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Unit 1 Review

Unit 1 Review. What is the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment?. Ecology. What are the four basic needs that all living things have?. Food, water, habitat, oxygen.

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Unit 1 Review

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  1. Unit 1 Review

  2. What is the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment?

  3. Ecology

  4. What are the four basic needs that all living things have?

  5. Food, water, habitat, oxygen

  6. Interactions between the living and non-living things in a particular environment is called a(n)?

  7. Ecosystem

  8. Of the following, what would be an abiotic factor?A) rodent populationB) vegetationC) average temperatureD) trees

  9. Average temperature

  10. Which characteristic describes a commensal symbiotic relationship?a) one organism benefits and the other organism is neither harmed nor gainsb) one organism benefits and the other organism is harmedc) both organisms benefitd) both organisms are harmed

  11. a) One organism benefits and the other organism is neither harmed nor gains

  12. In a parasitic relationship, the organism that is harmed is called the _______ and the organism that benefits is called the _______.A) parasite; hostB) host; parasiteC) host; hostD) parasite; parasite

  13. b) host; parasite

  14. A beaver builds a dam across a smaller, slow-moving river in order to establish a habitat for the beaver and its young. Over time, numerous changes occur, Upstream flooding occurs and creates a pond in the area, while down stream the land dries up.

  15. This will affect which aspects of the organisms’ lives?A) habitatB) foodC) waterD) all of the above

  16. Which of the statements is true about the changes we might see over time?A) We will not notice any significant changes in the type of organisms either above or below the damB) We will notice an increase in the amount of aquatic life upstream from the dam and little aquatic life downstreamC) We will notice an increase in the amount of aquatic life downstream from the dam and little aquatic life upstreamD) It is impossible to guess how this will affect life in an around the river

  17. b) We will notice an increase in the amount of aquatic life upstream from the dam and little aquatic life downstream

  18. What is the first step in decreasing the size of your ecological footprint?a) determining the natural resources you consume on a typical dayb) Reusing as many resources as possiblec) reducing the amount of waste you produced) reduce the amount of energy you use

  19. d) Reduce the amount of energy you use

  20. When resources in an ecosystem are being renewed at as quickly as they are used, and all wastes are able to be completely absorbed we say it is:a) renewableb) non-renewablec) sustainabled) natural

  21. c) sustainable

  22. Which of the following describes an animal that eats meat only?A) herbivoreB) omnivoreC) carnivoreD) decomposer

  23. Carnivore

  24. The process of building up poisons/pollutants as they pass through the food chain is called?A) accumulationB) bioaccumulationC) build-upD) bio build-up

  25. b. bioaccumulation

  26. In the water cycle, which two processes return water to Earth?a) evaporation and transpirationb) transpiration and condensationc) condensation and precipitation d) precipitation and run-off

  27. c. Condensation & precipitation

  28. What is the first step in primary succession?A) smaller creatures move into the areaB) Lichens breakdown rock and help form a primitive soilC) As the soil thickens, the soil can hold more water and nutrientsD) Larger plant life begins to grow

  29. b) Lichens breakdown rock and help form a primitive soil

  30. What kind of area might undergo secondary succession?A) bare lifeless rockB) burned forestC) wetlandsD) a parking lot

  31. b) Burned forest

  32. On average, only 10% of food energy consumed moves on to the next level. Why is this?A) 90% of the food taken in cannot be digested by the organismB) Most foods contain 90% water and therefore contain little energy.C) The other 90% is not required by the organism and gets expelled through wasteD) The other 90% is used by the organism to allow for transportation, breathing, metabolic functions, and getting rid of waste.

  33. D) The other 90% is used by the organism to allow for transportation, breathing, metabolic functions, and getting rid of waste.

  34. Which of these affect the water cycle? The carbon cycle?1. An elk drinks from a stream2. You burn a pile of leaves3. You sweat after a run4. Plankton dies on the sea floor and becomes buried by clay.5. Clouds form after a hot day6. Every mammal breathes in 02 and breathes out C02

  35. The water cycle:1,3,5The carbon cycle2,4,6

  36. In the water cycle, which two processes return water to Earth?A) evaporation and transpirationB) transpiration and condensationc) condensation and precipitationd) precipitation and run-off

  37. c)Condensation and precipitation

  38. What kind of area might undergo secondary succession?A) bare lifeless rockB) Burned forestC) WetlandsD) Parking lot

  39. b. Burned forest

  40. What is the first step in primary succession?A. smaller creatures move into the areaB. Lichens breakdown rock and help form a primitive soilC. As the soil thickens, the soil can hold more water and nutrients.D) Larger plant life begins to grow

  41. b. Lichens breakdown rock and help form a primitive soil

  42. Why do we see many coyotes in cities but never wolves?A) the coyotes made their territory known and the wolves are avoiding a fight they might loseB) the wolves cannot kill the amount of humans needed to sustain their habitat , therefore they do not live in the cityC) The coyotes adapt to changes in their environment easier than wolves and therefore have adapted to life with humans.D) The wolves are better adapted to life in the city, yet they prefer to live in the country where there is a greater source of food.

  43. C, The coyotes adapt to changes in their environment easier than wolves and therefore have adapted to life with humans.

  44. Controlling a pest by using its natural enemies is known as:a) introduced speciesb) pest controlc) introduced controld) biological control

  45. d. Biological control

  46. Know:Biological monitoringBaseline dataIndicator species

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