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Mentoring the Mentor. Stuart White, DC, DACBN, CCN Whole Health Associates 1406 Vermont Houston, Texas 77006 713/522-6336 stuartwhite@wholehealthassoc.com www.wholehealthassoc.com. People’s inherent possibility -.
Mentoring the Mentor Stuart White, DC, DACBN, CCN Whole Health Associates 1406 Vermont Houston, Texas 77006 713/522-6336 stuartwhite@wholehealthassoc.com www.wholehealthassoc.com
People’s inherent possibility - The surest way to reveal people’s character is not through adversity but by giving them power Abraham Lincoln
Mentor goals: • To declare what is possible and establish a commitment to that possibility • Address personal and professional barriers limiting the ability to serve • Evolution of vision/mission/ethics that drive success • Create immediate action steps to apply learning and growth
Mentoring the mentor: • Who are the mentors? – Practitioners • Who are we mentoring? – Patients and GAP • What’s the purpose? – Optimized life • How does it work? – Whatever you learn you teach someone else (anyone else) • Who’s is included? – Self selection, you pick yourself
Mentoring the mentor: • Each participant attends monthly teleconferences (1 hour in duration, 4th Thursday of month) creating a round table discussion/exploration of the dynamics and details of a nutrition-based wholistic practice • Each participant chooses a colleague in his/her world to convey the notes and information – no information squandering • Issues/problems/questions are considered a learning process for everyone, although individual’s remain anonymous • All questions, comments, case studies to be directed through email to SP rep who will compile and include in next teleconference ( must be submitted 10 days prior)
Eternal Truth • Effective healers put words to the formless longings and deeply felt needs of others. Warren Bennis • Life’s most urgent question is, “what are you doing for others?” Martin Luther king Jr • One need only ask one question, “what for? What am I to unify my being for?” The reply is: not for my own sake.Martin Buber
Which is better for what? Results from national survey: Ann Intern Med 2001; 135:344-351 Perceptions about complementary therapies relative to conventional therapies among adults who use both
Who’s watching? Results from recent report: Tu HT, Hargraves JL, High Cost of Medical Care Prompts Consumers to Seek Alternatives, Center for Studying Health System Change, Washington, DC, Data Bulletin No. 28, December 2004 America’s trend toward self-prescription results in 36% general population use of CAM
Two separate industries – Each able to ruin the other
The two are one! I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy.
The two are one! At first, as a student, I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased, and go where I chose. Later as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honorable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having a family – the freedom not to be obstructed in lawful life. But I then slowly saw that not only was I not free, but my brothers and sisters were not free… that is when the hunger for my own freedom became the greater hunger for the freedom of my people. It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect that animated my life, that transformed a frightened man into a bold one, that drove a law-abiding attorney to become a criminal, that turned a family-loving husband into a man without a home … I am no more virtuous or self-sacrificing than the next man, but I found that I could not even enjoy the poor and limited freedoms I was allowed when I knew my people were not free. Nelson Mandela
The Mission - • To help people change into themselves • To assist them where they bog down – get sick. • To improve the human race – to contribute to the phenome and maybe the genome?
From start to start • Never stop starting – each day starts over, builds anew – recreates my practice daily • 1st month profited $56 (01/86) • 2nd month $128 • 3rd month $256 • 4th month $528 • 5th month $830 • 6th month opened second office with other chiropractor $1,230 • Since 10th month (for 19 years) full schedule pre-booked 2 to 4 months in advance, profiting $4-5,000 • Through process of seeing patients developed a nine month protocol for initial purification/ fortification still in use today • 1990 opened Whole Health Associates, no change in patient volume, increased take home pay 22%, continued to grow 12-25% per year • Since 1999 collected more than $1 million per year, profiting $280 to 360 per year, 2002 collected $1.1 million, 2003 - $1.3 million, 2004 - $1.5 million • 20 years with no insurance reimbursement, no fluctuation based on economy or 9/11
Stats to celebrate • Stats are the most basic system for practitioner improvement • Fear of stats equals fear of growth/failure equals lack of faith/connection – “It all depends on me” syndrome • Total visits, total new patients, total collection, total charges, total supplement sales collected, total wholesale costs, total nutritional consultations collected
Stats to celebrate • Aristotle said, “If you can name a thing, you can control a thing” • To measure is to bring light to the area, and light brings growth • Our strengths become our weaknesses when not balanced • Our weaknesses become our strengths when balanced • Never underestimate how working with your weakness will pave the way for others – in this mentor program we are working on ourselves and each other - the healer is healed, the healed becomes the healer
Stats to celebrate 2004 Total charges 1,496,018 (1,300150 – 2003) Total collection 1,494,297 (1,284164) % Collected 100 (99) Total visits 7,730 (7,054) Total New Patients 411 (358) Average charge (deducted) 193 (184) (charges/visits) CaseAverage (deducted) 3,640 (3,639) (charges/new patients) Total nutritional exam fees 120,400 Total supplement sales 1,373,897 ( charges – exam fees) Total wholesale costs 947,989 Total sales profit 425,708 ( sales – costs) % Profit of sales 32 ( sales x 100/profit)
Clinical Tips • Consider every patient for nutritional needs • Publish nutritional service (see attached form) • Review each patient every nutritional exam completely – demonstrate change and familiarity with case (see attached forms) • Review costs directly with patient – show relatedness – give discounts (address the back door leak) • Create stat records & bonus system for office staff based on stat records (see attached form)
A Clinical study • Peyronnie’s Disease new patient • Began as brief start NP 02/08/05 as favor to girlfriend and scheduled first consultation I month later • Initial protocol Symplex M (6), EFA Oil Caps (4), Collagen C (6), Calcium Lactate Powder (1 tsp) at bedtime, MSM crème daily • First consultation 03/18/05 reported abated cluster headaches, saliva pH 5.5, less difficulty falling asleep, increased nocturnal erections with supps, mild less deformity with supps, additinslly recommended Hypothalmex (2), Sesame Oil (6), RNA (3), AF Betafood (8), Glutamine (3), rescheduled monthly for four months
A Clinical study - Pregnancy • Nancy presented 11/13/02 for fatigue, allergies, thyroid, 130 lbs, 65 inches, began 9 month repair/detox program resulting in total abatement of symptoms and weight loss to 116 lbs. • 07/05/03 married to 55 year old man with fertility problems and peyronnie’s disease – 10/07/03 began supp program for him focusing on fertility preconception protocol • 07/04 Nancy conceived, seen monthly through gestation, last seen 03/15/05 with weight 142 (37 weeks pregnant) resulting in excellent gestation without event and no missed work days, plans to birth naturally • Rescheduled for 05/05 for first neonatal review, lactation support, begin strategic child-rearing process navigating infant complications
Precious service • Service is the virtue that distinguished the great of all times and which they will be remembered by. It places a mark of nobility upon its disciples. It is the dividing line that separates the two great groups of the world -those who help and those who hinder, those who lift and those who lean, those who contribute and those who only consume. How much better it is to give than receive. Service in any form is comely and beautiful. To give encouragement, to impart sympathy, to show interest, to banish fear, to build self-confidence and awaken hope in the hearts of others, in short - to love them and to show it - is to render the most precious service.Bryant Hinckley
Normal Miracle - • The individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself, of which our own cognizance is merely an individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. This database is the realm of genius; because to be human is to participate in the database, everyone, by virtue of birth, has access to genius. The unlimited information contained in the database has now been shown to be readily available to anyone in a few seconds, at any time and in any place. This is indeed an astonished discovery, bearing the power to change lives, both individually and collectively, to a degree never yet anticipated. David R. Hawkins ` Power Vs. Force
The Whole Healer Personal mastery Missionmastery Clinical mastery Healer/ Doctor Change mastery Reputation mastery Interactive mastery Professional mastery
Mission Mastery • Mission mastery is the ongoing discovery of how we express our gifts to add life enriching value to the world.
Introspection • Why are you motivated to achieve? • What are you waiting to do later in your life? • What do you have to do? • What do you want to do? • What is the recurrent theme in your life?
Realization-ReputationMastery • Describe the ways you create your reputation. • Who is the first to know what reputation you are creating? • List the ways that your reputation needs repair.
Patient complaint/ambition Practitioner vision/goals + Healing Process – Sequencing Symptom resolution Foundational repair – 7 pillars + Chronic issues DNA repair/ expression + Enlivened evolution whole person/whole world/holograph
Endocrine/Hormonal – Disruption & Depression Glycemic Management – Insulin/Cortisol Dysregulation pH Bioterrain – Net Acid Excess Inflammatory status – Cumulative Repair Deficit Immune burdens – Toxicity, Infection & Infestation Tropho-restorative – Repair, Fortification & Synchrony Complete physiological cycles – Uninterrupted process 7 Pillars of Healing
Changitis Contageosa • Inflammatory reactivity to change, intensified by sitting next to people who are not prepared to mix old and new
Change is Hard! • Change is hard because people overestimate what they have and underestimate what they will receive
Change dynamics Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Change Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Confusion Vision + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Anxiety Vision + Skills + Resources + Action Plan = Resistance Vision + Skills + Incentives + Action Plan =Frustration Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources += Treadmill Tim Knoster’s adaptation of D. Ambrose’s Managing Complex Change (1987)
Ultimate and Only Barrier • Fear • Only technique for breaking through - face the fear!
Only 2 fears - • Someone may take what I have • Someone may not give me what I want
Exceeding the Fear • The first step is to realize you create all of your own fears • The second step is to realize you can uncreate all of your own fears • The third is to realize all the untapped truth behind your fear ( e.G.. Fear of dying is really unclaimed passion to live)
Recoding fear - • All fear is uncongugated want • Fear of failing in business is really unclaimed desire to succeed • Fear of loss is desire to have unclaimed • Beginning to name /claim desires will result in reducing fear • Desire enlivens, fear paralizes
Practitioner Take-downs • Onset of disease & dying after under care (osteoporosis, cancer, CAD) – self blame! • Other competitive practitioners – defend yourself! • New research, new techniques – prove it! • Broken promises – loss of trust! • Money $ - disempowerment! • Control – energy competition! • Risk of Failure – lack of faith!
Listen to the voices • Inner voice - Do you know your life’s mission? What stirs your heart? • Unhappy voice - Malcontent is a catalyst for vision. What doesn’t work? • Successful voice - Do you have a mentor that can help sharpen your vision? • Higher voice - Have you listened beyond yourself for vision?
Why try? Courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear! Ambrose Redmoon
The recurring theme: Purpose • Purpose is a discovery, not a goal • Dive beneath the surface to purpose • Purpose if vaster than goals • Purpose never ends or gets content • Purpose is always higher • Meaning comes from serving purpose • “A life without purpose is an early death.”Goethe
Take on the process yourself • Get out of the way – be responsible – serve your people – make a difference • Every patient needs nutritional support – you are proof of that • Go at their pace, constantly take them further incrementally, develop them as if they make a difference to God’s Plan • The paradigm is the foundation of your service – build the paradigm – if you build it they will come – What is your paradigm?
Action steps for tomorrow • Consider every patient for nutritional needs • Publish nutritional service in the waiting/treatment area • Establish dedicated hours to schedule nutritional services • Define your nutritional service, create flow chart, set the fees, • Schedule Mentoring the Mentor phone coaching sessions • Prepare to effortlessly blow your mind away – with patient interest, astonishing clinical results, a referral-based waiting list practice, and profound self fulfillment that can only come from assisting in the healing process
How we long to become that which we hardly believe we are Pir Viliyat Kahn
Give generously As you have received