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UNIVERSITÄT HEIDELBERG INSTITUT FÜR UMWELTPHYSIK. Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, 69120 Heidelberg www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de. Radiometry and Paleo Climate. Terrestrial Systems and Geophysics. Air-Sea Interaction. Aquatic Systems and Biochemical Cycles. Atmosphere and Remote Sensing.

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  1. UNIVERSITÄT HEIDELBERG INSTITUT FÜR UMWELTPHYSIK Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, 69120 Heidelberg www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de Radiometry and Paleo Climate Terrestrial Systems and Geophysics Air-Sea Interaction Aquatic Systems and Biochemical Cycles Atmosphere and Remote Sensing Master Project „Detector technology for Muon-Tomography of Volcanoes“ Background: Muons can penetrate about one kilometer of rock. Using tomographic methods, measurements of the absorption of cosmic ray muons can be used to determine the density profile of the material traversed by these particles. Recently muons have for the first time been used to image magma chambers of active vulcanoes; one example is shown in Fig 1. So far all published results use arrays of plastic scintillators, but alternative systems based on multi-wire proportional chambers, drift chambers, resistive plate chambers, scintillating fibre trackers or cherenkov telescopes are conceivable. A central point of the thesis will be to evaluate new possibilities for muon tomography on volcanic targets and their possible realisations. Fig1: Tanaka et al., 2009 (c) The average density distribution projected on the cross sectional plane that is parallel to the detector plane and that includes the crater floor of Mt. Iwodake. In order to incorporate the errors in density determination into the image, the density anomalies only below 95% of the average density are mapped. (d) Model of magma convection in a conduit at shallow depth modified after Kazahaya et al. [2002]. Kontakt: Prof. U. Platt: Tel. 546339, INF 229/ Zimmer 424 Ulrich.Platt@iup.uni-heidelberg.de Dr. N. Bobrowski Tel. 546309, INF 229/ Zimmer 416 nbobrows@iup.uni-heidelberg.de Dr. M. Britsch Tel.:516614, MPI für Kernphysik, markward@mpi-hd.mpg.de Dr. M. Schmelling: Tel.:516511, MPI für Kernphysik, Michael.Schmelling@mpi-hd.mpg.de

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