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Hammamet Case Study Progress Environmental Analysis Environmental data inventory of the Hammamet region and their integration in WATERWARE. Summary. New strategy for sustainable water management in Tunisia. Presentation of pressure allocated for water resources .
Hammamet Case Study Progress Environmental Analysis Environmental data inventory of the Hammamet region and their integration in WATERWARE.
Summary • New strategy for sustainable water management in Tunisia. • Presentation of pressure allocated for water resources. • Management strategy of waste water in Tunisia. • Cases of Tunisia. • Cases of Hammamet region . • Management strategy of hazardous substances • Cases of Tunisia. • Cases of Hammamet region. • Industrial contribution to pollution in the study zone • Conclusion
New strategy for sustainable water management in Tunisia. • The integrated management and preservation of waters resources; • Economical efficiency in the use of the water for the irrigation; • The institutional reorganization and the reinforcement of capacities.
In regards to the integrated management and the preservation of the waters resources, the government set up the following aims : • a higher use of treated water (more 50%); • evaluation of the potential of groundwater recharge; • promotion of the utilisation of treated waters in the industrial sector; • promotion of the brackish waters desalination; • promotion of agriculture species having a high salt tolerance; • elaboration of water quality monotoring systems; • improve plans for collective treatment systems in the rural zones; • protection against pollution of water resources.
Enhancement of Hydro geological network Densification des réseaux de mesures hydrogéologiques (suivi de : IS, IDC, IDB) Industrial effluents Hazardous substances Municipal waste waters Agricultural activities Traitement fiable des eaux usées et des boues générées, éviter les rejets dans les milieux naturels. Reliable treatment plants of waste water and generated sludge -Low rate of connection in the rural area -Throwing in the natural environment (septic pits, abandoned wells and rivers) -The problem of overloads in the treatment stations (unconformity of treated waters to Tunisian norms) -Sludge generated by STEP -High pollutant charge -Lack of units Pre-treatment/treatment for effluents. . -Rumping untreated affluents in the nature . -Runoff from agricultural land -Over exploitation of underground water (marine intrusion). -Generating lixivia concentrated in various polluting elements . Renforcer l'équipement en unités de Prétraitement/ Traitement et le suivie/contrôle des industries polluantes. Reinforcement equipments in pre-treatment/treatment’s units and enhance control of polluting industries. Décharges contrôlées, traitement des lixiviats, lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique Controlled dump, treatment of lixivia, protection against atmospheric emissions. Presentation of pressure allocated for water resources. Protection of fresh waters resources and their quality Pollution des eaux de surface et eaux souterraines Pollution of surface and underground water Response Réponses
Management of water quality Planning/ development of the policies Control Legal aspects Operation management Laws MdInt, MdI, MdAERH Loi75, 1975 relating to the code of water-MEAT (law EIA; 1991) Agro-chemical prevention MdAERH Licence obtaining ONAS Public Sensibilisation ANPE Freh water ANPE, MdAERH Integrated plan of the water resources MdAERH (ex-MEAT) Action plan for environment protection MdAERH/MdI Effluents Conformity ANPE ONAS Standards Water of interior MdI Drinking water and irrigation MdAERH Effluents ONAS Treatment Urban, rural, industrial ONAS Policy relating to the management of waste Adduction MdAERH Distribution/ Reused MdAERH Application ANPE, ONAS Institutional framework for management of water quality in Tunisia
Principal indicators for ONAS (2000) Evolution O.N.A.S infrastructure in Tunisia
Characteristic of treatment plants station in the case study
Dimensioning of treatment plants stations in the case study Histogram showing efficiency of Hammamet S.T.E.P
Conclusion • Physico-chemical characteristics of treated waste water are in conformity with the Tunisian standards imposed except for phosphorus elements; • High Phosphorus concentration and their various forms is is responsible for the proliferation of the algae and can lead to eutrophication; • The unconformity content of phosphorus is tributary with the type of treatment adopted in the three S.T.E.P, moreover the standards adopted in the marine public domain are rather low; • The reuse of treated waste water is reaches 6600 CM/day for irrigated perimeters (140 Ha: golf course).
Management of hazardous substances in Tunisia Production of hazardous substances in Tunisia (2001) Composition of solid waste Distribution of the production of solid waste per industrial sector
Ministry of Agriculture Environment and Hydraulic resources, Law tallies 96-41 of June 10, 1996, relating to solid waste and the control of their management and their elimination. A.N.P.E Department solid waste PRO.NA.G.DE.S: A National Program for Solid Waste Management Projects of embellishment, collection, sorting and solid waste disposal. Institutional framework
Objectives of the PRO.NA.G.DE.S • Prevention and reduction of the production of waste and their harmfulness; • Valorization of waste solids by the reuse, recycling and any action aiming at the recuperation of reusable materials; • Waste solids storage and processing in suitable installations. • Implementation of the suitable plans of management for each type of waste solids .
Principal components of the PRO.NA.G.DE.S Principal components of the PRO.NA.G.DE.S Particular waste (hospital, sludge) Household refuse and comparable Industrial and dangerous waste Resumption and valorization of packing (ECO~Lef) • Collect • Transfert • Sorting • Composting • Recycling • Collect • Transfert • Treatment • Recycling • Valorization • Collect • Recycling • Valorization • Collect • Treatment • Recycling • Valorization
Impact of the discharges • The pollution of the water resources by lixivia; • The disturbance of the ecosystems and the landscapes due to deforestations and the the plants mortality generated by flows of lixivia and the biogas emanations; • Bad smells due to the decomposition of waste; • Wind disperse waste; • Fire and explosions risks (presence of gas); • Sanitary risks due to the presence of pathogen bacteria and waste toxicity.
Distribution of polluting industries per activities sector (contribution to the pollution of air and water)
Synthesis • Determination and establishment an inventory of environmental data requirements for the study area; • Data-collect at the concerned establishments; • Synthetic report related to the national strategy for the management of the waste water and hazardous substances : case of the study area; • Report about WaterWare input; • Access data base in order to manage data of treatment stations plants; • Digitalisation entities concerning the environmental analysis in our study zone.
Objectives to be developed : • Setting-up an environmental data base in order to followof the various sources of pressures on the quality of surface, underground and coastal water (solid waste, air pollution and hydrous rejections); • Elaboration a detailed inventory of all sources of harmful effects and introduction all the geo-referenced or spatial data in G.I.S in order to analyze them and to apprehend their impact assessment; • To lay out a interactive decision support system for better sensitising the deciders in order to adopt adequate measurements for preserving water resources and instantaneous follow-up of their quality.