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Explore the regional dimension of space robotics in Apulia, Italy - from Earth observation to planetary exploration and international collaborations. Discover the growth and achievements of the Apulian aerospace sector and upcoming projects in space education and cybersecurity.
A 4S Strategy for Apulia Region DTA & ARTI views on the Smart Specialization Strategy with a focus on Space Robotic Exploration ALTEC, Torino, 16 March 2018 Fiorella Coliolo, DTA
Summary • The RegionalDimension of Space • European Space Sustainability & 3S Strategy • InterclusterCooperation: Focus on Piedmont Cluster • Facts and Figures in ApulianAerospace Sector • Robotic Exploration in Apulia Region
The Regional Dimension of Space « Space for Regions » is at the core of Nereus vision Demand side, to promote space applications for the benefits of citizens and modernization of public administration Supply side, to facilitate interregional and inter-cluster cooperation Space Technologies & Applications fundamental to foster new business & address social, economic & security challenges with efficient, sustainable tools
European Space Sustainability & 3S Strategy Smart Specialization: pillar “ European Strategy 2020” Aerospace ->innovative driver of the Puglia 3S One goal -> to connect infrastructures & environment to achieve the SDGs, in line with our regional strategy4sustainability -> crucial for our future and essential for our environment
Intercluster Cooperation Apulia Space Strategy -> Intercluster cooperation DTA -> several cooperation agreement with other Clusters in Europe DTA & Piedmont Cluster working together -> founders of CTNA,; cooperation with industries, universities & research centers in aerospace Interregional cooperation -> the Italian Space Economy programme -> a program dimension exceeding 1 B€ in the next 3 years Bilateral cooperation: Grottaglie test bed ->facility for testing & exploiting UAV & their integration with Space Technology -> Piedmont expertise can benefit of such strong cooperation with Apulia
APULIAN AEROSPACE SECTOR: FACTS & FIGURES Research and development/Project value 101 Mio€ Training/ Project value 15 Mio€ Industrial Initiatives/ Project value 70 Mio€ 2012-2017 Apulia -> Region with the biggest growth in the national aerospace field -> Increasing: employees, sales, exports, new enterprises, number of researchers and research labs, private and public investments.
DTA Space Projects • Some examples • Apulia Space, R&D project, to highlight regional scientific and industrial to develop methodology and innovative technologies at users, Earth and space level for space missions • SpaceWave - clusters waving the flag to the internationalisation of european SMEs taking advantage of the cross-sectoral dimension of earth observation for blue growth • Copernicus User Uptake – to promote and disseminate Copernicus applications
DTA Education Project – Destinazione Futuro SAVE THE DATE - 23 MAY 2018 www.destinazionefuturo.it • 150 Apulianschools • 550 teachers • 15.600 students • Kit of STEM jobs • Workshop • Webpage
SAVE THE DATE 24 May 2018 Global Space Economic Workshop « Space Cybersecurity for Mobility » Venue: Rosamarina, Ostuni, Brindisi, Apulia, Italy
Robotic Exploration in Apulia Region Apulian international leadership in Earth Observation -> paves the way to the exploration of other planets What? Apulia in Space-> from the International Space Station to Mars exploration; from the observation planets to the study of the Universe; from charting stars to monitoring solar activities How? Fundamental -> cooperation of universities, research centers and space companies with National Space Agencies & ESA Why? Key for research, technology & industrial leadership of European space industry
Accademic Research • 1. Planetary exploration - Bari University, DTA member • Data Analisys - ESA Rosetta, Mars Express missions; NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens • International Space Station • IRISINA experimentlaunched by Dragon next April to the ISS -> Osteoporosisstudies • 2. Astrophysics - Bari and SalentoUniversities, DTA members • DarkMatterParticleExplorers, DAMPE MISSION -> International Cooperationwith China, Switwerland, otheritalianuniversities and research centres, withhe support of CERN
Sitael Industrial Involvement • 1. International Space Station • Columbus, Customers: TERMA aerospace Industry (Danemark), ESA • ATV, Customers: RSC Energia, aerospace industry (Russia) • AMS experiment, Customers: INFN, ASI, MIT, NASA • 2. Mars Exploration • ExoMars, Customers: Thales Alenia Space, ESA • Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity; Customers: NASA, AIRBUS DS
Sitael Industrial Involvement • 3. Astrophysics • - PAMELA antimatter experiment, russian satellite, Customer: ASI, INFC, CNR • - INTEGRAL, Customers: IAS/CNR, ESA • - ASTRO H, Customers: JAXA, ESA • 4. Monitoring stars • - Solar Orbiter, Customers: OHB, ASI, ESA • - GAIA, Customers: Syderal (Switzerland SME), ESA
Planetek Industrial Involvement • Exploration of the Universe - Client: ESA/ESAC • Processing Science Data: ESA PLANCK mission • Storage & analysis of scientific publications for astronomy missions • Solar System Exploration – Client ASI • GIS Applications for lunar and planetary surfaces (ESA Marx Express, NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens, ESA SMART-1, etc) • Solar Orbiter
Conclusion • Political dialogue with key players in space and interregional cooperation among the Nereus regions with “space” in their 3S Strategies are fundamental for promoting • 4S Strategy • a stronger involvement of regional private actors, research centres, SMEs and industrial clusters • developing joint strategic activities for Regions such as planetary exploration, commercial utilization of Space, industry capacity building and space service
So remember … To look up at the stars and not down atyourfeet Try to makesense of whatyousee and wonderwhatmakes a Universeexist Be Curious! Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking