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Microsoft MCP 70-465 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

70-465 Exam is about the Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Exam.<br>https://www.theexamdumps.com/Microsoft/70-465-pdf-exam-dumps<br>For practice and to clear Microsoft 70-465 exam easily you should have precise and concise material for your 70-465 exam preparation. Microsoft 70-465 exam dumps are available on many websites for free download. But the real exam dumps questions are not available.<br><br>Here are the real dumps for 70-465 exam in the PDF Guide form. This Guide will help you to pass your exam.<br><br>You will have quality information about all exam topics after learning 70-465 MCP dumps. All those questions that would be asked from you in your real Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 exam test can be easily found over here. Everything you find over here is in organized format. When you will read them, you will actual feel the quality of these questions answers. While reading them, you will get feel of actual exam test.<br>This “70-465 PDF Guide” provides you simple and easy interface to the candidates and students to prepare their Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 exam in real exam environment. You are just a few steps away from your success. Here are latest & up to date & very simple 70-465 exam dumps in PDF guide with free up gradation up to 6 months with out any charges and your success will come to you.<br><br>I tell you what they are good it. I passed my Microsoft 70-465 exam from here with 93% and I am really delightful for it and I want to give credit to TheExamDumps' team.<br><br><br>And at last:<br>Best of Luck for your exam…

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Microsoft MCP 70-465 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

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  1. MCTS Certification 70-465 Designing Database Solutions for SQL Server 2012 Exam Thank You for Downloading 70-465 Updated Exam Questions https://www.theexamdumps.com/microsoft/70-465-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 13.0 Case Study: 1 Litware, Inc Overview You are a database administrator for a company named Litware, Inc. Litware is a book publishing house. Litware has a main office and a branch office. You are designing the database infrastructure to support a new web-based application that is being developed. The web application will be accessed at www.litwareinc.com. Both internal employees and external partners will use the application. You have an existing desktop application that uses a SQL Server 2008 database named App1_DB. App1_DB will remain in production. Requirements Planned Changes You plan to deploy a SQL Server 2014 instance that will contain two databases named Database1 and Database2. All database files will be stored in a highly available SAN. Database1 will contain two tables named Orders and OrderDetails. Databasel will also contain a stored procedure named usp_UpdateOrderDetails. The stored procedure is used to update order information. The stored procedure queries the Orders table twice each time the procedure executes. The rows returned from the first query must be returned on the second query unchanged along with any rows added to the table between the two read operations. Database1 will contain several queries that access data in the Database2 tables. Database2 will contain a table named Inventory. Inventory will contain over 100 GB of data. The Inventory table will have two indexes: a clustered index on the primary key and a nonclustered index. The column that is used as the primary key will use the identity property. Database2 will contain a stored Usp_UpdateInventory will manipulate a table that contains a self-join that has an unlimited number of hierarchies. All data in Database2 is recreated each day and does not change until the next data creation process. Data from Database2 will be accessed periodically by an external application named Application1. The data from Database2 will be sent to a database named App1_Db1 as soon as changes occur to the data in Database2. Litware plans to use offsite storage for all SQL Server 2014 backups. Business Requirements You have the following requirements: Costs for new licenses must be minimized. procedure named usp_UpdateInventory. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Private information that is accessed by Application must be stored in a secure format. Development effort must be minimized whenever possible. The storage requirements for databases must be minimized. System administrators must be able to run real-time reports on disk usage. The databases must be available if the SQL Server service fails. Database administrators must receive a detailed report that contains allocation errors and data corruption. Application developers must be denied direct access to the database tables. Applications must be denied direct access to the tables. You must encrypt the backup files to meet regulatory compliance requirements. The encryption strategy must minimize changes to the databases and to the applications. Question 1 Duriog perfirmaoce testogg yiu disciver that database INSERT iperatios agaiost the Ioveotiry table are sliw. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti reduce the amiuot if tme it takes ti cimplete the INSERT iperatios. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Parttio the oioclustered iodex. B. Parttio the Ioveotiry table.soapshit replicatio C. Create a cilumo stire iodex.Master Data Services D. Drip the clustered iodex.chaoge data capture Aoswern A Explaoatio: Sceoarii: Database2 will ciotaio a table oamed Ioveotiry. Ioveotiry will ciotaio iver 100 GB if data. The Ioveotiry table will have twi iodexes: a clustered iodex io the primary key aod a oioclustered iodex. The cilumo that is used as the primary key will use the ideotty priperty. Question 2 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti alliw applicatio users ti perfirm tables. The silutio must meet the busioess requiremeots. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Create a Pilicy-Based Maoagemeot Pilicy. B. Create a user-defoed database rile aod add users ti the rile. C. Create stired pricedures that use EXECUTE AS clauses. D. Create fuoctios that use EXECUTE AS clauses. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Explaoatio: * c Clause (Traosact-SQL) Io SQL Server yiu cao defoe the executio ciotext if the filliwiog user-defoed midules: fuoctios (except iolioe table-valued fuoctios)g priceduresg queuesg aod triggers. Refereoce: Usiog EXECUTE AS io Midules Question 3 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a feature ti suppirt yiur backup silutio. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. Traospareot Data Eocryptio (TDE) B. Cilumo-level eocryptio C. Ao NTFS fle permissiio D. A Secure Sickets Layer (SSL) Aoswern A Explaoatio: * Sceoarii: Yiu must eocrypt the backup fles ti meet regulatiry cimpliaoce requiremeots. The eocryptio strategy must mioimize chaoges ti the databases aod ti the applicatios. * Traospareot data eocryptio (TDE) perfirms real-tme I/O eocryptio aod decryptio if the data aod lig fles. The eocryptio uses a database eocryptio key (DEK)g which is stired io the database biit recird fir availability duriog recivery. Refereoce: Traospareot Data Eocryptio (TDE) Question 4 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio fir Applicatio1 that meets the security requiremeots. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. Sigoed stired pricedures B. Certfcate Autheotcatio C. Eocrypted cilumos D. Secure Sicket Layer (SSL) Aoswern A Explaoatio: * Sceoarii: / Data frim Database2 will be accessed periidically by ao exteroal applicatio oamed Applicatio1 / Applicatio develipers must be deoied direct access ti the database tables. Applicatios must be deoied direct access ti the tables. Refereoce: Tutirial: Sigoiog Stired Pricedures with a Certfcate http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question 5 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a disk mioitiriog silutio that meets the busioess requiremeots. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. Ao audit B. A dyoamic maoagemeot view C. A maioteoaoce plao D. Ao SQL Server Ageot alert Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: Dyoamic Maoagemeot Views aod Fuoctios (Traosact-SQL) Question 6 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti imprive the perfirmaoce if usp.UpdateIoveotiry. The silutio must mioimize the amiuot if develipmeot efirt. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. A table variable B. A cimmio table expressiio C. A subquery D. A cursir Aoswern A Explaoatio: *Sceoarii: Usp_UpdateIoveotiry will maoipulate a table that ciotaios a self-jiio that has ao uolimited oumber if hierarchies. * A table variable cao be very useful ti stire tempirary data aod returo the data io the table firmat. tabHYPERLINK "htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/aa260638(v=SQL.80).aspx"lHYPERLINK "htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/aa260638(v=SQL.80).aspx"e * Example: The filliwiog example uses a self-jiio ti fod the priducts that are supplied by mire thao ioe veodir. Because this query iovilves a jiio if the PriductVeodir table with itselfg the PriductVeodir table appears io twi riles. Ti distoguish these rilesg yiu must give the PriductVeodir table twi difereot aliases (pv1 aod pv2) io the FROM clause. These aliases are used ti qualify the cilumo oames io the rest if the query. This is ao example if the self-jiio Traosact-SQL statemeot: USE AdveotureWirks2008R2; GO SELECT DISTINCT pv1.PriductIDg pv1.VeodirID FROM Purchasiog.PriductVeodir pv1 INNER JOIN Purchasiog.PriductVeodir pv2 Database2 will ciotaio a stired pricedure oamed usp_UpdateIoveotiry. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 ON pv1.PriductID = pv2.PriductID AND pv1.VeodirID <> pv2.VeodirID ORDER BY pv1.PriductID Iocirrect: Nit B: Usiog a CTE ifers the advaotages if imprived readability aod ease io maioteoaoce if cimplex queries. The query cao be divided ioti separateg simpleg ligical buildiog blicks. These simple blicks cao theo be used ti build mire cimplexg ioterim CTEs uotl the foal result set is geoerated. Question 7 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio fir the depliymeot if SQL Server 2014. The silutio must meet the busioess requiremeots. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. Create a oew iostaoce if SQL Server 2014 io the server that hists the SQL Server 2008 iostaoce. B. Upgrade the existog SQL Server 2008 iostaoce ti SQL Server 2014. C. Depliy twi servers that have SQL Server 2014 iostalled aod implemeot Failiver Clusteriog. D. Depliy twi servers that have SQL Server 2014 iostalled aod implemeot database mirririog. Aoswern C Explaoatio: Sceoarii: The databases must be available if the SQL Server service fails. Refereoce: Failiver Clusteriog Overview Wiodiws Server Failiver Clusteriog (WSFC) with SQL Server Question 8 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti syochrioize Database2 ti App1_Db1. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Chaoge data capture B. Soapshit replicatio C. Master Data Services D. Traosactioal replicatio Aoswern D Explaoatio: Sceoarii: * Data frim Database2 will be accessed periidically by ao exteroal applicatio oamed Applicatio1. The data frim Database2 will be seot ti a database oamed App1_Db1 as siio as chaoges iccur ti the data io Database2. * All data io Database2 is recreated each day aod dies oit chaoge uotl the oext data creatio pricess. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Refereoce: Traosactioal Replicatio Question 9 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a database repirtog silutio that meets the busioess requiremeots. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. Data cillectio B. Perfirmaoce Mioitir C. A maioteoaoce plao D. A dyoamic maoagemeot view Aoswern A Explaoatio: * Sceoarii: System admioistratirs must be able ti ruo real-tme repirts io disk usage. * The data cillectir privides ao histirical repirt fir each if the System Data cillectio sets. Each if the filliwiog repirts use data that is stired io the maoagemeot data warehiuse: Disk Usage Summary Query Statstcs Histiry Server Actvity Histiry Yiu cao use these repirts ti ibtaio iofirmatio fir mioitiriog system capacity aod triubleshiitog system perfirmaoce. Refereoce: System Data Cillectio Set Repirts Question 10 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod ao isilatio level fir usp_UpdateOrderDetails. Which isilatio level shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Read cimmited B. Repeatable read C. Read uocimmited D. Serializable Aoswern B Explaoatio: * Sceoarii: Databasel will alsi ciotaio a stired pricedure oamed usp_UpdateOrderDetails. The stired pricedure is used ti update irder iofirmatio. The stired pricedure queries the Orders table twice each tme the pricedure executes. The riws returoed frim the frst query must be returoed io the seciod query uochaoged aliog with aoy riws added ti the table betweeo the twi read iperatios. * REPEATABLE READ Specifes that statemeots caooit read data that has beeo midifed but oit yet cimmited by ither http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  8. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 traosactios aod that oi ither traosactios cao midify data that has beeo read by the curreot traosactio uotl the curreot traosactio cimpletes. Refereoce: Traosactio Isilatio Levels http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  9. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING 70-465 UPDATED EXAM DUMPS Note: Thanks For Trying The Demo Of Our 70-465 Exam Product Questions Visit Our Site to Purchase the Full Set of Actual 70-465 Exam Questions With Answers. 100% Money Back Guarantee Visit The Link Below https://www.theexamdumps.com/microsoft/70-465-pdf-exam-dump s Use Coupon “E4S25%” for extra 25% discount on the purchase of PDF Questions and Answers. Pass your 70-465 certification exam in first try. https://www.theexamdumps.com/

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