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Welcome to the Meals On Wheels Learning Management System. User Training for Meals on Wheels Programs June 2014.
Welcome to the Meals On Wheels Learning Management System User Training for Meals on Wheels Programs June 2014
The Meals on Wheels Leadership Academy has added Knowledge Direct, an online Learning Management System, to the educational tools that support the Leadership Academy’s students. • Our Learning Management System provides you with online, on-demand education whenever you want it and where you want it, on your desktop, laptop or tablet. • This presentation will show you what the system can do and how you can access and operate within the system. Our Learning Management System(LMS)is here!
Our LMS allows you to: • Explore your path to earning a Leadership Certificate. • Build your own curriculum. • Access courses online. • Keep track of your records. • View the credits you earned. • Show you how many credits you still need for a Leadership Certificate. • Print an online transcript. • Register and pay to attend Academy live webinars and other online events. What are the advantages of a Learning Management System?
Click on the link below or copy it into your internet browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer). Go to the site and save the link as a favorite for easy future access to the LMS (NOTE – the link is only live when you are in the slideshow mode). http://mow.knowledgedirectweb.com/kd/10.cfm How do I access the LMSsite?
The login page requires: • A Username • A Password • Both have been provided to you in the email to which this presentation was attached. • Once you fill out both fields and press enter, you will see the training menu screen. • Please change your password now, there are instructions on the next slide. How do I log into the LMS?
Click the profile button at the top of the Training Menu screen. • Type in your new password in the password field. • Click Update Profile. • The system will tell you your profile has been updated. • Keep your password in a safe place. How do I change my password? Profile Button
You can: • Select a course and take it. • View your student record. • Access handout materials. • View the status of your Leadership Certificate. • Print a Certificate of Completion for a course you have finished. What do I do next?
How do I take a course? Tabs • There are up to four tabs across the top of the Training Menu screen. • “My Courses” shows courses you have already paid for and free courses available to all members. • “Recommended Courses” has courses related to courses you have taken. • “Events” has live webinars (not active at this time). • “Available Courses” shows courses and live webinars for purchase.
Make sure the “Available Courses” tab is selected. • The screen shows the first three courses you can purchase. If there are more, there will be a plus sign at the bottom right. Each course has a brief description. • Click “Launch” for the course you select to purchase. You will be taken to the LMS shopping cart to make your purchase. How do I purchase a course? First Third Second, look for a plus sign
Once all members are active on the LMS, the event tab will list all upcoming webinars. Note: This feature is not active at this time How do I access webinars forpurchaseor free?
1. Make sure the “My Courses” tab is selected. A plus in the lower right corner means there are more courses. 2. The screen shows your first three courses. If there are more, there will be a plus sign at the bottom right. • Free courses will show up automatically in your “My Courses” so check regularly . • Each course has a brief description. 3. Click “Launch” for the course you select to see the modules that make up the course. How do I take a free course or one I have already purchased? First Third click launch Second, look for a plus sign
Courses have one or more modules. • Select a module and click to launch. • When you have finished a module, exit that screen and return to the LMS. • If you do not complete the module, you can return to it later.* What do I after I select a course? * Note – If you are watching a YouTube video and leave before it’s done, you’ll have to go back to the start and use the YouTube controls to return to the point you left off
At the top of the first screen, after you have signed in, press the e-Transcript button. • It will take you to a document with all of the classes for which you have received credit. How do I look at my transcript?
Access Course Materials • For courses in your “My Courses” list, copies of documents such as handouts and Power Point slides are available by clicking the tools icon (a hammer and wrench). Tools are arranged by course name. They can be downloaded and/or printed. Can I access slides or handoutsfrom the course ?
If you are enrolled in the certificate program, a T will appear on the Training Menu bar (see above). • Click on the T and it will show you the competencies you have credits in and which competencies you still need. • There is a find courses link to find available courses in each competency. • Click the Recommended Courses tab to see the courses. How can I check on the status of my Leadership Certificate?
Select the course you finished from the My Courses tab. • There will be a Print Certificate button. • Click the button. How can I print a Certificate of Completion?
Instructions for registering and viewing live webinars will be updated when all members have access to the LMS. How do I register for a webinar?
Mike Preston • 1-571-339-1626 • mike@mowaa.org • Sopha Sar • 1-571-339-1623 • sopha@mowaa.org • Eric Hardman • 1-571-339-1605 • eric@mowaa.org Who do I call or email if I have an issue or problem?