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Welcome to our class !. * TEST FOR 15MS I.Listen and tick(v) True (T) or False (F) 1. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palace in Europe…….. 2.The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town………. 3. Today, the Old Town doesn’t have any café, restaurants or shops……………

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  1. Welcome to our class !

  2. * TEST FOR 15MS I.Listen and tick(v) True (T) or False (F) 1. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palace in Europe…….. 2.The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town………. 3. Today, the Old Town doesn’t have any café, restaurants or shops…………… 4.The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Stockholm……….. 5. The Nobel Prize is presented by the Swedish Prime Minister………….. II. Listen again to the talk and fill in the gaps 1.The city of Stockholm covers……..islands. 2.It has……..years of history. 3.There are about…………people living in the Old Town today. 4. Nobel prizewinners receive their awards on………. 5. The award consists of a Nobel diploma, a medal, and……..Swedish crowns.

  3. Mrs Robinson Liz Mr Robinson

  4. *Guessing 4 things they will buy for Tet

  5. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gap : The Robinson family are making preparations for Tet. • Mrs. Robinson wants (1)_____________ to go to the (2)______________. 2. Mrs. Robinson wants some marigolds because they are (3)___________ at Tet. 3. Mrs.Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet of (4)_______________________. 4. Mrs. Robinson is asking Mrs. Nga how to (5)_________spring rolls. Mr. Robinson flower market. traditional dried watermelon seeds make

  6. Listen 2,Complete the notes : THINGS TO DO Mr. Robinson:(1)_________________________________ _________________________________ Liz(2): __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Mrs. Robinson(3) : ________________________________ _______________________________ go to the flower market to buy peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds. go to the market to buy some candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds . go to Mrs. Nga’s house to learn how to make spring rolls.

  7. 3. An adjective followed by an infinitive: *Ex Ba: Turn right, then left, then right and then left again. is difficult to follow Nam:It your directions. Can you start again, please? It + be + adjective + to - infinitive

  8. Task 3 Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. easy / understand dangerous / go difficult / follow hard / believe important / wait a) Ba: Turn right, then left, then right and then left again. Nam: It’s ( 0)difficult to follow your directions. Can you start again, please? b) Mr. Dao: Can you do the exercise, Hoa? Hoa: Yes, Mr. Dao. It’s (1) c) Lan: In the future, mankind might live on the moon. Nga: Really? It’s (2) d) Mrs. Thoa: Stop, Tuan ! It’s (3)near the stove. Tuan : Sorry, Mom. e) Hoa: Should I stir the mixture, Aunt Thanh? Aunt Thanh: No. It’s (4)for five minutes. easy to understand. hard to believe. dangerous to go important to wait

  9. 4. An adjective followed by a noun clause: Ex: Your grandfather and I are delighted that you passed your English exam. S be adj noun clause S + be + adjective + noun clause

  10. Task 4 Complete the letter. Use the correct forms of the verb be and the adjectives in the box. Dear Nam, Your grandfather and I (0)are delighted that you passed your English exam. Congratulations! Aunt Mai (1)__________ that you remembered her birthday last week. She told me you gave her a beautiful scarf. I (2) _________ that your mother is feeling better. Please give her my love. We’re looking forward to seeing you in June. However, grandfather (3) ______ that the day is wrong. (4)___ you ____ that you are arriving on Saturday 20th ? I (5) ________ that there are no trains from Ha Noi on Saturday. Write soon and confirm your arrival date and time. Love, Grandma happy delighted certain relieve sure afraid was happy am relieved is afraid Are sure am certain


  12. Thanks for attention !

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