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Conc-response vs biology-based approaches in ecotoxicity

Explore the limitations of standard ecotoxicity modeling and the advantages of biology-based methods. Discover how mixtures of chemical compounds impact survival probabilities and uncover the complexities of extrapolating from individual to population effects. Gain insights into key toxicology parameters and understand the interaction dynamics in mixture dose-response analyses.

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Conc-response vs biology-based approaches in ecotoxicity

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  1. Conc-response vs biology-basedapproaches in ecotoxicity Jan Baas, Tjalling Jager & Bas Kooijman (VU-Theor Biol) Modeling effects of mixtures of chemical compounds contract No. 003956

  2. crossing must not be possible survival prob log conc Assumptions of standard approach Lethal effects: • Individuals have identical toxico-kinetics • They die for sure if internal conc exceeds threshold • Threshold varies among individuals (log-logistic distribution) Empirical counter-evidence: • Slope conc-response curve becomes steeper during exposure • LC50 of re-exposed cohort remains the same • Sublethal effects don’t support large differences among individuals Kooijman (1996) An alternative for NOEC exists, but the standard model has to be replaced first. Oikos75: 310--316

  3. too similar rarely significant Kooijman 1981 Water Res15:107-119 survival prob EC0 log conc Problems of standard approach • Incorporation of exposure time is problematic (translation from acute to chronic effects; links to pharmacology) • EC-small levels difficult to determine and model-sensitive (links to envir risk assessment) • Incompatible with NOEC/NEC NEC = EC0(∞) • Difficult to extrapolate from individual to population from one species to another, one chemical to another • Not applicable in case of varying exposure (peak exposure) • Problems in quantifying effects of mixtures

  4. Mixtures in standard approach Log-logistic survival model: c: external concentration; C: LC50, :slope Independent action: Concentration addition: Independent action differs from concentration addition Molecules of one compound have dependent action No mechanism behind concentration addition; implicit definition if (these problems don’t apply to biology based methods)

  5. Model comparison for Cd-Cu mixtureResults of spreadsheet by Jan Baas * Change from antagonism to synergism at about 2 * LC50 Conclusion: interaction depends on choice of CA vs IA model exposure time Jonker M.J., Svendsen C., Bedaux, J.J.M., Bongers, M. & Kammenga, J.E. (2005) Significance testing of synergistic/antagonistic, dose level-dependent, or dose ratio-dependent effects in mixture dose-response analysis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24: 2701 - 2713.

  6. assimilation  maintenance costs defecation feeding food faeces growth costs assimilation reproduction costs reserve  hazard to embryo somatic maintenance  7 maturity maintenance  1-  maint tumour induction 6 maturation reproduction u endocr. disruption growth 7  lethal effects: hazard rate Mode of action affects translation to pop level 8 maturity offspring structure tumour 6 Modes of action of toxicants

  7. Primary DEB parameters assimilation {JEAm} max surface-specific assim rate  Lm feeding {b} surface- specific searching rate digestion yEX yield of reserve on food growth yVEyield of structure on reserve mobilization v energy conductance heating,osmosis {JET} surface-specific somatic maint. costs turnover,activity [JEM] volume-specific somatic maint. costs regulation,defence [JEJ] volume-specific maturity maint. costs allocation  partitioning fraction egg formation R reproduction efficiency life cycle [EJb] volume-specific maturity at birth life cycle [EJp] volume-specific maturity at puberty aging ha aging acceleration Kooijman 1986 J. Theor. Biol. 121: 269-282 maximum length Lm =  {JEAm} / [JEM]

  8. Change in target parameter Simplest basis: Change  internal conc that exceeds internal NEC • Rationale • effective molecules operate independently • approximation for small effects

  9. Conclusions Process-based model free of choice CA vs IA in effects on survival has one type of interaction for all exposure times needs 3 toxicity parameters per compound + n(n-1)/2 interaction parameters for mix of n compounds = 7 tox parameters per binary mixture Standard model needs 2 tox pars per compound per exposure time + 1 or 2exposure-time dependent interaction pars = 5-6 tox parameters per binary mixture per exposure time interaction complex for mixtures of more than 2 compounds is inconsistent for mixtures

  10. DEB tele course 2007 Cambridge Univ Press 2000 http://www.bio.vu.nl/thb/deb/ Free of financial costs; some 200 h effort investment Feb-April 2007; target audience: PhD students We encourage participation in groups that organize local meetings weekly French group of participants of the DEB tele course 2005: special issue of J. Sea Res. 2006 on DEB applications to bivalves Software package DEBtool for Octave/ Matlab freely downloadable Slides of this presentation are downloadable from http://www.bio.vu.nl/thb/users/bas/lectures/ Audience: thank you for your attention Organizers: thank you for the invitation

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