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Explore key activities and challenges in the APAC region related to ADS-B implementation, including regional strategies, initiatives, and future targets. Learn about the global impact and benefits of ADS-B according to ICAO guidelines.

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  1. SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/8 – SP/10 ADS-B RELATED ACTIVITIES Presented by ICAO APAC Office pli@icao.int

  2. Contents: ICAO ADS-B activity at global level: • AN – Conf/11 and AN-Conf/12 on ADS-B; • SARPs, PANS, Doc developed by Panels. APAC Regional ADS-B Actitives: • APANPIRG - ADS-B SITF & SEA/BOB ADS-B WG • DGCA Conf/ APAC

  3. CHALLENGES: Today: some 2.7 Billion PAX annually 2030: 5 billion. Current 25 million departure will increase to 50 million Departure APA TFG: Intra-APAC: 2011-2022 PAX Traffic 5.9 & passenger a/c movement 5.6 percent:

  4. Strategy and Activities • Challenges result in APAC Regional Surveillance Strategy development and regularly updated; • Experience in the initial implementation from States has been shared and distributed to States; • Initial plan with implementation Target in December 2013 with Australia and few trunk ATS routes in SCS; • BOB looking for 2015 as target date for ADS-B initial implementation; • AN Conf11/2003 and AN Conf/12-2012 pave the way; • DGCA Conf./APANPIRG provide guidance and support for ADS-B implementation in the APAC Region.

  5. AN Conf/11 on New Global ATM Concept and ADS-B (2003) Recognize ADS-B as an enabler of the global ATM operational concept brining substantial safety and capacity benefits. Adopted the Concept of use; support early implementation of packages of ground and airborne ADS-B applications, noting the early achievable benefits from new ATM applications; and ensure that implementation of ADS-B harmonized, compatible and interoperable with respect to operational procedures supporting data link and ATM applications.

  6. AN Conf/11 Supported Mode S ES for near term

  7. AN CONF/12 – ADOPTED NEW GANP to include ASBU AN Conf/12 adopted the revised GANP to include ASBU which will be reviewed by ANC in March 2013 and approved by Council in April 2013 and then for endorsement by ICAO Assembly/38 in November 2013; According AN Conf/12 Rec. 6/1, States and Regions are expected to complete transition to ASBU oriented Planning; Implementation and Monitoring by May 2014; c) In ASBU Block Zero (2013-2017) has ADS-B related module – Module 084.

  8. Module N° B0-84Initial Capability for Ground-based Cooperative Surveillance

  9. Module N° B0-84 – Reference Documents • Standards (Panel: ASP, ACP) • ICAO ANNEX 10 — Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume IV  Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization; • ICAO DOC 9871, Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter; • RTCA MOPS DO260 and DO260A EUROCAE ED102 and ED102A. • Procedures (OPLINKP, SASP) • ICAO Doc 4444, Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Air Traffic Management; • Guidance Material (ASP, SASP, Task Forces; ASTAF -airborne surveillance applications) • ICAO DOC 9924, Aeronautical Surveillance Manual; • ICAO Assessment of ADS-B and Multilateration Surveillance to Support Air Traffic Services and Guidelines for Implementation (Circular 326); • ICAO Asia Pacific: ADS-B implementation guidance document.

  10. SARPs, PANS and ICAO Docs and Regional GM and SUPPs Amendment SARPs in ANNEX 10: - Version 0 ES as specified in Annex 10, Volume IV, Chapter 3, Paragraph3. (Equivalent to DO260) to be used till at least 2020; - Version 1 ES as specified in Chapter 3 of Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter (ICAO Doc 9871) (Equivalent to DO260A); - Version 2 ES including provisions for new set of 1 090 MHz extended squitter (ES) messages and traffic information service – broadcast (TIS-B) incorporated in SARPs as part of Amendment 86 with target applicable date in November 2013. (Equivalent to DO260B and EUROCAE ED-102A which were issued in December 2009).

  11. DGCA/APAC Action Item 48/4 Recognizing that the full benefits of ADS-B would only be achieved through harmonized implementation, the Conference urges States and Administrations to expedite ADS-B implementation and share with ICAO Regional Office their implementation plan.

  12. State follow-up Action on 48/4 • 13 Administrations support implementation of ADS-B; • 1 Administration has informed that implementation of ADS-B is not directly applicable; • 1 Administration has informed their airspace is covered by surveillance Radar and VHF Radios. Oceanic airspace is covered by ADS-C/CPDLC and DCPC; • 1 Administration has informed that implementation plan is under study/planning stage

  13. APANPIRG/13 Decisions • 13th Meeting of APANPIRG held in Sept. 2002 made two decisions: • Establishment of ADS-B Study and Implementation Task Force; • Identified ADS-B as new key priority for APAC Region –Multidisciplinary Task Force consisting of members Australia, China, Hong Kong China, Fiji, India, Japan, Mongolia, Singapore, United States, IATA, IFALPA,IFATCA and SITA with TOR: - Selection of the Radio Link for ADS-B; Develop implementation Plan and conduct CBA.

  14. ADS-B STUDY & IMPLEMENTATION TASK FORE • The 1st Meeting (Brisbane 3/2003): • – Decided that 1090 extended squitter as ADS-B datalink • The 2nd meeting (Bangkok 3/2004) • – Focused on ADS-B capability along traffic flows and identified the need of ADS-B surveillance data sharing • The 3rd Meeting (Bangkok 3/2005): • – Developed AIGD and updated FASID document and • agreed to regional data sharing using ASTERIX Cat.21 • The 4th meeting hosted by Fiji 2005 – ASTERIX VER. No.; Data Collection format – Cost benefit study initiated;

  15. APANPIRG ADS-B SITF • The 5th meeting hosted by India 2006 – Sample Form of Data Sharing; Regional Surveillance Strategy; • The 6th meeting hosted by ROK 2007 – Performance parameters and initial consideration for regional ADS-B mandate; • The 7th meeting hosted by China 2008 – Sample agreement for data sharing and addressing security concern on using ADS-B; • The 8th meeting hosted by Viet Nam 2009 – Regional equipage requirement and States implementation guidelines; • The 9th meeting hosted by Indonesia 2010 – Template mandate and safety case sample; • The 10th meeting hosted by Singapore 2011 – VHF freq. coordination and support 260B; • The 11th meeting hosted by ROK-2012 – Whitelist to Blacklist • Use of ADS-B for height monitoring.

  16. ADS-B WG established in 2007 by APANPIRG/17 • • SEA ADS-B WG/1 15-16 November 2007 in Singapore • • SEA ADS-B WG/2 27-29 February 2008 in Bali, Indonesia • • SEA ADS-B WG/3 2-3 July 2008 in Putrajaya, Malaysia • • SEA ADS-B WG/4 9-10 February 2009 in Melbourne, Australia • • SEA ADS-B WG/5 21-22 January 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia • • SEA ADS-B WG/6 24-25 February 2011 in Singapore • • SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/7 28-30 November 2011 in Chennai, India • • SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/8 5-7 December 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar

  17. APANPIRG ADS-B SITF and WGs • As result of efforts made by member States, a number of regional • guidance materials have been developed and maintained. • These are available at ICAO APAC website: • http://www.bangkok.icao.int/edocs/index.html • Conclusion: ADS-B using GNSS technology is a new cost effective surveillance tool for enhancing flight safety, increasing airspace capacity and efficiency however, safety related business, it requires/deserves our common and continuous efforts to have it implemented in APAC Region in particular for SEA and BOB areas.

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