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Springtown High School

This guide provides information on the House Bill 5 endorsements and graduation requirements at Springtown High School. It includes pathways to personal graduation plans and a list of courses required for each endorsement.

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Springtown High School

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  1. Springtown High School House Bill 5 Endorsements Pathways to Personal Graduation Plans 2017-2018

  2. Principal • Dr. Scott McPherson • Counselors • Kimberly Lund • Teresa Kelley • Dean Of Students • Brittney Chavez Introductions:

  3. House Bill 5 • Requires incoming Freshmen to select an ENDORSEMENT Graduation Requirements

  4. Graduation Requirements • Endorsements • Distinguished Achievement • Performance Acknowledgements

  5. Foundation Requirements for Endorsements Math History English Science 9th GR English I Algebra I or Geometry Geography Biology English II 10th GR Geometry or Algebra II Chemistry World History Alg II/Alg III/ PreCal/ Math Models Physics 11th GR US History English III Senior Science Selected from List 12th GR Alg III/Precal/ Calculus/Math Models/Ag Math/Acct 2 English IV Govt./Eco Professional Communcations Physical Education Fine Arts 2 years Foreign Language

  6. A NA A New Plan for Texas Graduation Course Requirements Business & Industry Arts & Humanities Public Services Multi-disciplinary STEM ENDORSEMENTS

  7. 9th-12th Grades Includes Courses Directly Related to: Advanced Courses or 4 x 4 (includes English 4, Chemistry and/or Physics, four Social Studies, and four Math credits) or Advanced Placement or Dual Credit Multidisciplinary Law Enforcement I and II (1) Texas Government (Dual Credit only .5) Career Prep (2) Psychology (Dual Credit .5) Band (1) Athletics (1) PAL (1) Teen Leadership (.5) Integrated Physics and Chemistry (1) Personal Financial Literacy (.5) SAT/ACT Test Prep (.5)

  8. SCIENCE Computer Science MATH Algebra I Geometry Biology Fundamentals of Computer Science (1) 9th GR STEM(Non-CTE)Students must have 5 math or 5 science credits (one in addition to those on the foundation requirements) Chemistry Computer Science I (1) (PR- Alg I) Geometry Algebra II 10th GR Pre-Cal/ DC Pre Cal/Acct 2/Ag Math Algebra II Physics Computer Science II (1) 11th GR Advanced Science (DC) Computer Science III (1) Pre Cal/ DC Pre Cal/Acct 2/Ag Math Calculus 12th GR

  9. Plant Science Animal Science Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (1) Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (1) 9th GR Business and Industry-Agriculture Floral Design (1) Livestock Production (1) 10th GR Small Animal Management (.5)/ Equine Science (.5) Landscape (.5)/ Turf Mg. (.5) 11th GR Advanced Animal Science (1)/ Veterinary Medicine (1) Horticulture (1) 12th GR

  10. Manufacturing Ag Mechanics Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (1) Principles of Manufacturing (1) 9th GR Business and Industry-Agriculture Ag Mech and Metal Tech (1) Introduction to Welding (1) 10th GR Ag Structures (1) Welding I (2) 11th GR Welding II (2) Ag Power Systems (2) 12th GR

  11. Business Management and Administration Finance Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance (1) Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance (1) 9th GR Business and Industry Business Information Manage. 1 (1) Money Matters (1) 10th GR Business Information Manage. II (1) Accounting I (1) 11th GR Additional Elective: Touch System Data Systems (.5) Accounting II (1) Practicum in Business Management (2) or Business Law (1) 12th GR

  12. Arts, A/V Technology and Communication: Game Design Arts, A/V Technology and Communication: Audio Video Production Hospitality and Tourism: Culinary Arts Principles of Hospitality and Tourism (1) Principles of AAVTC (1) Principles of AAVTC (1) 9th GR Business and Industry Digital Audio Technology I (1) Digital Audio Technology I (1) Intro to Culinary Arts (1) 10th GR Audio/Video Production I (1) Video Game Design I (1) Culinary Arts (2) 11th GR Video Game Design II (1) Audio/Video Production II (1) Advanced Culinary Arts (2)/Food Science (1) 12th GR

  13. Business and Industry- Non CTE Technical Theatre I- IV Art I-IV Arts and Humanities(all are 1 credit courses) Band I-IV Journalism (.5) 9th-12th Grades Additional English (1) Dance I-IV Yearbook 1-4 (1) Theatre Production I-IV Photojournalism (.5) Debate 1-4 (1) Choir I-IV Spanish I-IV or French I-IV

  14. Cosmetology Education and Training HEALTH SCIENCE Principles of Education and Training (1) Principles of Health Science (1) Principles of Business (1) 9th GR Public Services Medical Terminology (1) Human Growth and Development (1) Money Matters (1) 10th GR Health Informatics (PR- BIM I and Medical Terms) (1) Instructional Practices (2) Cosmetology I (2) 11th GR Anatomy and Physiology (DC) (1) Practicum in Education and Training (2) Cosmetology II (2) 12th GR

  15. To be considered in the “Top 10% of the Class automatic admission” • Algebra II Success • A total of four credits in science • The remaining curriculum requirements • Graduate with an Endorsement Distinguished Achievement

  16. Requires “Outstanding Performance” via: • Dual Credit: 12 hours of dual credit with >= 3.0 • Bilingualism/Biliteracy: >=80 in all ELA classes and 3 credits in LOTE • AP: >=“3” on an AP exam Performance Acknowledgements

  17. Requires “Outstanding Performance” via: • PSAT/SAT/ACT: Commended Scholar determined by National Merit Scholarship, 1250 on SAT, or 28 on ACT • Business/Industry: National/International licensure or certification Performance Acknowledgements

  18. Academic Information • GPA & Class Rank • Not all classes count towards GPA • “Honors” classes (pre-AP, AP, Dual Credit) are weighted an additional 10 points

  19. Academic Information • GPA & Class Rank • GPA = “Grade Point Average” • Students are ranked according to GPA • The top 10% of any graduating class qualifies for “Automatic Admission” to most public universities

  20. FAFSA • Students will be able to file Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as October your student’s senior year rather than waiting until January. • For more information, please visit studentaid.gov/fafsa-changes

  21. Academic Information • DATES TO REMEMBER • FRESHMAN CHOICE SHEETS FORMS DUE -signed by parent and returned to SMS Counseling Office by March 3 • FISH CAMP – August 2017 (check SHS websites for date)

  22. 2017-2018 FRESHMAN CHOICE SHEET • February 21 at 6:30- Parent Meeting to review House Bill 5 • February 21-SHS Counselors will talk with 8th graders at SMS at 10:00 (Parents are welcome!) • FRESHMAN CHOICE SHEETS are due to the Middle School by March 3. • During the week of April 4-7th, parent/student conferences will be scheduled to complete the students Personal Graduation Plans. Information will be sent home.

  23. PreAP and Honors classes may require a summer project. Summer project assignments will be delivered to your 8th grader in April at SMS. Summer assignments are due to SHS by 6/20/17 between 8:30-11:30. Summer projects that are not complete, not turned in or not completed up to advanced standards, will result in the student being scheduled into the appropriate regular subject course for the 17-18 school year. • College and Career Planning Tool: MY PLAN www.shs.MyPlan.com Access Code: 5VF5NMHH • SHS Academic Handbook http://www.springtownisd.net/cms/lib3/TX21000442/Centricity/Shared/Academic%20Handbook%2014-15%20d.pdf

  24. SpringForward Dual Credit Course Offerings Students must meet TSI Requirements and have a proven academic record in Pre-AP courses during their Freshman and Sophomore Years/ English III English IV US History Federal Government Economics Biology Speech Texas Government Algebra III Psychology Fine Arts Spanish III and IV French III and IV

  25. SpringForward

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