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Oracle 1Z0-102 Exam Oracle Certified Associate - Oracle WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-102-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Question 1 Which two statements are true about java EE shared libraries? A. A shared library cannot be deployed to a cluster. B. An applicaton that is targeted to server1 can use a shared library that is targeted to server 2. C. Multple versions of the same shared library can be deployed and be actve at the same tme D. A shared library is referenced through an applicatonns deployment descriptor. Aoswern C, D Explanatonn Cn If more than one copy of myLibrary is registered, WebLogic Server selects the library with the highest specifcaton version. If multple copies of the library use the selected specifcaton version, WebLogic Server selects the copy having the highest implementaton version. Dn A Java EE applicaton can reference a registered shared Java EE library using entries in the applicatonns weblogic-applicaton.xml deployment descriptor. Referencen Referencing Shared Java EE Libraries in an Enterprise Applicaton htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E12284041:wls:docs140:programming:libraries.html Question 2 Refer to the Exhibit. You use the Start buton in the administraton console to start managed2 successfully. Which two statements must be true? A. Managad2 is part of a cluster. B. The Administraton Server is running. C. Managed2 has applicatons deployed to it. D. The Node Manager for machine2 is confgured and running. E. The Node Manager for the Administraton Server machine is confgured and running. Aoswern B, D
Explanatonn Bn The administraton server must be running. Noten A WebLogic Server administratonndomainnis a logically related group of WebLogic Server resources. Domains include a special WebLogic Server instance called thenAdministraton Server, which is the central point from which you confgure and manage all resources in the domain.n Dn Node Manager is a WebLogic Server utlity that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administraton Server and Managed Server instances from a remote locaton. Although Node Manager is optonal, it is recommended if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applicatons with high availability requirements. A Node Manager process is not associated with a specifc WebLogic domain but with a machine. You can use the same Node Manager process to control server instances in any WebLogic Server domain, as long as the server instances reside on the same machine as the Node Manager process. Node Manager must run on each computer that hosts WebLogic Server instances -- whether Administraton Server or Managed Server -- that you want to control with Node Manager. Incorrect answersn An We could not know if Managed2 is in a cluster or not. Cn We could not know if Managed2 has deployed applicatons. Question 3 Within your data center, the Administraton and Managed Servers utliie a shared, central storage device, which serverns access via NFS. In this scenario, your applicaton fles no longer need to be copied to servers across the network. Which server atribute allows you to override this behavior? A. Startup Mode B. Staging Mode C. Root Directory D. Listen Address Aoswern B Explanatonn The server staging mode specifes the default deployment mode for a server if none is specifed at deployment tme. For example, the server staging mode is used if you deploy an applicaton or module using weblogic.Deployer and you do not specify a staging mode. Referencen htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E12284041:wls:docs140:Consoleeelp:taskhelp:deployment:SetAServer StagingMode.heYPERLINK "htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E12284041:wls:docs140:Consoleeelp:taskhelp:deployment:SetAServer StagingMode.html"tml Question 4 An EJB applicaton is targeted to a cluster. Remote EJB clients can therefore take advantage of WebLogic Serverns load balancing and failover capabilites. eowever, a proxy server exists between the clients and the cluster, which performs IP address translaton. Which cluster atribute should you
modify to ensure that load balancing and failover work correctly? A. Multcast Address B. Persistent Store C. Cluster Address D. Migraton Basis E. Replicaton Channel Aoswern B Explanatonn Persistent store provides a built-in, high-performance storage soluton for WebLogic Server subsystems and services that require persistence. The persistent store provides a built-in, high-performance storage soluton for WebLogic Server subsystems and services that require persistence. Noten In Memory replicaton is used in clustered deployments. When a user accesses a shopping cart applicaton deployed in the cluster, and the server (server1), which was handling user requests, goes down; the load balancer or the proxy server may failover the subsequent requests to next server (server2) in the cluster as per the fail over algorithm. eowever, by default the session is not replicated and the user may be prompted to a fresh login : error page as the session for that user is null in server2. In order to prevent this, web logic provides out of box session replicaton mechanisms. The replicaton could happen in memory; or using JDBC : File based persistence. When all the members in the cluster have the same JDBC : File persistence for session management; it is equivalent to having a session replicaton. In memory replicaton copies the session informaton of the user across diferent servers in the cluster. <persistent-store-type>replicated<:persistent-store-type> or <persistent-store-type>replicated0if0clustered<:persistent-store-type> Referencen htpn::middlewaremagic.com:weblogic:?pp=008 (clustering, 8th bulleted point) Question 5 You startmanageWeblogic.sh server1 htpn::112.1=2.1.142n2441. What does this do? run the default startmanageWeblogic (.cmd in Windows) script as shown heren A. It starts the administraton server named server1, which is running at 112.1= B. It starts the managed server named server1, which is running at 112.1= C. It starts the managed server named server1 whose Node Manager is running at 112.1= D. It starts the Managed Server named server1 whose Administraton Server is running at 112.1=2.1.142n2441. Aoswern D Explanatonn A Managed Server is a WebLogic Server instance that runs deployed applicatons. It refers to the Administraton Server for all of its confguraton and deployment informaton. Usually, you use
Managed Servers to run applicatons in a producton environment. See step 8 and 5 below in partcularn To use the WebLogic Server scripts to start Managed Serversn • Refer to Startng Serversn Before You Begin for prerequisite tasks. • If you have not already done so, create one or more Managed Servers. See Creatng WebLogic Domains Using the Confguraton Wiiard or "Create Managed Servers" in the Administraton Console Online eelp. • Start the domainns Administraton Server. • In a shell (command prompt) on the computer that hosts the Managed Server, change to the directory that contains the startManagedWebLogicscriptn DOMAIN0NAME\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd (Windows) DOMAIN0NAME:bin:startManagedWebLogic.sh (UNIX) where DOMAIN0NAME is the directory in which you located the domain. By default, this directory is BEA0eOME\user0projects\domains\DOMAIN0NAME. • Enter one of the following commandsn • startManagedWebLogic.cmd managed0server0name admin0url (Windows) • startManagedWebLogic.sh managed0server0name admin0url (UNIX) where managed0server0name specifes the name of the Managed Server and admin0url specifes the listen address (host name or IP address) and port number of the domainns Administraton Server. For example, the following command uses startManagedWebLogic.cmd to start a Managed Server named myManagedServer. The listen address for the domainns Administraton Server is Admineostn7441n cn\bea\user0projects\domains\mydomain\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd htpn::Admineostn7441 • For each Managed Server that you want to start, open a separate command shell and follow steps 8 and 5. If you are startng Managed Servers on another machine, log in to that machine (remotely or locally) and then follow steps 8 and 5. Referencen Startng Managed Servers with a Startup Script myManagedServer Question 6 An applicaton requires a JDBC data source, which you create in the domain. You name it but the administrator allot another domain name the same data source DatasourceB. Without modifying either domain, which is the best method to ensure that the applicaton deploys successfully in both? A. Create a separate applicaton archive to use with each domain. B. Create a separate deployment plan fle to use with each domain. C. Create and register a custom deployment listener. D. Modify the applicaton code to determine the current domain. Aoswern B Explanatonn A WebLogic Server deployment plan is an optonal XML document that you use to confgure an applicaton for deployment to a specifc WebLogic Server environment, such as a domain. Referencen Deploying Applicatons To WebLogic Server, Confguring Applicatons for Producton Deployment
Question 7 Identfy three optons for Keystores in a serverns confguraton. A. Demo Identty and Demo Trust B. Demo Identty and Java Standard Trust C. Java Standard Identty and Custom Trust D. Custom Identty and Demo Trust E. Custom Identty and Custom Trust F. Custom Identty and Command Line Trust Aoswern A, B, E Explanatonn An WebLogic Server is confgured with a default identty keystore (nDemoIdentty.jks) and a default trust keystore (nDemoTrust.jks).n Bn Opton Demo Identty Keystoren Descriptonn The path and fle name of the demo identty keystore. Opton Java Standard Trust Keystoren Descriptonn The path and fle name of the trust keystore. En Optonn Custom Identty Keystore Descriptonn The path and fle name of the identty keystore. The path name must either be absolute or relatve to where the server was booted. The custom identty key store fle name CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0JAVA0STANDARD0TRUST, CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0COMMAND0LINE0TRUST. Incorrect answersn Cn There is no opton named Java Standard Identty Dn Optonn Custom Identty Keystore Descriptonn The path and fle name of the identty keystore. It does not work with Demo Trust (see (E) above). Fn Dn Optonn Custom Identty Keystore Descriptonn The path and fle name of the identty keystore. It does not work with Command Line Trust (see (E) above). Referencen Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administraton Console Online eelp 11g Release 1, Serversn Confguratonn Keystores htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E20581041:apirefs.1111:e10152:pagehelp:Corecoreserverserverconfgke ystorettle.htmllatributes is only used if KeyStores is or CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0CUSTOM0TRUST Question 8 When installing Oracle Weblogic Server 11g with the graphical installer, which three statements are true? A. You must choose either a typical or a custom installaton. B. You install under Microsof Windows because the graphical installer is available only for Window
C. You may create a new middleware home directory or choose an existng one. D. You must register for critcal security updates. E. You may install a JDK or choose one that was previously installed. Aoswern A, C, E Explanatonn Tasks WebLogic Server Product Installaton Procedure Step 1 - Obtain the appropriate installaton fle for your platorm Step 2 - Complete the installaton planning requirements Ensure that your system environment meets the requirements for the installaton. Also determine your Oracle Middleware home directory, and product installaton home directories. (C) When you are installing WebLogic Server, you are prompted to choose an existng Middleware home directory or specify a path to create a new Middleware home directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the installaton program automatcally creates it for you. Step 0 - Determine the appropriate installaton mode for your situaton Step 8 - Determine the type of installaton (A) There are two types of installaton Typical or Custom. The type of installaton depends on the products and sub-components you want to install. Step 5 - Install the sofware Step = - Create a WebLogic domain En The JDK selecton screen. This screen is displayed only if you selected a Custom installaton. It is not displayed if you are running an Upgrade installer. This screen displays a list of JDKs. This list contains JDKs that are available for (and common across) previous installatons of all the selected WebLogic Server components. Select the JDK that you want to install with the product. Incorrect answersn Bn There are diferent platorms on which Weblogic can be installed. Such as Windows, Linux, and UNIX. Dn To receive updates you must register. eowever, you do not do that during the graphic installaton phase. Noten You must have an actve My Oracle Support account in order to download an Upgrade installer. You can also install patch releases using the Smart Update tool, which is included with WebLogic Server. Smart Update requires that you have an actve My Oracle Support account. If a patch release or patch set is available for your current WebLogic Server installaton, you can download an Upgrade installer from My Oracle Support. Upgrade installers let you install an available patch release or patch set onto an existng WebLogic Server installaton.n Referencen Oracle Fusion Middleware Installaton Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1, Running the Installaton Program in Graphical Mode Referencen Oracle Fusion Middleware Installaton Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1, Installaton Overview Question 9 Each domain has a directory called servers that contains subdirectories for each server in the domain. Your domain has a managed server named managed1. When will the managed1 directory be created?
A. When the managed1 server is defned in the confguraton Wiiard B. When the domain is created C. When the administraton server comes up for the frst tme D. When the managed1 server1 comes for the frst tme Aoswern A Explanatonn WebLogic Platorm gives you an opportunity to change the distributon of your domain across servers, clusters, and machines. ThenManaged Servers, Clusters, and Machines Optonsnwindow prompts you to decide whether you want to defne additonal infrastructure components and distribute the domain across those components. If you select No, the wiiard uses the confguraton setngs exactly as defned in the confguraton source that you selected earlier. If you select Yes, you are prompted in subsequent windows to defne the confguraton you want, as described below. Taskn Confguring Managed Servers Descriptonn Optonally, add Managed Servers or change the confguraton of existng Managed Servers in your domain. In additon to the Administraton Server, producton environments typically deploy one or more Managed Servers to host enterprise applicatons. Referencen Creatng WebLogic Confguratons Using the Confguraton Wiiard htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E1011=041:platorm:docs21:confgwii:mult.htmll1457185 Question 10 Identfy three propertes required by the domain Confguraton Wiiard when creatng a new domain. A. machine name B. Managed Server name C. domain startup mode D. domain name E. administrator username and password Aoswern C, D, E Explanatonn Cn Choose the Startup Mode Specify the startup mode for your domain. Either Development or Producton Dn The Create WebLogic Domain window prompts you to specify the name and pathname for the domain, and initate its creaton. En The Confgure Administrator Username and Password window prompts you to specify a username and password to be used for startng the Administraton Server. Referencen Creatng WebLogic Domains Using The Confguraton Wiiard htpn::docs.oracle.com:cd:E10171041:common:docs12:confgwii:newdom.hteYPERLINK