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This project aims to bridge research institutions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange to enhance scientific and innovation capacities. Funding opportunities available for various project types. Contact us for more information.
INGA ŠĪRANTEVIAA Zinātnes, pētniecības un inovāciju politikas atbalsta departamenta,Pētniecības starptautisko programmu nodaļasVecākā eksperte Vaļņu iela 1, 3. stāvs (pa kreisi), Rīga, LV-1050, LATVIJATālr.: 67785463, fakss: 67814344inga.sirante@viaa.gov.lv, www.viaa.gov.lv
Projektu veidi • Research & Innovation actions EU funding rate – 100% Activities aiming to establish new knowledge or explore the feasibility of a new technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.
Projektu veidi (1) • 2.Innovation actions EU funding rate – 70% (except non-profit, which are still funded 100%) Activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication.
Projektu veidi (2) • 3.Coordination & support actions EU funding rate – 100% Accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies.
Projektu izmaksu kategorijas • A. direct personnel costs; • B. direct costs of subcontracting(including related duties, taxesand charges such as non-deductible value added tax (VAT) paid bythe beneficiary) • D. other direct costs; • Travel costs and related subsistence allowances • Depreciation costs of equipment, infrastructure or other assets • Costs of other goods and services (including related duties, taxes and charges such asnon-deductible value added tax (VAT) paid by the beneficiary. • E. indirect costs; • Indirect costs are eligible if they are declared on the basis of the flat-rate of 25% of the • eligible direct costs from which are excluded: • (a) costs of subcontracting [and][;] • (b) costs of in-kind contributions provided by third parties which are not used on thebeneficiary’s premises.
Projektu finansu plūsma • -one pre-financing payment (pre-financing payment to the coordinator within 30 days from thestarting date of the action) • - one or more interim payments, on the basis of the request(s) for interim payment (Limit to 90% of the maximum grant amount) • one payment of the balance, on the basis of the request for payment of the balance • ‘Guarantee Fund’-5%;
Projektu atskaites (elektroniski) • Reporting period (1-18; 1-12; 1-24) • Coordinator must submit a periodic report within 60 days following the end of each reporting period. • final summary financial statement (EUR) • a ‘certificate on the financial statements’total contribution of EUR 325 000 or more, as reimbursement of actual costand unit costs calculated on the basis of its usual cost accounting practices.
TWINNING CALL FOR TWINNING H2020-TWINN-2015 Opening Date: 02-07-2014 Deadline Date: 07-05-2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget€65,270,000 Informācija Interneta vietnē: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/6064-h2020-twinn-2015.html#tab1
Topic description • Specific challenge: The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the low performing Member States and regions and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. Driven by the quest for excellence, research intensive institutions tend to collaborate increasingly in closed groups, producing a crowding-out effect for a large number of promising institutions. This is the challenge that a specific Twinning action will try to address.
Topic description Expected impact: There will be a measurable and significant improvement in the overall scientific and innovation capacity of the initiating institution in a particular field of research through linking with research intensive counterpart institutions in other Member States and thereby expect positive impacts on the overall research and innovation potential of the Member State or the region the initiating institution is located in. Such improvement could be measured through an increase of peer-reviewed publications, increased impact factors in terms of citations etc. Impact indicators should reflect an increase in relative terms based on the situation before the project compared to the projected situation immediately after the project is completed, as well as within the foreseeable future after completion. These indicators are important for determining the potential regional and national impact, as well as long-term sustainability and viability of the beneficiary organisations.
CALL Documents • Legal basis - Framework Programme H2020 en • Legal basis - Rules for Participation en • Legal basis - Specific Programme H2020 en • WP H2020 - 1. Introduction en • WP H2020 - 15. Spreading excellence and widening participation en • WP H2020 - 19. General Annexes en • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and info on KPI Twinning 2015_updated version EN en
Noderīgākās atbildes What is the minimum, typical and maximum duration of each project? A Twinning project is foreseen to last for up to 3 years. Category: Cost Eligibility For general information and clarifications on cost eligibility in H2020, potential applicants can check the Annotated Model Grant Agreement (MGA) that can be found on the participant portal in the link below: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/amga/h2020-amga_en.pdf What sort of costs could be charged to a project by an internationally-leading (advanced) partner? Costs for exchanges of personnel, travel allowances and costs associated with the provision of expertise are some of the typical costs that could be claimed by internationally-leading (advanced) partnersunder a Twinning project.
Noderīgas atbildes • What is the expected duration of short-term staff exchanges and/or expert visits? Are they limited to a few weeks? A few months? • There is no pre-defined duration for short term staff exchanges or expert visits. They should however, add value to the project and they should last for a reasonable timeframe of a few weeks or a few months; more than 9 months would probably be considered as too long
Kādas valstis var pieteikt projektu konkursā Based on the above threshold, applicant organisations from the following Member States24 will be eligible to submit proposals: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Projekta dalības nosacījumi Twinning proposals must involve a minimum of three participants: a. The applicant organisation must satisfy the condition set out in point 1 above, and must be the coordinator of the proposal. b. At least two internationally-leading research intensive counterparts established in at least two different Member States other than that of the applicant organisation.
Plānojamās projekta aktivitātes • short term staff exchanges; • expert visits and short-term on-site or virtual training; • workshops; • conference attendance; • organisation of joint summer school type activities; • dissemination and outreach activities; • MG- management.
Aktivitātes, kuras neplānot • Twinning activities will provide no support to infrastructure and equipment; (Costs for consumables as well as software related to the training and subscription fees to online services, may be eligible, however this does not apply to equipment (PCs, or laptops) or infrastructure. No consumables will be reimbursed for research activities.) • no support for hiring new permanent research staff. • Costs for research activities are not eligible.
Projekta pieteikuma kopapjoms • The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 1 million, would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Projekta veids un EK finansējuma likme • Coordination and support actions • Funding rate: 100%
Laika plānojums - Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement: Information on the outcome of the evaluation (single stage) Indicative date for the signing of grant agreements H2020-TWINN-2015 Maximum 5 months from the final date for submission Maximum3 months from the date of informing applicants
Projekta pieteikuma veidlapa • http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/call_ptef/pt/h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-csa_en.pdf
Table 3.4b ‘Other direct cost’ items (travel, equipment, infrastructure, goods and services, large research infrastructure) • Please complete the table below for each participant if the sum of the costs for’ travel’, ‘equipment’,and ‘goods and services’ exceeds 15% of the personnel costs for that participant (according to thebudget table in section 3 of the proposal administrative forms).
Consortium Agreement H2020 for Subcontractors European Commission Contract Co-ordinator Partner 1 Partner 2 Subcontract Partner 3 Partner n
PERT CHART WP1 Co-ordination and Project Management Workpackage Leader: 1 Partners: All WP2 XXXXX Workpackage Leader: 3 Partners: 1,2,4 WP3 XXXXX Workpackage Leader: 2 Partners: 3,4,5 WP4 XXXXXX Workpackage Leader: 1 Partners: 2,3 WP5 XXXXX Workpackage Leader: 3 Partners: 1,2,4 WP6 XXXXX Workpackage Leader: 5 Partners: All
Smart Specialisation platform • http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/LV
Noderīgas Interneta vietnes • http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/funding/reference_docs.html#h2020-grants-manual-amga • http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020-funding-guide/grants/applying-for-funding/register-an-organisation/registration-of-organisation_en.htm • PIC LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE 999871830