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建立數位遊戲本體導向知識庫應用於認知復健. 中文摘要 隨著網際網路以及電腦科技的進步,越來越多利用多媒體格式呈現的醫學相關資料,例如腸胃道內視鏡影片、耳鼻喉科開刀影片以及理學檢查教學影片等。數位圖書館/博物館的建置,便是在網路上提供具有教育以及文化性質的資料,包括教育圖書、歷史文物、語言文學、宗教藝術以及醫學生物等領域,使用者經由網路瀏覽查詢使用館藏的知識。
建立數位遊戲本體導向知識庫應用於認知復健 • 中文摘要 • 隨著網際網路以及電腦科技的進步,越來越多利用多媒體格式呈現的醫學相關資料,例如腸胃道內視鏡影片、耳鼻喉科開刀影片以及理學檢查教學影片等。數位圖書館/博物館的建置,便是在網路上提供具有教育以及文化性質的資料,包括教育圖書、歷史文物、語言文學、宗教藝術以及醫學生物等領域,使用者經由網路瀏覽查詢使用館藏的知識。 • 本研究為建立一個適合醫學數位圖書館之多媒體架構,這個多媒體架構具備可交換、可搜尋以及多樣化呈現之功能。本研究利用Dublin Core建置多媒體Metadata資料庫,詳細記錄多媒體內容,使搜尋界面得以利用Metadata資訊搜尋多媒體資料。呈現方面利用XSL的樣板解讀XML格式之Metadata,使呈現方式可依據XSL的改變而有不同的樣式,並且利用瀏覽器同時呈現圖、文、影、音多媒體資訊。交換界面利用OAI詮釋資料檢索協定,使本研究之多媒體Metadata具備開放檢索的功能。 • 本研究已完成一多媒體資訊系統來證明本研究架構之可行性,對於醫學數位圖書館中多媒體架構之建置具有重要之貢獻,提供未來醫學多媒體研究以及數位博物館/圖書館建置時一個參考的方向,使多媒體資訊達到精確搜尋、完整交換以及多樣呈現的目標。
Ontology-Oriented Digital Game Knowledge Base Applied on Cognitive Rehabilitation • 英文摘要 • The innate fascination and variety of digital games seem to possess infinite potential for rehabilitation applications. Though there are different kinds of classification methods for games, they are not tailored for occupational therapists to choose proper therapeutical elements of games by the traditional activity analysis process. Also, there is no common vocabulary between therapists and game designers for sharing and accumulating knowledge of clinical applications of games. • The purpose of this study was to construct a digital game-therapy ontology for analyzing digital games and storing their therapeutical components analyzed as instances of this knowledge base. Six common cognitive components were chosen as example queries for occupational therapy. The knowledge base was examined by the therapists with choosing therapeutical components of games for their clients to verify the applicability of the ontology for clinical use. • The knowledge base was built on Prot?g?. The author combined two modified ontologies, the occupational therapy ontology and the game ontology, to establish the digital game-therapy ontology. Taking advantage of the multiple inheritances and inverse slots in the ontology logic, the instances of these two ontologies were connected. Judging by the questionnaire responses answered by the clinical occupational therapists who helped in the evaluation of the ontology, the knowledge content, which could be analyzed, stored, linked, and retrieved in this ontology-oriented knowledge base, was reasonably chosen and organized for clinical applications. However, the knowledge instances built in this study were not suitable for real clinical decision making, because of the small sample size, the unfamiliarity of terminology for therapists, and the insufficiency and under-standardized knowledge expressions. • The results of this study provide a reusable ontology structure and could be used, for example, in the knowledge construction of other intervention modalities or clinical pathways in occupational therapy. And it offers therapists an integrated concept of digital games for game analysis. Before widely applying the knowledge base to clinical knowledge acquisition and decision support, it still needs domain experts to engage in the studies to improve the depth and integrity of the ontology and the normalization of clinical knowledge expression..