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Regional State Committee Enhancing Energy Efficiency Policy

This presentation highlights the importance of the RSC-NE in addressing regional energy efficiency issues. It discusses the need for a balanced approach that considers various public policy goals such as environmental conservation, economic growth, fuel diversity, and energy efficiency. Recommendations are given to promote the integration of energy efficiency into regional planning and market structures, as well as addressing existing barriers and challenges. By considering energy efficiency as a valuable resource, the RSC-NE can contribute to a more reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable power system.

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Regional State Committee Enhancing Energy Efficiency Policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comments on New England Regional State Committee* Presented to: MA Restructuring Roundtable By: Susan Coakley Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. June 18, 2004 * Comments represent views of NEEP Staff, not necessarily of NEEP Board Members, Funders or Initiative Sponsors.

  2. RSC-NE Is Good News for Energy Efficiency Broad Public Policy Perspective: • High level forum to address regional policy issues • Balance state and regional concerns • Broad perspective that considers multiple public policy goals – environmental, economic, fuel diversity and end-use energy efficiency Regional Resource and Demand-Side Planning: • Provides for regional consideration of a energy efficiency as part a resource portfolio to address system reliability and capacity needs Market Structure and Pricing Barriers: • Forum to address regional transmission pricing and cost allocation issues in a manner that promotes cost-effective end-use energy efficiency • Forum to propose market structures to capture additional energy efficiency resources

  3. Four Problems for RCS-NE to Fix: • Increased energy efficiency not included as part of a cost-effective risk mitigation strategy to meet system reliability needs. • Increased energy efficiency not considered as part of solutions in system expansion planning (except as an interim emergency measure). • Energy efficiency not afforded same cost recovery treatment as supply options to meet reliability and system needs (SW CT an exception – new precedent?). • No consistent or systematic capability to assess energy efficiency or demand-side resources – retrospectively or prospectively.

  4. Recommendations for the RCS-NE Agenda: • Regionally plan for and assess the potential for demand-side sources to address power system reliability and capacity needs. • Use risk mitigation analysis to assess the role of energy efficiency as part of a cost-effective resource portfolio that meets a range of public policy objectives. • Recommend market rules and structures that allow energy efficiency and demand-side resources to participate in market-based solicitations to meet power systems needs.

  5. Recommendations for the RSC-NE Agenda: • Recommend to New England states policies that can increase energy efficiency to address efficient reliability goals (codes, standards, targeted efficiency). • Develop regional protocols to consistently assess energy efficiency saving opportunities and impacts. • Recommend pricing policies that provide price signals to increase customer investments in energy efficiency (LMP). • Recommend cost allocation policies that afford the same treatment for demand-side and supply-side resources. • Provide for public input.

  6. For more information: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. 5 Militia Drive Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 781-860-9177 Scoakley@neep.org www.NEEP.org

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