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D E S I G N R E S E R C H. In empirical research study the hypothesis : form of verification. In an architectural design the hypothesis : this design will work.
D E S I G N R E S E R C H In empirical research study the hypothesis : form of verification. In an architectural design the hypothesis : this design will work. form of verification: execution or model. In Design research as soon as a design has been completed, it may be studied empirically. O b j e c t s a n d C o n t e x t s . Types of design-related study Object Formal and functional analysis, existing material, context, precedents are studied for possible means of design. (Offices practice) An object must be designed for a specific context, new possibilities are sought usually using demands. variable determined Context determined Interaction between object and context, subject to scale during changing design. variable Study the complex of characteristics of buildings, independent from context. But… Can one selectively search for similarities using earlier experiences when carrying out design research using a definition of a problem with pre-determined-concepts and stated hypotheses therein? 1. What can we compare? 2. How can we do this comparison? 3. Can this analysis gives you the mean for a design? DESIGN RESERCH. Chapter 10. Design Research, Ways to Study and Research. Urban Architectural and Technical Design. Edited by T.M. de Jong and D.J.M. Van Der Voordt. FRANCESCA PICON BRUNO.30.11.05
1. E l e m e n t s o f c o m p a r i s o n C o n t e x t Architectural context the situation, the site, the programme, historical, spatial, ecological, technical, economic, cultural administrative contexts. Each design differing from any other design in space and / or time, differs in context and perspective. This evokes questions concerning the possibilities of comparison, although these are often neglected during the study. Caleta Tortel, X! Region. Chile Termas Geomérticas, X Region, Chile. Germán del Sol, Arch. 2004 Also, this context will change… ... Does the building still have the same characteristics in a context that has changed ? To what extent is the concept, the type, the model still applicable in different contexts? This is already a subject of typological study. G r o u n d s f o r C o m p a r i s o n Red and round can not be compared. While comparing designs or their parts, known and identified from other designs, the question whether they can be compared and, if so, in what sense, can not be avoided. In other words: which ground of comparison is chosen? When comparing design the inevitable question arise: are they comparable or not, in which respect? Examples of pre-supposing bases of comparison are: legend (material), form, structure, function. DESIGN RESERCH. Chapter 10. Design Research, Ways to Study and Research. Urban Architectural and Technical Design. Edited by T.M. de Jong and D.J.M. Van Der Voordt. FRANCESCA PICON BRUNO.30.11.05
2. C o m p a r I s o n a n a l y s I s. O p e r a t i o n a l i s a t i o n Risselada placed two characteristics of architectural design opposite to one another…The research for such computable variables is called “operationalising”…However, does the characteristic x cover the whole range of difference, or is that only a “half truth” ? …The aim of operationalising is to make characteristic R, that alone is an immeasurable characteristic, accessible for more quantity research. A I m s o r M e a n s O r I e n t e d A p p r o a c h If the design, context and perspectives wherein the design has been made are sufficiently described, various aspects can be analysed. The methodical, most developed analysis confirms if the design has achieved its goal within the given context:: (aim – oriented research) : means (aim). There are, in fact, numerous architectural solutions in order to achieve the same aim, from which the variation cannot be explained measuring efficiency. The potential to accommodate numerous or unexpected functions is a researchable quality as well. The question can also be inverted: if these means are utilised in the design, which aims do these serve: aim-means? This is means – orientated research. A design can have numerous functions that are verbally indescribable. (hospitality, or transparency for example). This can also concern the structure of form in design. In this case the total focus is on the formal design means, the designer's toolbox…Once these questions have been asked the structural action of such combinations can be looked at on a higher level: structure – form. DESIGN RESERCH. Chapter 10. Design Research, Ways to Study and Research. Urban Architectural and Technical Design. Edited by T.M. de Jong and D.J.M. Van Der Voordt. FRANCESCA PICON BRUNO.30.11.05
3. M e a n s o f d e s I g n. L e g e n d , F o r m , S t r u c t u r e , F u n c t I o n , P r o c e s s . The study into the means of design is a study into instruments that could bring us beyond the probability of empirical reality in the field of what is possible. In this the relation between form and function in the design is crucial… People do experience form, but form is not the same as that experiencing value. Form (“form is outward shape”) has perceptible and conceptual functions, expressible on legend. Legend its units emerge in the drawing as a situation of spreading (as material in reality) Function program. Experience of the form. Structure concept between form and function. Set of connections and separations with which the constituent parts form a more than incidental whole. So, the designing process of Architecture and Urban Design can take as a point of departure form ( morphological analysis) function ( functional analysis) structure (structuralism) When should the designer translate the usage function desired to form (functionalism), and when is it allowed to give a form concept pride of first place (formalism)…The question is then: should one always design from a programme, or is it possible to generate functions from a design study, for instance of the potential of the location? Statement. The first instrument of study in a design process are the human acts (experience) related to a certain context and function. Design research gives comprehension of the elements involved in that design process. DESIGN RESERCH. Chapter 10. Design Research, Ways to Study and Research. Urban Architectural and Technical Design. Edited by T.M. de Jong and D.J.M. Van Der Voordt. FRANCESCA PICON BRUNO.30.11.05
Termas Geomérticas, X Region, Chile. Germán del Sol, Arch. 2004