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AIDS – Where Education is the only Vaccine Dr. Bhavesh Patel Principal

Learn about the differences between HIV and AIDS, stages of HIV progression, opportunistic infections, transmission modes, testing options, counseling, treatment, and prevention methods for HIV/AIDS. Education is the key to prevention!

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AIDS – Where Education is the only Vaccine Dr. Bhavesh Patel Principal

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  1. AIDS – Where Education is the only Vaccine Dr. Bhavesh Patel Principal V.P. and R.P.T.P. Science College, Vallabh Vidyanagar Email- bhavesh1968@rediffmail.com

  2. Is HIV and AIDS the same thing?

  3. HIV • “Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome” • A specific type of virus (a retrovirus) • HIV invades the helper T cells to replicate itself. • No Cure

  4. AIDS • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome • HIV is the virus that causes AIDS • Disease limits the body’s ability to fight infection • A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system • No Cure

  5. AIDS – Spread very fast

  6. Four Stages of HIV

  7. Stage 1 - Primary • Short, flu-like illness - occurs one to six weeks after infection • no symptoms at all • Infected person can infect other people

  8. Stage 2 - Asymptomatic • Lasts for an average of ten years • This stage is free from symptoms • There may be swollen glands • The level of HIV in the blood drops to very low levels • HIV antibodies are detectable in the blood

  9. Stage 3 - Symptomatic • The symptoms are mild • The immune system deteriorates • emergence of opportunistic infections and cancers

  10. Stage 4 - HIV  AIDS • The immune system weakens • The illnesses become more severe leading to an AIDS diagnosis

  11. Opportunistic Infections associated with AIDS • Bacterial • Tuberculosis (TB) • Strep pneumonia • Viral • Kaposi Sarcoma • Herpes • Influenza (flu)

  12. Opportunistic Infections associated with AIDS • Parasitic • Pneumocystis carinii • Fungal • Candida • Cryptococcus

  13. Modes of HIV/AIDS Transmission

  14. How HIV can NOT be transmitted • Through air or by coughing and sneezing • Through food or water • Through sweat and tears • By sharing cups, plates, and utensils with an infected person • By touching, hugging and kissing an infected person • By sharing clothes or shaking hands with an infected person • By sharing toilets and bathrooms with an infected person • By living with an infected person • By mosquitoes, fleas, or other insects

  15. Testing Options for HIV

  16. 23659874515 Anonymous Anonymous Testing • No name is used • Unique identifying number • Results issued only to test recipient

  17. Confidential Testing • Person’s name is recorded along with HIV results • Name and positive results are reported to the State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • Results issued only to test recipient

  18. Blood Detection Tests • Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA/EIA) • Radio Immunoprecipitation Assay/Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Assay (RIP/IFA) • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) • Western Blot Confirmatory test

  19. Urine Testing • Urine Western Blot • As sensitive as testing blood • Safe way to screen for HIV • Can cause false positives in certain people at high risk for HIV

  20. Oral Testing • Orasure • The only FDA approved HIV antibody. • As accurate as blood testing • Draws blood-derived fluids from the gum tissue. • NOT A SALIVA TEST!

  21. Counseling

  22. Pre-test Counseling • Transmission • Prevention • Risk Factors • Voluntary & Confidential • Reportability of Positive Test Results

  23. Post-test Counseling • Clarifies test results • Need for additional testing • Promotion of safe behavior • Release of results

  24. Treatment Options

  25. Antiretroviral Drugs • Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors • AZT (Zidovudine) • Non-Nucleoside Transcriptase inhibitors • Viramune (Nevirapine) • Protease inhibitors • Norvir (Ritonavir)

  26. Opportunistic Infection Treatment • Issued in an event where antiretroviral drugs are not available

  27. Start saying NO • It is the only 100 % effective method of not acquiring HIV/AIDS. • Avoid unsafe sexual contact: oral, anal, or vaginal. • Avoid intravenous drug use

  28. Protected Sex • Use condoms (female or male) every time you have sex (vaginal or anal) • Always use latex or polyurethane condom (not a natural skin condom) • Always use a latex barrier during oral sex

  29. When Using A CondomRemember To: • Make sure the package is not expired • Make sure to check the package for damages • Do not open the package with your teeth for risk of tearing • Never use the condom more than once • Use water-based rather than oil-based condoms

  30. Sterile Needles • If a needle/syringe or cooker is shared, it must be disinfected: • Fill the syringe with undiluted bleach and wait at least 30 seconds. • thoroughly rinse with water • Do this between each person’s use

  31. Needle Exchange Program • Non-profit Organization, which provides sterile needles in exchange for contaminated ones

  32. AIDS Prevention is the only CURE

  33. Thank You!Any Question?

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