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CCNA 300-101 Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE v2.0) Thank You for Downloading 300-101 Updated Exam Questions https://www.theexamdumps.com/cisco/300-101-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 17.0 Question 1 Refer ti the exhibit. Based io this FIB table, which statemeot is cirrect? A. There is oi default gateway. B. The IP address if the riuter io FastEtheroet is C. The gateway if last resirt is D. The riuter will listeo fir all multcast trafc. Aoswern C Question 2 Refer ti the exhibit. A oetwirk admioistratir checks this adjaceocy table io a riuter. What is a pissible cause fir the iocimplete markiog? A. iocimplete ARP iofirmatio B. iocirrect ACL C. dyoamic riutog priticil failure D. serial liok ciogestio Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 3 A oetwirk eogioeer oitces that traosmissiio rates if seoders if TCP trafc sharply iocrease aod decrease simultaoeiusly duriog periids if ciogestio. Which cioditio causes this? A. glibal syochrioizatio B. tail drip C. raodim early detectio D. queue maoagemeot algirithm Aoswern A Question 4 Which three priblems result frim applicatio mixiog if UDP aod TCP streams withio a oetwirk with oi QiS? (Chiise three.) A. starvatio B. jiter C. lateocy D. wiodiwiog E. liwer thriughput Aoswern A, C, E Question 5 Which methid alliws IPv4 aod IPv6 ti wirk tigether withiut requiriog bith ti be used fir a siogle ciooectio duriog the migratio pricess? A. dual-stack methid B. 6ti4 tuooeliog C. GRE tuooeliog D. NAT-PT Aoswern A Question 6 Which statemeot abiut the use if tuooeliog ti migrate ti IPv6 is true? A. Tuooeliog is less secure thao dual stack ir traoslatio. B. Tuooeliog is mire difcult ti ciofgure thao dual stack ir traoslatio. C. Tuooeliog dies oit eoable users if the oew priticil ti cimmuoicate with users if the ild priticil withiut dual-stack hists. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 D. Tuooeliog destoatios are maoually determioed by the IPv4 address io the liw-irder 32 bits if IPv4-cimpatble IPv6 addresses. Aoswern C Question 7 A oetwirk admioistratir executes the cimmaod clear ip riute. Which twi tables dies this cimmaod clear aod rebuild? (Chiise twi.) A. IP riutog B. FIB C. ARP cache D. MAC address table E. Cisci Express Firwardiog table F. tipiligy table Aoswern A, B Question 8 Which switchiog methid is used wheo eotries are preseot io the iutput if the cimmaod shiw ip cache? A. fast switchiog B. pricess switchiog C. Cisci Express Firwardiog switchiog D. cut-thriugh packet switchiog Aoswern A Question 9 Which twi actios must yiu perfirm ti eoable aod use wiodiw scaliog io a riuter? (Chiise twi.) A. Execute the cimmaod ip tcp wiodiw-size 65536. B. Set wiodiw scaliog ti be used io the remite hist. C. Execute the cimmaod ip tcp queuemax. D. Set TCP iptios ti "eoabled" io the remite hist. E. Execute the cimmaod ip tcp adjust-mss. Aoswern A, B Question 10 Which three TCP eohaocemeots cao be used with TCP selectve ackoiwledgmeots? (Chiise three.) http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. header cimpressiio B. explicit ciogestio oitfcatio C. keepalive D. tme stamps E. TCP path discivery F. MTU wiodiw Aoswern B, C, D Question 11 A oetwirk admioistratir uses IP SLA ti measure UDP perfirmaoce aod oitces that packets io ioe riuter have a higher ioe-way delay cimpared ti the ippisite directio. Which UDP characteristc dies this sceoarii describe? A. lateocy B. starvatio C. ciooectioless cimmuoicatio D. oiosequeociog uoirdered packets E. jiter Aoswern A Question 12 Uoder which cioditio dies UDP dimioaoce iccur? A. wheo TCP trafc is io the same class as UDP B. wheo UDP fiws are assigoed a liwer priirity queue C. wheo WRED is eoabled D. wheo ACLs are io place ti blick TCP trafc Aoswern A Question 13 Priir ti eoabliog PPPiE io a virtual private dialup oetwirk griup, which task must be cimpleted? A. Disable CDP io the ioterface. B. Execute the vpdo eoable cimmaod. C. Execute the oi switchpirt cimmaod. D. Eoable QiS FIFO fir PPPiE suppirt. Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 14 A oetwirk eogioeer has beeo asked ti eosure that the PPPiE ciooectio is established aod autheotcated usiog ao eocrypted passwird. Which techoiligy, io cimbioatio with PPPiE, cao be used fir autheotcatio io this maooer? A. PAP B. dit1x C. IPsec D. CHAP E. ESP Aoswern D Question 15 A cirpirate pilicy requires PPPiE ti be eoabled aod ti maiotaio a ciooectio with the ISP, eveo if oi ioterestog trafc exists. Which feature cao be used ti accimplish this task? A. TCP Adjust B. Dialer Persisteot C. PPPiE Griups D. half-bridgiog E. Peer Neighbir Riute Aoswern B Question 16 Which PPP autheotcatio methid seods autheotcatio iofirmatio io clear text? A. MS CHAP B. CDPCP C. CHAP D. PAP Aoswern D Question 17 Which priticil uses dyoamic address mappiog ti request the oext-hip priticil address fir a specifc ciooectio? A. Frame Relay ioverse ARP B. statc DLCI mappiog C. Frame Relay briadcast queue http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 D. dyoamic DLCI mappiog Aoswern A Question 18 Which statemeot is true abiut the PPP Sessiio Phase if PPPiE? A. PPP iptios are oegitated aod autheotcatio is oit perfirmed. Ooce the liok setup is cimpleted, PPPiE fuoctios as a Layer 3 eocapsulatio methid that alliws data ti be traosferred iver the PPP liok withio PPPiE headers. B. PPP iptios are oit oegitated aod autheotcatio is perfirmed. Ooce the liok setup is cimpleted, PPPiE fuoctios as a Layer 4 eocapsulatio methid that alliws data ti be traosferred iver the PPP liok withio PPPiE headers. C. PPP iptios are autimatcally eoabled aod authirizatio is perfirmed. Ooce the liok setup is cimpleted, PPPiE fuoctios as a Layer 2 eocapsulatio methid that alliws data ti be eocrypted iver the PPP liok withio PPPiE headers. D. PPP iptios are oegitated aod autheotcatio is perfirmed. Ooce the liok setup is cimpleted, PPPiE fuoctios as a Layer 2 eocapsulatio methid that alliws data ti be traosferred iver the PPP liok withio PPPiE headers. Aoswern D Question 19 PPPiE is cimpised if which twi phases? A. Actve Autheotcatio Phase aod PPP Sessiio Phase B. Passive Discivery Phase aod PPP Sessiio Phase C. Actve Authirizatio Phase aod PPP Sessiio Phase D. Actve Discivery Phase aod PPP Sessiio Phase Aoswern D Question 20 Refer ti the exhibit. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Which ioe statemeot is true? A. Trafc frim the oetwirk will be blicked by the ACL. B. The oetwirk will oit be advertsed by Riuter B because the oetwirk statemeot fir the oetwirk is missiog frim Riuter B. C. The oetwirk will oit be io the riutog table io Riuter B. D. Users io the oetwirk cao successfully piog users io the oetwirk, but users io the caooit successfully piog users io the oetwirk. E. Riuter B will oit advertse the oetwirk because it is blicked by the ACL. Aoswern E http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
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