FEUDALISM By: Pedro Mora Serani 7.2
Introduction • Feudalism was a form of government used in the middle ages. Since Europe couldn’t had a powerful central government since Charlemagne's reign ended in 814. within 100 years of Charlemagne death feudalism began to happen in Europe. Feudal states were small pieces of land ruled by a lord, the lord had serfs and vassals that worked for him in exchange of protection by the lord. Serfs and vassals needed to promise loyalty to the lord. People who worked in the lord land needed to give him a piece of their crop. In the ages of feudalism chivalry was developed it was a set of rules that a knight needed to follow. The decline of feudalism was because of the crusades, the crusades “were a series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land.” Lords sold their lands to finance their campaign in the crusades. Kings grew stronger and got armies to get all of the country.
Accomplishments of Feudalism • Feudalism as a form of government controlled almost all of western Europe from approximately 900 or 1000 to 1290. Feudalism was dominant in countries like France, England or Germany the three of them were very important countries, and France and England were at constant war. Also feudalism shaped Europe politically and socially, also the system of manoralism was developed this system controlled much of Europe economy during those years. Also the system of chivalry was created that was a code or set of rules that knights needed follow. Towns in the middle ages were very self sufficient and produced all they needed, except some products like salt, wool or wine needed to be brought from other parts.