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Saturday, September 13, 2014. PS&E TRAK FOR UTILITY COORDINATION. Before we begin. Ask Questions at anytime, don’t wait until the end WisDOT includes consultant staff. PS&E Milestones for letting.
Saturday, September 13, 2014 PS&E TRAK FORUTILITY COORDINATION
Before we begin....... • Ask Questions at anytime, don’t wait until the end • WisDOT includes consultant staff PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
Pre-review of the Special Provisions, 12 to 6 weeks Before Letting. This would be during your preparation for ps&e submittal. • Review of Special Provisions for thoroughness, engineering sense, consistency, and clarity, 12 to 6 weeks BL. • Proposals sent to printing 6 weeks BL. • Hold the AD Meeting, 6 weeks BL. • Advertise proposals, 5 weeks BL. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
Issue addenda up to the Thursday afternoon immediately preceding the letting. • Lettings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
PS&E Trak • Understand why this database was created. • Learn how to: • Log into database using WAMS. • Become familiar with the database and learn to move within it. • Conduct a search. • Enter specific project data. • Complete an Exception Request. • Enter a project note. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
PS&E Trak • Ensures that proper PS&E procedures are followed. • Ensures that all required coordination is completed. • Enables designers to communicate with state-wide bureaus early in the PS&E process, especially if the PS&E submittal is not complete, and an exception is required. • Monitors progress being made on clearing issues, which could otherwise cause a project to be withdrawn from an upcoming letting. • Allows FHWA to monitor WisDOT’s PS&E process. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
FHWA PS&E Audit Process • The Audit Process • Errors Discovered during the Audit Process • Error Types (FIIPS, RE, UT, RR, DNR concurrence, COE permit, environmental documentation, TMP, project estimates) • How many errors is WisDOT allowed before action is taken? • What happens if there are too many WisDOT PS&E errors? • Over the past two to three years, we have worked out the process details of this federal audit, which ensures that the department is in compliance with the Stewardship and Oversight Agreement and that the department provides adequate quality control on non-federal oversight projects. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
PS&E Process Audit • PMM, Program Management Manual, Procedure 6-10-60. • Assures FHWA that WisDOT follows proper procedures before obligating federal funds on non-oversight projects. • Every federal fiscal quarter, FHWA selects a sample of projects recently let. • In particular, FHWA reviews: • All real estate interests were acquired and clear. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
All utility interests were acquired and all coordination completed, including signed agreements. • Proper environmental documentation was completed. • The Army COE 404 Permit was obtained, if applicable. • Coordination between WisDOT and WisDNR completed; 401 permit obtained, if required. • TMP completed and signed. • Engineer’s estimate reasonable and complete; total project cost in FIIPS (at LC20) is consistent with agreed-to cost in FMIS. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
FIIPS is current and up-to-date for each project in the proposal. Data entry or coding errors may affect a project’s eligibility to use federal dollars. For example, • Project title and limits on the plan’s title sheet, highway work proposal, and first article in the special provisions match the FIIPS title and limits, and accurately reflect the project’s scope and structure numbers. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
Errors • There are correctable and non-correctable errors. • Possible errors include: • Environmental documentation type is incorrect or out-dated; signed document in project file and agreement date do not agree with FIIPS (FMIS). • Roadway Functional Classification is incorrect in FIIPS. • Right-of-way acquisition is not Cert 1 status. • Utility cert or agreement to move utilities does not exist, or cert contains incorrect information, or proper coordination not completed. • Project cost in Trns.prt (entered in FIIPS at LC20 – FHWA 37 Form screen) does not agree w/FMIS. • E-submit LC20 estimate at PS&E Submittal (Use the field “other” to submit a .pdf copy of the estimate. Will be changed to “est”). PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
Error Rate of 20% or Greater in the Second Sample • Action will be taken against WisDOT , if • Errors ≥ 20% during 3 or more quarters in any 3-year period, OR • Errors ≥ 20% in two or more quarters in a row. • WisDOT will be required to: • Correct Procedural Errors: Identify procedural errors which needs correcting, and provide training. • Provide a signed FHWA Project Authorization Review Form for every state-administered project with federal funds for which they are seeking authorization for the following two quarters. • Note the consequences… • More forms and paperwork for every project with federal funding. This has the potential of SLOWING down the letting process. PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
FDM 19-1 PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining
Section mailbox: DOT DTSD CO Utility Coordination PS&EUtilityCoordinationTraining