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DXM/ DM Dextromethorphan

DXM/ DM Dextromethorphan. Kallie Seiter. COLD MEDICINE. HISTORY. DXM was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1954. Drug Manufactures began putting it in cough syrups in the 1970’s. DXM and Morphine. DXM’s chemical formula is similar to Morphine.

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DXM/ DM Dextromethorphan

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  1. DXM/ DMDextromethorphan Kallie Seiter


  3. HISTORY • DXM was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1954. • Drug Manufactures began putting it in cough syrups in the 1970’s

  4. DXM and Morphine • DXM’s chemical formula is similar to Morphine. • When you overdose on DXM it is like overdosing on Morphine.

  5. DXM VS MORPHINE Morphine Molecule DXM Molecule

  6. NAMES NICKNAMES • DXM • Robo • Red Devils • DM • Robo-Tripping • Skittling • Triple C • Dexing LINGO

  7. DIFFERENT FORMS OF COUGH MEDICINE • Powder • Liquid • Tablet


  9. WHITE POWDER ARREST • 600 grams of white powder (Ecstasy?)

  10. ACUTE EFFECTS • Impaired judgment • Temporary sexual dysfunction • Sweating • Nausea • Slurred speech • Misrepresentation of the outside world. • Hallucinations

  11. CHRONIC EFFECTS • Irregular heart beat • Increased blood pressure • Slowed breathing • Anxiety • Loss of motor control • Skin Irritation (“Robo Itching”) • Hangover • Tremors

  12. SIDE EFFECTS OF OVERDOSE • Seizures • Coma • Death

  13. HIGH DOSE EFFECTS • Intoxication similar to that from alcohol, hallucinations, euphoria

  14. DURATION OF EFFECTS • Four to more than 10 hours, depending on dosage.

  15. DRUG INTERACTIONS • Can be deadly if mixed with prescription nondrowsy allergy medicine or antidepressants

  16. INTERNET • Calculation to get high • Height and Weight • Extraction Process • Order pure Dextromethorphan

  17. DEATHS/CRIMES • Teen stabbing • Brother kills his only brother • Suicide pact

  18. LIQUID VS TABLETS • Many teenagers will go for the tablets before they will because the liquid has a sweet taste. • They also will go for the tablets before they will go for the liquid because the liquid has something in the formula so that they can’t drink enough to get high. If youdrink to much of DXM it will make youthrow up. • The tablets also have a high amount of DXM

  19. EXTRACTION • Liquid Cough Medicine • Glass Jar • Plastic Drinking straws • Gelatin Capsules • Stove • Large glass bottle • Ziplock freezer bag • Glass carafe or pan • Ammonia • Naphtha • Scissors • Lemon Juice

  20. Citation • http://www.dextroverse.org/extractions.html • Leinwand, Donna. “Latest Trend in Drug Abuse: Youths Risk Death for Cough-Remedy High.” USA TODAY. Dec. 28 2003: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 03 Mar 2012. • Rubin, Bonnie Miller. “Teens Abusing Cold Remedies in Epidemic Numbers to Attain PCP-Like…” Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL). Feb 18 2004: SIRS Issue Researcher. Web. 03 Mar 2012. • Salladay, Robert. “A Bad Trip That Kills.” Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA). 04 Apr 2004: B1+. SIRS IssuesResearcher. Web 03 Mar 2012 • Schultz, Stacey. “Turning to Anything to Get That High.” U. S. News & World Report. 05 Jun 2000: 60. SIRS issues Researcher. Web. 03 March 2012 • Strickland, Leif B. “Drug Fad Catching Parents, Professionals by Surprise.” Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX). 15 Jul 1999: 1A+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 03 Mar 2012.

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