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LAND GRABBING CAMPAIGN in Uganda Agnes Kirabo National coordinator FRA

Learn about the urgent campaign against land grabbing in Uganda, the challenges faced by communities, and the successes achieved in fighting for land rights. Discover the context of the campaign, its objectives, success factors, achievements, challenges, and future steps.

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LAND GRABBING CAMPAIGN in Uganda Agnes Kirabo National coordinator FRA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LAND GRABBING CAMPAIGN in UgandaAgnes KiraboNational coordinator FRA

  2. Context of the campaign Campaign Objective (s) Success factors Achievements Challenges Future steps Summary of the presentation

  3. The triple F crisis- Fuel, Food and Finances triggered the new global scramble for land. vast areas of farm land is grabbed for for food production and produce enormous quantities of bio-fuel. fertile agricultural land and gazetted community resources like forests are becoming increasingly privatized. 1000s are left landless, homeless, have become destitute.. Context of the campaign

  4. a gap in the legislation but in most cases the state does not abide by the law “a Foreign Investor cannot carry on the business of crop production, animal production or acquire or be granted or lease land for the purpose of crop production or animal production….”Investment Code section 12 social services such as schools, health and recreation centers are destructed. Investment holders are never compelled to meet their obligation for Corporate Social Responsibility Political and civil unrests provide grave opportunities for land grabbing Context of the campaign

  5. Limited or Not commensurate composition to evictees Land grabbing also exists at family levels- mainly affects widow, orphans and those living with disabilities Grabbers are highly protected by either the state or its organs (army, police…) Grabbers are rich and well placed. ;and cases take forever and are very complex leaving the poor with limited choices Context of the campaign

  6. Mass mobilization Multi stakeholder- “the church”, farmers organizations, politicians, other campaigning organizations, Academia, general public, media. A comprehensive media strategy Radio spot messages across the country, radio talk shows, documentaries, articles…. Campaign messages and materials T shirts, stickers, wheel covers, posters Success factors

  7. Working under a bigger alliance- resident technical people in various required fields Lawyers, campaigners, social mobilizes, communication experts, public speakers, land experts, planners, writers, strategists ……. A week of action for launching the campaign Putting a human face at the centre of the campaign. The campaign was not academic, philosophical or even theoretical BUT REAL Success factors

  8. Land grabbing is a household name in the media, among politicians, Government technocrats, general public….. Independent debates with clear relationships with other human aspects such as food, torture, abuse of dignity, poverty and national security Many human rights and humanitarian organizations have integrated the issues in their programmes The once hunted for the campaign is now consulted for solutions Achievements

  9. Sustaining the campaign in the public domain. Focusing on technical issues such as domestication of international standards and principles on land investment. Exploring new aspects of LG such as grabbing of Public land. Maintaining relationships with other stakeholders- religious and cultural institutions……. Building partnerships and Alliances within and outside the country Future steps

  10. Thank you for Listening

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