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Explore "The Woman" in Willy's Fantasy: Death of a Salesman Analysis

Delve into Willy Loman's psyche in Death of a Salesman by analyzing his attraction to "The Woman" in his flashbacks. Join us for an interactive session on pages 21-30. Share your thoughts and predictions!

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Explore "The Woman" in Willy's Fantasy: Death of a Salesman Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Death of a Salesman Day 3

  2. Let’s Act! Willy Italics Linda Happy Biff Charley Bernard The woman

  3. Homework Read pages 21-30 of Death of a Salesman

  4. Why might “The Woman” be appealing to Willy Low man to include in his flashback/fantasy? (I mean Loman. Willy Loman ;)

  5. Dual Credit Exit sliphttps://todaysmeet.com/RS2 1. I’m confused about… 2. What I would like to tell someone else about what I learned today is… 3. What I predict will happen next is…

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