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Exin EXIN Portfolio Programme and Project Offices P3OF Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing P3OF Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of P3OF Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Exin/p3of-dumps/
Question: 1 Which of the following are critcal success factors for the introducton of standard tools and techniques to the P3O model? 1. Identff the benefts a tool will provide to an organizaton before focussing on its features 2. Ensure the complexitf of the tools and techniques matches the capabilitf maturitf of the organizaton 3. Implement new tools as part of an organizatonal change programme 4. Implement tools simultaneouslf across all programmes and projects A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 2, 3, 4 Answer: A Question: 2 Which is an area where improvement targets and related Kef Performance Indicators should be set? A. Improved portolio balance in terms of overall risk and lifecfcle stages B. Greater independence from strategic objectves C. Increased number of projects in start-up at anf one tme D. Increased number of programmes scoring amber or red at a gated review Answer: A Question: 3 Which is NOT a waf that tools maf be used? A. Communitf B. Individual C. Integrated D. Collaboratve Answer: A Question: 4 Which tool provides integrated reports for multple users from a single set of data? A. Beneft realizaton B. Facilitated workshops C. Complexitf modelling
D. Enterprise PPM solutons Answer: D Question: 5 Where maf standard techniques for a P3O exist in an organizaton? A. Reported in management dashboards B. Within a Business Case C. As part of the P3O implementaton plan D. Within corporate standards and policies Answer: D Question: 6 Which is a kef actvitf of the Identffy process in the permanent P3O lifecfcle? A. Delivering the new capabilitf B. Planning tranches of deliverf C. Analfsing stakeholders and planning communicatons D. Assessing the current state of P3O provision Answer: D Question: 7 Which role is responsible for developing a Portolio Dependencies Register? A. Programme Specialist B. Portolio Analfst C. Reportng D. Tools Expert Answer: B Question: 8 Which is an actvitf in the defniton and implementaton of a temporarf Programme Ofce? A. Create a Vision Statement for the ofce B. Transfer the realizaton of benefts to the operatonal environment C. Identff existng processes defned bf the COE that maf used D. Design the future state Blueprint
Answer: C Question: 9 What model has permanent decentralized ofces with temporarf Programme Ofces, as required? A. P3O with Hub Portolio Ofces B. P3O with Organizaton Portolio Ofce C. P3O with Temporarf Ofces D. Virtual P3O Answer: A Question: 10 Which describes how P3M3 assessments are used when implementng a P3O? A. Document new processes to be followed B. Defne the skills needed in the implementaton team C. Develop a tranche-based plan that suits maturitf levels D. Assess project or programme complexitf Answer: C Question: 11 Which P3O capabilitf is MOST likelf to lead to unviable projects being stopped at the inital investment gate? A. Tracking of progress on programmes against kef outcomes B. Selecton of the right programmes and projects via an established structure C. Identfcaton of potental duplicaton of scope or double countng of benefts D. Coordinated change control process across multple projects and business operatons Answer: B Question: 12 Which is a deliverf support functon ofered within a P3O? A. Reportng on progress through management dashboards B. Provision of independent assurance of programmes C. Provision of project support resources to projects D. Alignment of change initatves to strategf Answer: C
Question: 13 Which is NOT a tfpical Kef Performance Indicator which can be used to measure the success of a P3O? A. Increased success of programmes delivering to budget B. Improved portolio balance in relaton to spend on short term contract resource C. Increased use of implemented tools bf operatons staf D. Enhanced contributon measured against the Benefts Realizaton Plan Answer: C Question: 14 Which is an Informaton Assurance concept that ensures a P3O can supplf informaton to the business when needed? A. Asset management B. Confguraton management C. Availabilitf D. Confdentalitf Answer: C Question: 15 Which defnes what a P3O provides? A. Decision-ma king forum for Programme and Project Managers B. Decision-enabling model for the entre organizaton. C. Integraton with governance arrangements and other corporate support functons D. Replacement for Programme and Project Boards Answer: C
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