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1DT066 Distributed Information Systems

1DT066 Distributed Information Systems. Course Summary. Introduction to Internet. Internet overview W hat’s a protocol? N etwork edge, core, access network packet-switching vs. circuit-switching Internet/ISP structure Internet protocol stack [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 1.

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1DT066 Distributed Information Systems

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  1. 1DT066Distributed Information Systems Course Summary

  2. Introduction to Internet • Internet overview • What’s a protocol? • Network edge, core, access network • packet-switching vs. circuit-switching • Internet/ISP structure • Internet protocol stack • [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 1 Introduction

  3. Application Layer • Specific protocols: • HTTP • FTP • SMTP, POP, IMAP • DNS • P2P: BitTorrent, Skype • [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 2 • Application architectures • client-server • P2P • hybrid • application service requirements: • reliability, bandwidth, delay • Internet transport service model • connection-oriented, reliable: TCP • unreliable, datagrams: UDP 2: Application Layer

  4. Transport Layer • Principles behind transport layer services: • multiplexing, demultiplexing • reliable data transfer • flow control • congestion control • Instantiation and implementation in the Internet • UDP • TCP • [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 3 Transport Layer

  5. Network Layer • Introduction • Virtual circuit and datagram networks • What’s inside a router • IP: Internet Protocol • Datagram format • IPv4 addressing • IPv6 • [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 4 • 4.5 Routing algorithms • Link state • Distance Vector • Hierarchical routing • 4.6 Routing in the Internet • RIP • OSPF • BGP • 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing Network Layer

  6. Link Layer • Link Layer Services • Multiple Access Protocols • channel partitioning, by time, frequency or code • Time Division, Frequency Division • random access (dynamic), • ALOHA, S-ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD • taking turns • polling from central site, token passing • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 5

  7. Network Security Basic techniques…... • cryptography (symmetric and public) • message integrity • digital signature …. used in many different security scenarios • secure email Operational Security: firewalls and IDS [Book] Kurose et al. Ch. 8

  8. Operating Systems • Brief introduction to operation systems • Major operating systems components • Basic computer system organization • Computer and network architecture • understand OS and how middleware is supported by the OS at the nodes of a distributed system • [Book] Coulouris et al. Ch. 7

  9. Distributed Systems • Definitions of distributed systems and comparisons to centralized systems. • The characteristics of distributed systems. • The eight forms of transparency. • The basic design issues. • [Book] Coulouris et al. Ch. 1 and 2

  10. Middlewares • The basic conceptual framework for middleware in distributed systems. • Definition of RPC and how it works. • Basics of web services technologies. • [Book] Coulouris et al. Ch. 5 and 9

  11. Time, Coordination and Agreement • Timing issues • Synchronizing physical clocks. • Logical time and logical clocks. • Distributed coordination and mutual exclusions. • Coordination. • Elections • Ring-based algorithm • Bully algorithm • Multicast communication. • [Book] Coulouris et al. Ch. 14 and 15.

  12. Concurrency Control • Transaction concepts: • ACID • Transaction commands • Roles of distributed components in transactions • Two-phase commit • phase one: voting • phase two: completion • Distributed Transactions and Distributed Deadlocks • [Book] Coulouris et al. Ch. 16

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