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Patients with Allergies. Risk of allergic drug reaction: 1-3% for most drugs~5% of adults in U.S. may be allergic to 1 or more drugsPts often refer to adverse drug effects as allergy~15% of adults in U.S. believe they are allergic to specific medication. Adverse Drug Reactions - Predictable. Acco
1. Allergy and Drug Reactions Michelle Gros, MD FRCPC
December 2, 2009
2. Patients with Allergies Risk of allergic drug reaction: 1-3% for most drugs
~5% of adults in U.S. may be allergic to 1 or more drugs
Pts often refer to adverse drug effects as allergy
~15% of adults in U.S. believe they are allergic to specific medication
3. Adverse Drug Reactions - Predictable Account for ~80% of ADRs
Often dose-dependent (overdosage)
Related to known pharmacologic actions of drug
Inadvertent route (eg. lidocaine induced seizures or cardiovascular collapse)
Side effects
Most common ADRs
Undesirable pharmacologic actions of drugs
Occurs at usual prescribed dosages
4. Drug Interactions Represent predictable ADRs
Independent of allergy
IV fentanyl after IV benzos in unstable patient may cause hypotension
5. Unpredictable ADRs Usually dose-independent
Usually not related to drugs pharmacologic actions
Related to immunologic response
6. Criteria to help distinguish allergic reaction from other ADRs Allergic reactions occur only in a small percentage of patients receiving the drug
Clinical manifestations DO NOT resemble known pharmacologic actions
Drugs administered for several weeks without complications - rarely responsible for drug allergy
Time between exposure and manifestations
7. Hypersensitivity Responses (Allergy) Gell and Coombs first described classification
Immune pathway functions as a protective mechanism
Can react inappropriately to produce hypersensitivity or allergic response
4 basic types
8. Type 1 Reactions Anaphylactic or immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions
Ag binding to IgE Abs on mast cells and basophils
Physiologically active mediators released
Eg. Anaphylaxis, allergic rhinitis
9. Type 1 Reactions
10. Type 2 Reactions Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic hypersensitivity
Mediated by IgG or IgM Abs directed against Ags on surface of foreign cells
Ags may be either:
1) integral cell membrane components
eg. A or B blood group Ags in ABO incompatibility
2) Haptens that absorb to cell surface stimulating production of antihapten Abs
eg. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
11. Type 2 Reactions Cell damage produced by:
Direct cell lysis after complete complement cascade activation
Increased phagocytosis by macrophages
Killer T-cell lymphocytes producing Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic effects
Eg. ABO-incompatible transfusion reactions
drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
12. Type 2 Reactions
13. Type 3 Reactions Immune complex reactions
Circulating soluble Ags and Abs bind to form insoluble complexes deposit in microvasculature
Complement is activated
Neutrophils are localized to site of complement deposition to produce tissue damage
Eg. serum sickness after snake bite
immune complex vascular injury
protamine-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction
14. Type 3 Reactions
15. Type 4 Reactions Delayed hypersensitivity reactions
Result from sensitized lymphocytes interacting with specific antigens
Produces lymphokine synthesis, lymphocyte proliferation, generation of cytotoxic T cells, attracts macrophages and other inflammatory cells
Cytotoxic T cells kill target cells that bear Ags identical with those that triggered the reaction
16. Type 4 Reactions Manifest in 18-24 hours
Peak at 40-80 hours
Disappear in 72-96 hours
Tissue rejection
Graft-vs-host reactions
Contact dermatitis (eg. poison ivy)
Tuberculin immunity
17. Type 4 Reactions
18. Immunologic Mechanisms of Drug Allergy Different immunologic responses to an antigen can occur
Eg. Penicillin
Anaphylaxis (Type 1)
Hemolytic anemia (Type 2)
Serum sickness (Type 3)
Contact dermatitis (Type 4)
19. Intraoperative Allergic Reactions 1 in 5000 25,000 anesthetics
3.4% mortality rate
>90% of allergic reactions evoked by anesthetic drugs occur within 5 mins of administration
Anaphylaxis is most feared, with circulatory collapse, reflecting vasodilation and decreased venous return
20. Anaphylaxis 1st used by Portier and Richet
ana against
prophylaxis protection
To describe profound shock and resulting death in dogs immediately after a 2nd challenge with a foreign antigen
Mediated by antibodies
21. Anaphylactoid Non-immunologic reactions
Term rarely used now
Cannot be distinguished from immune-mediated reactions clinically
22. Anaphylactic Reactions Ag binding to IgE Abs initiates anaphylaxis
Prior exposure needed to produce sensitization (or substance of similar structure)
Allergic history often unknown to patient
Re-exposure Ag bridges IgE Abs on surfaces of mast cells and basophils
Causes release of stored mediators histamine, tryptase, chemotactic factors
23. Anaphylactic Reactions Arachidonic acid metabolites (leukotrienes and prostaglandins), kinins and cytokines synthesized and released
Released mediators produce a symptom complex of:
Bronchospasm and upper airway edema (resp system)
Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability (CVS)
Urticaria (cutaneous)
24. Chemical Mediators of Anaphylaxis - Histamine Stimulates H1, H2, H3 receptors
H1 activation:
Releases NO from vascular endothelium
Increases capillary permeability
Controls airway and vascular smooth muscle
H2 activation:
Gastric secretion
Inhibits mast cell activation
Contributes to vasodilation
25. Peptide Mediators of Anaphylaxis Arachidonic Acid Metabolites Leukotrienes and prostaglandins
Increased capillary permeability
Coronary vasoconstriction
Myocardial depression
26. Peptide Mediators of Anaphylaxis Arachidonic Acid Metabolites Leukotrienes and prostaglandins
Pulmonary hypertension
Increased capillary permeability
27. Peptide Mediators of Anaphylaxis Kinins Synthesized in mast cells and basophils
Produce vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, and bronchospasm
Stimulate endothelium to release prostacyclin and nitric oxide
28. Peptide Mediators of Anaphylaxis Platelet-Activating Factor Unstored lipid
Synthesized in activated human mast cells
Extremely potent
Aggregates and activates human platelets to release inflammatory products
Causes intense wheal and flare, smooth muscle contraction and increased capillary permeability
29. Mediators of Anaphylaxis
30. Anaphylaxis - Epidemiology 1 in 10-20,000 anesthetics
Exact incidence underestimated 2 under-reporting
Morbidity remains unknown
France 3% of anesthesia-related deaths involve anaphylaxis
10% anaphylactic rxns in UK are fatal
31. Anaphylaxis - Epidemiology France
NMBAs most common agent
Followed by latex and antibiotics
NMBAs most common
Latex in very few cases
No causal agent in ? of cases
Antibiotics, then NMBAs
32. Anaphylaxis - Epidemiology Patient characteristics:
NMBAs and latex female patients
Antibiotics smoking (increased Abx use for URTIs?)
Hx of atopy, asthma, certain food allergies latex
Pts with asthma or on -blockers more severe reactions, may be refractory to treatment
33. Which drugs or agents? NMBAs
Usually shortly after induction
May occur anytime
Dyes, hypnotics, local anesthetics, opioids, colloids, aprotinin, protamine, chlorhexidine, contrast agents
35. NMBAs Frequently involved
50-70% of periop anaphylaxis
According to different reports in Europe
Limited data available in US and Canada
NO epidemiologic study of causative agents in US or Canada
36. NMBAs ALL NMBAs may elicit anaphylaxis
Not uncommon in pts w/o any known previous exposure to any NMBA
Source of sensitizing agent unknown
Quaternary ammonium ions are suggested to be allergenic determinants
Commonly used chemicals (toothpastes, detergents, shampoos, cough medicines) share these determinants
Also can have uneventful previous exposure does not preclude risk of anaphylaxis with subsequent drug exposure
37. NMBAs Sensitivity of skin tests 95%
Reproducibility excellent
Cross-reactivity between NMBAs common (~60-70%) must investigate all NMBAs to identify safe alternatives
Cross-reactivity also shown between succinylcholine and NMBAs
Arbitrary contraindication to ALL NMBAs cannot be accepted
38. NMBAs Increased incidence of anaphylaxis with rocuronium in France and Norway
Norwegian Medicine Agency published alert reserving its use for urgent intubations only
39. NMBAs Apparent increased incidence of anaphylaxis to rocuronium might be due to:
Reflection of usage and market share
Biased reporting of adverse effects of new drugs
Statistical issues
Genotypic difference
This issue requires further study
40. Latex 1st case reported in 1979 contact urticaria
1989 1st reports of intra-op anaphylaxis
Increased risk:
Health care workers
Many urologic procedures
Allergy to bananas, avocados, kiwis (latex-fruit syndrome)
41. Latex Brown et al reported in anesthesiologists:
24% incidence of contact dermatitis
12.5% incidence of latex-specific IgE positivity
Of this group 10% clinically asymptomatic, although IgE positive
? Early stages of sensitization
? Avoidance of latex may prevent progression to symptomatic disease
Anesthesiology 89:292, 1998.
42. Latex Usually 30-60 minutes after start of surgery
IV and mucous membrane exposure associated with faster onset and more severe symptoms
43. Latex Pediatric hospital in France including OR and periop care areas
Latex-free policy has been adopted
No allergic reaction to latex has been reported in 25,000 anesthetized children or in healthcare workers
44. Antibiotics Primarily penicillins and cephalosporins 70%
Share a -lactam ring
May occur at 1st exposure
45. Antibiotics Specificity with skin testing 97-99%, sensitivity 50%
Cross-reactivity low 10% (attributed to common -lactam ring)
Recent meta-analysis:
Pts allergic to penicillin or amoxicillin
Higher incidence of rxn to 1st generation cephalosporins, but not to later generations
46. Hypnotics Thiopental or propofol rarely reported
Etomidate or ketamine extremely rare
47. Opioids Very rare
Morphine induces histamine release
Cross-reactivity uncommon between fentanyl, remifentanil, sufentanil
48. Local Anesthetics Very uncommon
Most due to metabolic product of esters PABA
Therefore, cross-reactivity among all LA agents in ester group
Allergic rxns to amide LA agents remain anecdotal
Preservatives (metabisulfite, parabens) may elicit rxn
Cross-reactivity rarely seen in amide group
ABSENT between esters and amides
49. Colloids Rare
Gelatins (0.35%) vs. hydroxyethyl-starch (0.06%)
50. Aprotinin Risk ~ 2.8% in re-exposed pts
Some fibrin glue products still contain aprotinin
51. NSAIDS Inhibition of PGE2 pathway excessive leukotriene synthesis and subsequent mediator release urticaria or bronchospasm
IgE-mediated reactions also
Fatal anaphylaxis described after oral NSAIDS
52. Antiseptics Increased reactions to chlorhexidine recently
Contact dermatitis to life-threatening anaphylaxis
Occurred when used for urological and gyne procedures
Also insertion of central lines and epidurals
Allow to dry completely before beginning invasive procedure
54. How To Diagnose Periop Anaphylaxis? Clinical History:
Initial diagnosis is presumptive, yet essential
Usually occurs within minutes, even 1 minute after induction
May progress within minutes to become life-threatening
Primarily linked to IV agents
Most common initial clinical features pulselessness, desaturation, severe bronchospasm
Resp signs enhanced in pts with underlying resp disease
55. Anaphylaxis Enigma of anaphylaxis lies in:
Unpredictability of happening
Severity of attack
Lack of prior allergic history
57. How To Diagnose Periop Anaphylaxis? Clinical History:
4-step grading scale by Ring and Messmer
Grades 1 and 2 usually NOT life-threatening
Grades 3 and 4 emergency situations
Grading scale used to guide treatment with epi
59. Predictive Criteria of Anaphylaxis Severity The more rapidly anaphylaxis occurs after allergen exposure more likely to be severe
Cutaneous signs may be absent in rapidly progressive anaphylaxis (may only appear after normalization of BP)
Bradycardia as a result of Bezold-Jarisch reflex
60. Bezold-Jarisch Reflex Cardioinhibitory reflex
Origin in sensory receptors of left ventricle
Transmitted by unmyelinated vagal C fibres
Paradoxical bradycardia occurring during extreme hypovolemia
Occurs in up to 10% of pts with anaphylaxis
61. Bezold-Jarisch Reflex Bradycardia may be life-protecting adaptive mechanism
Allows ventricles to fill before contracting again, despite massive hypovolemia
Atropine to tx bradycardia potential for circulatory arrest
Treat with large volume expansion and epi
62. What biochemical tests? Histamine:
Preformed inflammatory mediator
Contained in granules of mast cells and basophils
Early increase in allergic or nonallergic rxns
Absence of increased histamine does not preclude allergic rxn
63. What biochemical tests? Histamine:
Plasma -life very short (15-20 mins)
Blood samples should be drawn within 30 minutes after grade 1 or 2 reaction
May be increased to 2 hours after grade 3 or 4 reactions
64. What biochemical tests? Tryptase:
Mast cell neutral serine protease
Preformed enzyme
Peaks 15-60 minutes after rxn
-life ~ 2 hours
Blood samples should be drawn 15-60 minutes after grade 1 or 2 rxn, 30-120 minutes after grade 3 or 4 rxn
Absence of increase does not preclude diagnosis
65. What biochemical tests? Tryptase:
Nonallergic rxn (eg. histamine release) histamine may be increased and tryptase normal
Some recommend histamine and tryptase, others only tryptase
66. Skin Tests Gold standard
Exposes mast cells of skin to suspected allergen
67. Why to perform skin tests? Premedication (H1 +/- H2 receptor antagonists, steroids) has not proven to be preventative
Identify culprit agent
Prove pathophysiologic mechanism of rxn (allergic vs. nonallergic)
Suggest safe alternative drug for future
68. When to perform skin tests? 4-6 week delay after reaction
To avoid false negative test because of mast cell depletion
69. How to perform skin tests? According to clinical history
All drugs injected just before reaction AND latex must be tested
Read tests after 15-20 minutes
Prick tests, followed by intradermal tests
70. Diagnosis Should link clinical history with biochemical tests and skin tests
Severe clinical history + increased tryptase + skin test positivity to suspected agent
Confirms diagnosis
Agent should be avoided
Not a severe clinical history +/- increased histamine + normal tryptase + neg skin test
Non-allergic reaction (histamine release with drugs such as mivacurium, vancomycin)
Agent used with caution
72. Treatment Titrated to desired effect with careful monitoring
Severe reactions need aggressive therapy
May be protracted with persistent hypotension, pulmonary HTN, lower resp obstruction, or laryngeal obstruction
May persist 5-32 hours despite vigorous therapy
All pts should be admitted to ICU for monitoring manifestations may recur after successful treatment
73. Treatment Initial Therapy Stop offending agent
Maintain airway and 100% O2
Profound V/Q abnormalities can occur
Follow ABGs
D/C all anesthetic drugs
Inhalational agents NOT bronchodilators of choice, especially during hypotension
74. Treatment Initial Therapy Volume Expansion
Hypovolemia rapidly follows
Significant changes in vascular permeability
Up to 50% transfer of intravascular fluid into interstitial space within 10 minutes
Fluid therapy early
Start with 2-4 L of crystalloid or colloid
Additional 25-50 mL/kg may be necessary
75. Treatment Initial Therapy Volume Expansion
If refractory hypotension after volume expansion and epi:
Need additional hemodynamic monitoring
TEE rapid assessment of intraventricular volume and ventricular function
Colloids have not proven to be more effective than crystalloids
76. Treatment Initial Therapy Epinephrine
Drug of choice
a-adrenergic effects vasoconstrict to reverse hypotension
2-receptor stimulation bronchodilates and inhibits mediator release by increasing cAMP in mast cells and basophils
Route and dose depend on patients condition
77. Treatment Initial Therapy Epinephrine
Poor outcomes associated with either late or absent administration of epi, or inadequate dosing
Rapid intervention and careful titration
Pts under GA altered responses
Pts under spinal or epidural partially sympathectomized may need even larger doses
78. Treatment Initial Therapy Epinephrine
Clinical severity scale by Ring and Messmer
Grades 1 -4
79. Treatment Initial Therapy Epinephrine
Never injected during grade 1 reactions
Titrated boluses 10-20 g for grade 2
Titrated boluses 100-200 g for grade 3
High dose epi for grade 4 (1-3 mg over 3 mins)
Pts with laryngeal edema without hypotension subcutaneous epi
Epi should not be given IV to pts with Normal BP
80. Secondary Treatment - Antihistamines H1 receptors mediate many of adverse effects
Diphenhydramine 0.5-1 mg/kg
Antihistamines DO NOT inhibit anaphylactic reactions or histamine release
Compete with histamine at receptor sites
Indications for H2 receptor antagonists remain unclear
81. Secondary Treatment - Catecholamines Epi infusions for persistent hypotension
5-10 g/min
Norepi for refractory hypotension secondary to decreased SVR (5-10 g/min)
82. Secondary Treatment - Aminophylline Nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Decreases histamine release by increasing cAMP
Increases R and L ventricular contractility
Decreases PVR
Loading dose of 5-6 mg/kg IV over 20 mins, followed by infusion of 0.5-0.9 mg/kg/hr
83. Secondary Treatment - Steroids Anti-inflammatory effects
Require 12-24 hours to work
Exact dose and preparation unclear
0.25-1 g IV hydrocortisone for IgE mediated rxns
1-2 g methylprednisolone for rxns believed to be complement mediated (eg. protamine rxn)
May be important for late phase reactions that occur 12-24 hours after
84. Secondary Treatment - Bicarb Acidosis develops quickly
Decreases effectiveness of epi
0.5 1 mEq/kg and follow ABGs
85. Alternative Therapy - Vasopressin May get desensitization of adrenergic receptors
Vasopressin as alternative
Vasoconstrictive effects at V1 receptors
Vasopressin decreases nitric oxide 2nd messenger cGMP
86. Airway Evaluation Laryngeal edema may occur
Suggested by facial edema
Leave intubated until edema subsides
Air leak useful
Consider direct laryngoscopy
87. Non-IgE mediated reactions Other immunologic and nonimmunologic mechanisms
Release many of same mediators
Independent of IgE
Clinical syndrome identical with anaphylaxis
88. Non-IgE mediated reactions - Complement C3a and C5a anaphylatoxins
Release histamine from mast cells and basophils
Contract smooth muscle
Increase capillary permeability
Cause interleukin synthesis
89. Non-IgE mediated reactions Complement C5a Causes leukocyte aggregation and activation
Aggregated leukocytes embolize to organs
Microvascular occlusion
Liberation of inflammatory products
Involved in:
Transfusion reactions
Protamine reactions
Septic shock
90. Nonimmunologic Histamine Release Many agents involved
Mechanisms not well understood
Selective mast cell and not basophil activation
Antihistamine pretreatment
Does not inhibit histamine release
Competes with histamine at receptor
May attenuate decrease in SVR
91. Drugs Capable of Nonimmunologic Histamine Release Antibiotics (vancomycin)
Hyperosmotic agents
Muscle relaxants (atracurium, mivacurium)
Opioids (morphine, meperidine, codeine)
92. Should I give a test dose of IV antibiotic?
93. Should I give a test dose of IV antibiotic? No
Predictive testing would require serial challenges with increasing doses
Starting with a minuscule dose
Allowing at least 30 minutes between each dose
This approach is impossible within the constraints of an operating list
94. Should I avoid cephalosporins in a patient who gives a history suggestive of penicillin allergy?
95. Should I avoid cephalosporins in a patient who gives a history suggestive of penicillin allergy? Most patients with a history of penicillin-related rash not allergic to cephalosporins
However, many suitable alternatives to cephalosporins
If convincing history of anaphylaxis avoid 1st generation cephalosporins
96. Should I use crystalloid or colloid in the immediate management?
97. Should I use crystalloid or colloid in the immediate management? No evidence that one is better than the other
If colloid given before clinical signs of anaphylaxis:
Should be discontinued
Replaced with crystalloid or colloid of different class
98. Should I give an H2-blocking drug as part of immediate management?
99. Should I give an H2-blocking drug as part of immediate management? No evidence to support the use of H2-blocking drugs in this situation
100. What should I say to a patient who wishes to be screened for anesthetic allergy preoperativley?
101. What should I say to a patient who wishes to be screened for anesthetic allergy preoperativley? If no history of previous anesthetic anaphylaxis preoperative screening is of no value
Sensitivity and specificity of skin tests and blood tests is relatively low
If pretest probability is very low (no positive history) neither a neg. or pos. test is likely to be predictive of outcome
102. Should I avoid propofol in patients who are allergic to eggs, soya, or nuts?
103. Should I avoid propofol in patients who are allergic to eggs, soya, or nuts? No published evidence
Propofol contains purified egg phosphatide and soya-bean oil
Likely that manufacturing process removes or denatures proteins responsible for egg and soya allergy
104. Patient with previous anaphylaxis during anesthetic presents for emergency surgery without being tested Latex-free environment
Inhalational agents likely safe (unless MH)
View previous records if possible
Avoid all drugs given prior to anaphylaxis (except inhalationals)
Avoid all NMBAs if pt received NMBA (cross reactivity)
105. Patient with previous anaphylaxis during anesthetic presents for emergency surgery without being tested Previous records not available:
Avoid all NMBAs if possible (risk vs. benefit)
Amide LA agents likely safe for regional or local
Avoid chlorhexidine (allergy to proviodine less common)
Avoid histamine-releasing drugs eg. Morphine
No evidence for pretreatment with hydrocortisone or histamine-blocking drugs
106. Summary 4 types of hypersensitivities
3 involve antibodies
Anaphylaxis mediated by IgE
Anaphylactoid is Ab independent
107. Anaphylaxis Bronchospasm
Vasodilation, increased capillary permeability
Profound CV collapse
108. Mediators Histamine
Leukotrienes and prostaglandins
Platelet-activating factor
109. Management ABCs
Volume expansion
Antihistamines, steroids, infusions
110. Common Drugs Involved Muscle relaxants
Blood products
111. References Barash P. Clinical Anesthesia, 5th ed. Ch 49. 200?
Miller R. Millers Anesthesia, 6th ed. Ch 27. 2005.
Dewachter, Mouton-Faivre, Emala: Anaphylaxis and Anesthesia: Controversies and New Insights. Anesthesiology 3(5): 1141-1150, 2009.
Harper, Dixon, et al: Guidelines: Suspected Anaphylactic Reactions Associated with Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 64: 199-211, 2009.