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Congruent & Similar

Congruent & Similar. Congruent & Similar. Congruent figures have the same size and shape (but they may not be in the same position). Congruent & Similar. Similar figures have the same shape, but not the same size. They may not be in the same position as well. Congruent & Similar.

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Congruent & Similar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Congruent & Similar

  2. Congruent & Similar Congruent figures have the same size and shape (but they may not be in the same position)

  3. Congruent & Similar Similar figures have the same shape, but not the same size. They may not be in the same position as well

  4. Congruent & Similar Are these figures CONGRUENT, SIMILAR, or NEITHER?

  5. Congruent & Similar Are these figures CONGRUENT, SIMILAR, or NEITHER?

  6. Turns & Symmetry

  7. Turns & Symmetry A Turn is also known as a Rotation. It is when a figure is moved like it was spun around a center point.

  8. Turns & Symmetry If the turn moves like a clock was going backwards, it is known as Counterclockwise If a turn moves like hands on a clock, the turn is known as Clockwise.

  9. Turns & Symmetry A Full Turn is when a figures turns but comes back to the same position. A 1/4 turn is when a figure is spun 90˚. A 1/2 turn is when a figure is spun 180˚.

  10. Rotational Symmetry Rotational Symmetry is when a figure can be turned around a central point and look the same in at least 2 positions. Does our heart have rotational symmetry? How about this hexagon?

  11. Line Symmetry Line Symmetry is when a figure can be “folded” along a line and both parts match exactly. Does our heart have line symmetry? How about this hexagon?

  12. Is There Symmetry? Do any of these figures have ROTATIONAL Symmetry? LINE Symmetry? BOTH? Neither? How many lines of symmetry does our Octagon have?

  13. Is There Symmetry? Objects that look like they spun 180˚ around a pole are said to show a “FLIP” You might say it flipped over the line and landed back-side up, front-side down!

  14. Is There Symmetry? - Practice Look at p. 547 in your Math Book … Read the explanation of Symmetry at the top. Look at Examples A – D at the bottom. What type of symmetry do you see?

  15. Transformations There are 3 types of Transformations: TRANSLATION: also known as a SLIDE ROTATION: also known as a TURN REFLECTION: also known as a FLIP

  16. Transformations TRANSLATION: Sliding the figure along a straight line … the figure looks the same … but in a different location.

  17. Transformations ROTATION: Turning a figure around a point … can be a point in the center or at an end.

  18. Transformations REFLECTION: Flipping the figure around a line so it is a mirror-image of itself.

  19. Transformations So, which is it? A TRANSLATION (slide)? a ROTATION (turn)? or a REFLECTION (flip)?

  20. Transformations - Practice Take the graph paper, and create a TRAPEZOID Show a TRANSLATION a ROTATION and a REFLECTION … then do the same with another figure of your choice!

  21. Measurements US Measurement Equivalents 12 in = 1 ft or 12” = 1’ 3 ft = 1 yard 1,760 yards = 1 mile 5,280 ft = 1 mile

  22. Measurements Metric Equivalents 10 mm = 1 cm 10 cm = 1 dm 10 dm = 1 m 1,000 m = 1 km 100 cm = 1 m 1,000 mm = 1 m

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