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Precious Mae Polloso Gereka Ozarraga

BIOCHEMICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE LIVER OF ALBINO MICE ( Mus musculus ) WHEN EXPOSED TO SYNTHETIC TOXICANTS ( Sodium hypoclorite , Zonrox and Albatross ). Precious Mae Polloso Gereka Ozarraga. The Study.

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Precious Mae Polloso Gereka Ozarraga

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  1. BIOCHEMICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE LIVER OF ALBINO MICE (Musmusculus) WHEN EXPOSED TO SYNTHETIC TOXICANTS (Sodium hypoclorite, ZonroxandAlbatross) Precious Mae Polloso Gereka Ozarraga

  2. The Study The study basically tries to find out the survival rate of the albino mice (Musmusculus) when subjected to synthetic toxicants.

  3. The Problems • What are the changes in the liver of Musmusculus upon the administration of the different synthetic toxicants?

  4. The Problems Sub-problems: • What are the effects of each synthetic toxicants on the histology and gross morphology of the liver of Musmusculus? • What are the responses or changes that took place in the liver to its exposure to the varying concentrations, 50% and 100%, of the synthetic toxicants? • What are the differences in the behavior of the subject when it is exposed to Sodium hypochlorite, Zonrox bleach and Albatross?

  5. The Scope • This study was primarily designed to determine the biochemical and pathological changes of the liver of Musmusculus exposed to synthetic toxicants under laboratory observation. • Sodium hypochlorite, Zonrox bleach and Albatross will be used as the synthetic toxicant. • The mice (Musmusculus) will be exposed to similar concentrations of the said synthetic toxicants. A negative control set-up will be prepared without treatment.

  6. Methodology

  7. The Results LEGEND: N – Normal H – Hyper WO – Worn Out W – Weaker S – More Sleep I - Inactive

  8. The Results Weight of Liver

  9. The Results Percentage of Lipid

  10. The Conclusion Increasing the concentration caused the loss of biomolecules and decreased in percentage. It also causes prominent alteration of tissues and cell structures brought about by uptake of toxicants. Sodium hypochlorite have more pronounced affect than the other toxicants basing on the rate and degree of biological changes. Thus, it showed that the greater the amount of chemical taken up by an organism, the greater the toxic response.

  11. Recommendations

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