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Accountability Update

This overview provides an update on the 2018 school grades for traditional and charter schools in Florida. It highlights the changes in charter school grades and the overall improvement in accountability. The report includes key statistics and information on the school grades methodology.

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Accountability Update

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  1. Accountability Update

  2. Overview • 2018 School Grades Results • School Grades Methodology Overview • ESSA Overview and Timeline

  3. 2018 Charter School Grade Results

  4. 2018 School Grades Traditional and Charter Schools

  5. Charter School Grade Changes • Grade Increased– 113 Schools • Grade remained the Same – 326 Schools • Grade Decreased – 64

  6. Statewide Charter School Highlights • The percentage of charter schools earning an “A” or “B” increased to 68 percent (364 schools), up from 64 percent (340 schools) in 2016-17. • Charter high schools saw the largest percentage point increase in “A” schools • 52 percent (34 schools) of charter high schools earned an “A” in 2017-18, up from 37 percent (25 schools) in 2016-17. • 309 charter schools maintained an “A” grade (196 schools) or increased their grade (113 schools) in 2016-17 • “F” charter schools decreased by more than half (56 percent), dropping from 16 schools in 2016-17 to 7 schools in 2016-17.

  7. 75% of Charter Schools Graded “D” or “F” in 2017 Improved Their Grade in 2018 Did Not Increase Their Grade 25% Increased Their Grade 75%

  8. 100% of F Schools That Also Received a Grade in 2018 Improved Their Grade 1 Improved to a “B” 25% 5 Improved to a “C” 25%

  9. Florida’s Focus on Low Performing Schools is Paying Off 94 91 53 33

  10. School Grades

  11. School Grades Model(A maximum of 11 components)

  12. Percent Tested • Must test 95% of students • Calculated for each assessment and then aggregated. • Schools that do not test 95% of students will receive grades of “I” • Superintendents can appeal the “I” by demonstrating that the data accurately represents the school’s progress or requesting that late reporting assessment results be included. • Commissioner will review data to determine if the performance data is representative of the school’s progress. • If the Commissioner determines the data is representative, she will release grades for these schools at the end of the appeals period.

  13. Learning Gains in School Grades • 2014 Legislature established a new framework for learning gains requiring that learning growth toward achievement levels 3, 4, and 5 is demonstrated by students who scored below each of those levels in the prior year (s. 1008.34(3)(b), F.S.)

  14. Learning Gains of the Lowest 25% • Calculated for both English Language Arts and Mathematics • Applies the same learning gains methodology to the lowest performing 25% of students • Determining the lowest performing 25% of students • Uses the performance of students in the prior year calculated at each grade level to identify the lowest performing 25% of students (EOCs not by grade level) • Low 25% is no longer limited to students in Achievement Levels 1 and 2

  15. Middle School Acceleration • The percentage of eligible students who passed one or more high school level statewide, standardized end-of-course (EOC) assessments or attained industry certifications identified in the industry certification funding list • Calculated for all schools that include grades 6, 7, and 8 or grades 7 and 8 • Eligible students include full-year-enrolled students, who are current year grade 8 students who scored at or above Achievement Level 3 on the Mathematics statewide assessments (FSA & EOC) in the prior year, or are full-year-enrolled students in grades 6, 7, or 8 that took high school level EOC assessments or industry certifications (industry certification data is the most recent available and lags by one year) • Students must be enrolled in the course to be included • A student is included in the calculation no more than once

  16. Graduation Rate • The most recent 4-year cohort graduation rate measured according to 34 § CFR 200.19 • Calculated for all schools that include grades 9 to 12, grades 10 to 12, and grades 11 and 12 • Also calculated for combination schools that include these grade levels • Beginning in 2016-17, students who withdraw to a private school that the district has a contract with will remain in the graduation cohort for their last public school

  17. College and Career Acceleration • Cohort-based calculation using the graduates from the graduation rate calculation as the denominator • The percentage of graduates who, while in high school • Were eligible to earn college credit through AP, IB, or AICE examinations • Earned a C or better in dual enrollment or • Earned a CAPE industry certification

  18. School Grades Scale • The State Board of Education sets the scale and must, per state law, periodically review the scale to determine whether the expectations should be raised to encourage increased student achievement • If the Board adjusts the grading scale upward, it must inform the public and the school districts of the reasons for the adjustment and the anticipated impact on school grades

  19. Calculating the School Grade • The school’s grade is determined by • Summing the points earned for each component (each component is worth 100 points) and dividing by the sum of total points available for all components with sufficient data • The percentage resulting is the percentage of points the school earned from all applicable components • This percentage is compared to the scale set by the State Board of Education to determine a school’s grade

  20. School Grades ModelOther Topics • Per state law, if two or more schools operate at the same facility (collocated schools), and at least one of the collocated schools does not earn a school grade or a rating because of insufficient data, the performance data across all the schools at the same location are combined to calculate a school grade (s. 1008.34(3)(a)3, F.S.) • This provision results in more schools being included in school accountability

  21. Florida Standards Alternate Assessment • Results were included in the 2017-18 school grades • Went through rulemaking process in 2017-18 • Set the passing scores to use in the achievement measures for U.S. History and Civics • Determined the learning gains methodology • Workshops were held in Spring 2017 • Adopted by the State Board in January 2018

  22. Every Student Succeeds Act

  23. ESSA State Plan Approval • Drafted with public input, including workgroup of superintendents • No changes to Florida’s state accountability systems • Preserves the focus on increased student achievement • Adds a Federal calculation to satisfy ESSA requirements • Approved September 26, 2018

  24. Recent Successes • Only state to significantly improve on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 4th and 8th grade math and 8th grade reading • 1st among states in Advanced Placement participation • 4thin the nation in Advanced Placement performance • 4th in the nation for K-12 Student Achievement according to Education Week Quality Counts report • Graduation rate at an all-time high of 82.3%

  25. Sections of the State Plan • Title I, Part A: Assessment, Accountability, and School Improvement • Title I, Part C: Migrant Students • Title I, Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Students • Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction • Title III, Part A: English Language Learners • Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants • Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Centers • Title V, Part B, Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income School Program • Title VII, Subpart B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

  26. Accountability • Calculation of new Federal percent of points index • Includes all school grades components plus English Language Proficiency progress • English Language Proficiency progress – the percent of ELLs who make progress on ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 • ELLs who increase their composite proficiency level or • Remain at a composite score of 4, 5, or 6 • Calculated for all schools including ESE, Alternative, and DJJ • K-3 schools that don’t receive their own index will receive the Federal percent of points index of the school to which a majority of their students matriculate, as is currently done for the school grade for school recognition purposes • Calculated overall and by subgroup

  27. Subgroups • Subgroups include: • Economically disadvantaged students • Major racial and ethnic groups (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska native, and two or more races) • Students with disabilities • English Language Learners (ELLs)

  28. Federal Percent of Points Index

  29. Middle School Federal Percent of Points IndexSchool Quality Indicator • The mathematics achievement component is included as part of the middle school acceleration measure (20 points), as well as under the academic achievement indicator (80 points), for a total weight of 100 points in the Federal index.

  30. High School Federal Percent of Points Index School Quality Indicator The 4-year graduation rate is included as part of the college and career acceleration measure (20 points), as well as under the graduation rate indicator (80 points), for a total weight of 100 points in the federal index.

  31. School Improvement • Federal Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS&I) • Federal Targeted Support and Improvement (TS&I)

  32. State, District, and School Report Cards • Developing a new interactive report card that will provide the federally required components for the state, district, and school report cards • It will include the information that is now accessed through SPARS in a more accessible format for parents and the general public • Includes the following: • School grade and school grade components, and Federal index • Components disaggregated by subgroup • State, District, School level • English Language Proficiency Progress • State, District, School level • Whether the school was identified for support • Anticipated December 2018

  33. Percent Tested • Schools testing less than 95% of their students, overall or by subgroup, will have to review their testing practices and submit a plan for change to achieve 95% tested • Schools testing less than 95% will have the achievement denominators for ELA and Math increased to 95% for the Federal index calculation

  34. Other Assessment and Accountability Information • Recently arrived ELLs: • Test all in 1styear (90% of ELLs did this in 2017-18) • Learning gains counted in 2ndyear • Achievement counted in 3rdyear • Increase the federal accountability reporting period for former ELLs from two years to four years • Use State Board of Education strategic plan for long-term goals; added subgroup data • Additionally, included long-term goals for ELLs on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 English Language Proficiency assessment

  35. EDStats Portal https://edstats.fldoe.org

  36. What is EDStats? • It is the Florida PK-20 Education Information Portal, which schools and the public have started referring to as EDStats • Currently, it provides access to: • Statewide assessment data • School and district grades reports • High school graduation rates • PK-12 enrollment data • PK-12 fine arts reports • Florida College System data (select course enrollments and graduation rates) • FETPIP data

  37. What is EDStats? • Provides interactive state, district, and school/college data in the following formats: • Tables • Graphs • Maps • Report Cards • The drilldown options are slightly different across reports. PK-20 reports provide the following drilldown options and additional options pending on the area (e.g., grade level in K-12 or age group in FCS): • Race/Ethnicity • Gender • Disability Status • English Language Learner Status/LEP Status

  38. Where is EDStats? • https://edstats.fldoe.org • Linked to: • Accountability page (http://fldoe.org/accountability/) • FSA homepage on DOE website (http://fldoe.org/accountability/assessments/k-12-student-assessment/fsa.stml) • School grades homepage (http://schoolgrades.fldoe.org/) • Students’ data publications and reports homepage (http://fldoe.org/accountability/data-sys/edu-info-accountability-services/pk-12-public-school-data-pubs-reports/students.stml) • Florida College System “Access Data” page (https://www.floridacollegesystem.com/data.aspx)

  39. Main Page Important notes regarding bookmarking and compatibility

  40. Main Page Use tabs or sector icons to navigate

  41. PK-12 Interactive Reports Select an interactive report in the Assessments section for this portion of the training if you wish to use PK-12 data Takes users out of the portal to reports on DOE site

  42. Manipulating the Preset Data Table Drag Drop Expand

  43. Search Schools Using Maps

  44. Example of a School Report Card Helpful Resources

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