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This citation contains information about a driving incident, including the location, date, time, vehicle details, violation, and citation subject. It also includes information about the court appearance and disposition.
Citation Data Model Citation CitationViolation 1,5 1 CourtAppearance 0,1 DrivingIncident 1 1 ArizonaCitation DocumentType 0,1 Vehicle 1 1 CitationSubject CitationIssuedLocation 1 CitationIssuingOfficial Defined in jxdm schema Defined in extension schema Defined in document schema Reference
Citation Structure LocationCountyName 1 1 ArizonaCitation (DcoumentType) 1 ActivityID 1 LocationStateCode.USPostalService 0,1 LocationAddress 1 ActivityDate 1 LocationCityName 1 0,1 0,1 ActivityTime LocationHighway 0,1 HighwayID 0,1 0,1 ActivityDescriptionText LocationDescriptionText Citation HighwayPositionText 1 0,1 0,1 VictimInvolvedIndicator LocationLocale 0,1 LocalePoliceJurisdictionID VictimInvolvedNotifiedIndicator 0,1 CriminalPromiseToAppearIndicator 0,1 0,1 CivilAcknowledgeReceiptIndicator PersonGivenName 0,1 1 0,1 CitationAgencyCaseNumber PersonMiddleName PersonMiddleNameIndicator 1 CitationIssuedLocation 0,1 PersonSurName PersonName 1 Defined in jxdm schema 0,1 PersonSufixName OrgnizationName 1 1 0,1 PersonFullName EnforcementOfficialBadgeID Defined in extension schema 0,1 CitationIssuingOfficial OrganizationORIID 1 EnforcementOfficialUnit Defined in document schema 0,1 0,1 PersonDigitizedSignatureImage PersonBiometricDetails 0,1 0,1 See details in the later page VehicleRegistrationPlateID IDIssuingAuthorityText VehicleRegistration 0,1 0,1 1 0,1 PropertyOwner.Person IDExpirationDate Residence 0,1 CitationSubject LocationAddress VehicleModelYearDate AddressFullText 0,1 0,1 0,1 VehicleColorPrimaryCode 0,1 0,1 Vehicle VehicleID 0,1 VehicleMakeCode 0,1 1 VehicleModelCode CourtName 0,1 1 VehicleModelCodeText 0,1 See details in the later page OrganizationID 1 VehicleStyleCode 0,1 1 1 CourtAppearanceCourt StatuteCodeID See details in the later page DrivingIncident ViolationSequenceID 1 1 1 StatuteCodeSectionID 1,5 0,1 IncidentViolatedStatute 0,1 OrganizationLocation CourtAppearanceCase CitationViolation IncidentDomesticViolenceIndicator 0,1 1 IncidentCriminalIndicator See details in the later page 0,1 1 CourtAppearanceDate IncidentCriminalTrafficIndicator 0,1 0,1 CourtAppearance IncidentCivilTrafficIndicator SanctionTypeText 1 1 0,1 CourtAppearanceTime OrganizationPrimaryContact IncidentCivilPettyOffenseIndicator 0,1 0,1 DispositionDate Sanction 0,1 0,1 See details in the later page DispositionTypeText Disposition 0,1 CaseDocketID
CitationSubject Structure 1 StreetFullText 1 0,1 LocationStreet PersonGivenName 1 0,1 LocationCityName PersonMiddleName PersonMiddleNameIndicator 1 1 LocationStateCode.USPostalService Defined in jxdm schema PersonSurName 1 1 0,1 LocationPostalCodeID PersonName PersonSufixName Defined in extension schema 0,1 PersonFullName 0,1 Defined in document schema 1 1 LocationAddress Residence LocationAddress 0,1 ContactTelephoneNumber EmploymentContactInformation 0,1 0,1 0,1 Employment CitationSubject 0,1 0,1 0,1 ID TelephoneNumberFullID 0,1 PersonBirthDate PersonSSNID 0,1 0,1 IDTypeDescriptionText 0,1 PersonOtherID PersonBirthPlaceCode 0,1 ID 0,1 0,1 PersonStateID DriverAuthorizationID PersonAssignedIDDetails 0,1 0,1 IDJurisdictionCode.ncicLIS DriverAuthorizationEndorsementText 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 DriverAuthorizationRestriction PersonDriversLicense DriverLicenseCommercialClassText DrivingRestrictionText 0,1 0,1 0,1 TelephoneNumberFullID ContactTelephoneNumber PrimaryContactInformation 0,1 TelephoneNumberCommentText 0,1 PersonHeightMeasure @personHeightUnitCode=‘ncic’ 0,1 PersonWeightMeasure @peronWeightUnitCode=‘ncic’ 0,1 0,1 PersonEyeColorCode PersonPhysicalDetails 0,1 PersonHairColorCode 0,1 PersonSexCode 0,1 PersonRaceCode 0,1 0,1 0,1 PersonSocialDetails 0,1 PersonEthnicityCode 0,1 0,1 MilitaryStatus StatusText PersonMilitarySummary PersonMedicalDetails 0,1 0,1 PersonIntoxication IntoxicationLevelText 0,1 0,1 PersonBiometricDetails PersonDigitizedSignatureImage
DrivingIncident, CourtAppearanceCase, OrganizationLocation, OrganizationPrimary Contact Structures 0,1 DrivingAccidentSeverityCode 0,1 Defined in jxdm schema RelativeLocationDirectionCode 0,1 RelativeLocation Defined in extension schema 0,1 Defined in document schema DrivingIncidentHazMatCode DrivingIncident 0,1 DrivingIncidentSixteenPassengerIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentCMVCode 0,1 DrivingIncidentCollisionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentLegalSpeedRate speedRateUnitCode 0,1 DrivingIncidentSafeSpeedRate speedRateUnitCode 0,1 DrivingIncidentRadarDetectionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentLaserDetectionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentPaceDetectionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentVisualDetectionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentVascarDetectionIndicator 0,1 DrivingIncidentOtherDetectionIndicator 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PersonFullName PersonName CaseJudge CaseParticipants 1 CourtAppearanceCase 1 StreetFullText LocationStreet 1 1 LocationCityName LocationAddress 1 OrganizationLocation LocationStateCode.USPostalService 1 LocationPostalCodeID 1 1 ContactTelephoneNumber TelephoneNumberFullID OrganizationPrimaryContact