable financial transactions with other wallet providers and banks • Ability to offer a Companion card • Can be accessed via ATMs eServGlobal

  24. Economical operation • APIs, SDKs, HW agnostic, Virtualisation

  25. Economical operation • PayMobile has been optimised to cater to the needs of service providers today and tomorrow. • Mobile money and electronic recharge convergence • API farm to create new services independently • SDK to create new connections independently • HW agnostic • Virtualisation • Independently create/modify the USSD flows or even create new services using a GUI eServGlobal

  26. Innovation • Biometric recognition, QR codes, Blockchain for transactions, voice recognition

  27. Innovation • eServGlobal is built on a strong history of research and development. We embrace innovation at all levels of our business. Our technology is continually enriched with new concepts: • Biometric recognition for authentication (remove pincode) and flight fraud (cash-in use case) • QR Code for feature phones • Blockchain for transactions, settlement and KYC • Embedded market place to offer exposure to your merchants • Voice recognition as a proof-of-life to trigger pension disbursement • Smart application without internet coverage • Tokenization to let subscribers easily connect their card or expose access to their account to friends and family in a controlled manner eServGlobal

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