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The French Language: identity, diversity and changing environments

The French Language: identity, diversity and changing environments. Lecture 6 Language and the Internet: Netspeak. Differences between speech and writing: a reminder. Netspeak : speech or writing?. Netspeak relies on characteristics belonging to both sides of speech / writing divide.

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The French Language: identity, diversity and changing environments

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  1. The French Language: identity, diversity and changing environments Lecture 6 Language and the Internet: Netspeak

  2. Differences between speech and writing: a reminder

  3. Netspeak: speech or writing? • Netspeak relies on characteristics belonging to both sides of speech / writing divide. • Most varieties of written language can be found, but they also have interactive facilities attached: e-mail and chatgroup facilities

  4. Netspeak vs. face to face conversation • Lack of simultaneous feedback • Rhythm of an internet interaction is very much slower than that found in a speech situation. • Feedback and turn-taking • Prosody and Paralanguage

  5. Linguistic identity of Netspeak • Semi-prescriptivism has emerged

  6. Writers are struggling to maintain a medium which is naturally descriptive and egalitarian in character, whilst recognising a prescriptive urge to impose regularity and consistency on a world which might otherwise spiral out of control.

  7. Internet lexicon • Gareth Branwyn’s ‘Jargon Watch’: • Unsuccessful submissions: • E-gasm, javangelist, pornetgraphy, Webference

  8. Netspeak: a mixed identity? • Complex and mixed-message scenario: can only really be understood by a detailed consideration of the individual Internet situations.

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