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A National Effort to Help Kids Succeed

Too Small to Fail. A National Effort to Help Kids Succeed . TooSmall.org @2SmalltoFail. Too Small to Fail— Tackling the Word Gap. Family r eading , talking & singing habits. Percent of Children, Birth to Age Two, Who Had Family Member Read, Sing, or Tell Them Stories.

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A National Effort to Help Kids Succeed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Too Small to Fail A National Effort to Help Kids Succeed TooSmall.org @2SmalltoFail

  2. Too Small to Fail— Tackling the Word Gap

  3. Family reading, talking & singing habits Percent of Children, Birth to Age Two, Who Had Family Member Read, Sing, or Tell Them Stories

  4. These activities take a toll on early vocabulary 1200 High Income Middle Income 600 Total Vocabulary Low Income 200 16 mos. 24 mos. 36 mos. Child’s Age Source: Hart & Risley (1995)

  5. And it’s not just the number of words New research has found that by age 2, a 6 month gap in language development is apparent. The vocabulary that a child has by the age of 4 is one of the best predictors of how they will do in school.

  6. MAGNIFY ATTENTION Prompt parents, grandparents and caregivers to talk, read and sing even more with their young children each and every day. Raise awareness among parents and caregivers about the power of their own language-rich parenting, about how much their words shape their baby’s future & MOTIVATE ACTION

  7. MAGNIFY ATTENTIONUnivision Partnership: Engaging Hispanics Across Multiple Partnerships • Network News • Program Integration • PSAs • Local News Content • Online / Mobile • Social Media • Radio • Local Events Online / Mobile Social Media Radio Local Events

  8. MAGNIFY ATTENTION: Model Behavior & Mobilize Businesses • Hollywood Strategy • Integrating Model Behavior into Television Shows Watched by Target Audiences • Integrating Messages into shows watched by Opinion Leaders • Further Develop Key Media Partnerships • CGI America Commitments • Develop several key commitments for CGI America – e.g. hospitals, pediatricians, Text4Babies • Build on and refine existing early childhood commitments

  9. MOTIVATE ACTION: Cities Strategy • Criteria for Selecting Cities • Strong Commitment to Investing in Early Childhood • Lead Partner on the Ground • Interest in Testing Out Community-wide Intervention • Key Components of Cities Strategy • Targeted Media Campaign • Community Touch Point Campaign (e.g. pediatricians, home visitors, libraries) • Development & Testing of Interventions

  10. Early Summer 2014: Launch in Tulsa & Oakland

  11. The Problem We are Addressing Young children need frequent language rich interactions but some children in California are getting much less than they need to be successful in school and in life

  12. WHY DOES IT matter?


  14. Turning theworldinto a learning opportunity

  15. “TALKING IS Teaching”

  16. Contextualized Prompts for Doctors’ Offices, Buses, Grocery Stores

  17. Tote Bags andClothing Line

  18. TelevisionandRadio

  19. WebsiteandSocial Media


  21. NEXT Up • TV Airtime in coordination with F5 California • Physician and Family Toolkit • Hospital Systems • Large Scale Community Events • Community Replication Guide • Expanded Creative: grocery carts, event collateral, placemats…

  22. In Your Community • Our objective: • Create a Turn-Key Campaign for Easy Replication • Learn from experience in Tulsa and Oakland • Make improvements based on findings • Document experience • Give communities access to materials this fall

  23. Thank You. Susan True (831) 239.4019 | susan.true@krfoundation.org Ann O’Leary (415) 689.5747 | info@toosmall.org

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