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Crazy Faith - Obedience Beyond Logic

Embrace the crazy callings of God, obeying Him even when it seems illogical. Find joy in being called a "nut case" for honoring God with confidence. Share the stories of Abraham, Noah, and Jesus as inspirations for your own crazy faith journey.

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Crazy Faith - Obedience Beyond Logic

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  1. How crazy are you?Has God ever asked you to plow in parched ground?Has God ever asked you to build a boat in years where rain has never been seen?Kind of crazy isn't ?But the Lord likes this crazy people, those who obey him no matter that the situation or logic say the opposite. The most genuine way to honor God is showing Him confidence. Sometimes God has asked me to do this kind of crazy stuff, that my logic simply can’t process it. However I have done what I'm asked to do, and people may have thought that I have lost it. And I don’t regret it, for I prefer being called a “nut case” rather than looking up to the sky with remorse. Joy to the world       Emmanuel the    Son of God with      Us, Finally our         Savior King 

  2. How crazy are you?When I'm in these kind of situations, I have this dialogue with my self: Logic - This time this really looks crazy. Faith - But is Jesus telling you, He saved you and has never lied to you. Logic – Remember the last crazy thing that He asked you to do , I did not see any good outcome. Faith - Jesus knows better why He asked that , and all his words are true.And thank God , I have been obedient to Faith’s voice, keeping the thing I can't live without ; a genuine relationship with him. Joy to the world       Emmanuel the    Son of God with      Us, Finally our         Savior King 

  3. How crazy are you?Can you Imagine what it was going in Abraham's mind when God promised him a son even though he was a worn out man? And he could not see it happening. Or when he would tell his neighbors that God had promised him to multiply his descendants into countless millions; sure they made a mockery out of him and judged him crazy. Or when Noah was asked to built a boat for a flood, Can you imagine what happened around him the 120 years that he lasted building it ? I'm pretty sure that the people wanted to send him to the nut house, for they have never seen rain. Or when Jesus came to this world and introduced him self to his people, as the King they were waiting for, and they did not believe it; judging him crazy. Being the greatest act of love for us and his Father. Joy to the world       Emmanuel the    Son of God with      Us, Finally our         Savior King 

  4. How crazy are you?What could it be that crazy after realizing this? Do have confidence brother in Christ, if He has you plowing parched ground; keep on doing it for He is sending the rain. If He has asked you to get a diving suit in the desert; !get it! for He surely will bring the waves. If He has shown you a ministry so extraordinary to believe; !Believeit!andstartworking init. GodBlessyoutoday. . . .. . .+ ++++ +++++++ Joy to the world       Emmanuel the    Son of God with      Us, Finally our         Savior King  <°))))))><……………by: RichyEsparza Remember ye not the former things,       I will do a new thing, to give to my      Chosen people. Thus saith the LORD the Holy One of Israel, O Jacob my servant. Yet now hear Israel, whom I have chosen

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