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Getting Started With Medical Education Rsearch

Explore cutting-edge strategies in medical education research, including special study modules and high altitude medicine. Gain insights into career preferences and community engagement. Keynote presentations highlight critical developments.

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Getting Started With Medical Education Rsearch

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  1. Getting Started With Medical Education Rsearch Dr. Gerard Flaherty Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine and Medical Education February 6, 2012 GAME Meetinge

  2. Medical student selection/influence of HPAT

  3. Special study modules

  4. Publish or perish! • G. Flaherty, A. Hynes, A. Henry, T. O’Brien (2008). Using Special Study Options To Introduce Sports And Exercise Medicine Into A Modern Undergraduate Medical Curriculum. Abstract presented to the 2008 Annual Scientific meeting of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, RCPI & RCSI (poster). • K. Mieske, G. Flaherty, T. O’Brien (2010). Journeys to high altitude – risks and recommendations for travelers with pre-existing medical conditions. Journal of Travel Medicine 17(1): 48-62 (major review article). • G. Flaherty, P. Cantillon (2009). Development of a Comprehensive Special Study Module Programme Within a Modern Undergraduate Medical Curriculum (poster presentation at 2009 INMED meeting in UCC; abstract published in proceedings of meeting in Irish Journal of Medical Science 178(6):S185-186). • P. Hession, G. Flaherty (2009). Learning Practical Sports Psychology from an Elite Athlete – Preliminary Experiences from a Novel Special Study Module Aimed at Undergraduate Medical Students (poster presentation at 2009 Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine annual scientific meeting). • G. Flaherty, P. Cantillon (2009). Attitudes of Medical Students to the Practice and Teaching of Integrative Medicine (podium presentation at 2009 AMEE meeting in Malaga). • G. Flaherty, R. Geoghegan, L. McIlrath (2009). Promoting Civic and Community Engagement in an Irish Undergraduate Medical Curriculum (podium presentation at the 2009 Campus Engage International Conference in Dublin). • G. Flaherty (2009). Forging an Innovative Undergraduate Medical Curriculum – the Galway Experience. Invited keynote presentation at 2009 CuisleBeatha Conference in Palliative Medicine in Galway. • M. McCafferty, G. Flaherty, M.J. Kerin (2009). Basic Surgical Skills: a Special Study Option (SSO) for second year medical students (podium presentation at 2009 Sir Peter Freyer’s Surgical Symposium in Galway). • G. Flaherty, T. O’Brien (2010). Lofty thoughts – Introducing medical students to high altitude medicine (poster presentation at 2010 Northern European Conference in Travel Medicine, Hamburg). • G. Flaherty, M. Ó Maoláin, D. NíUigín (2010). Attitudes of Medical Students towards use of the Irish language in healthcare settings(podium presentation at 2010 INMED conference at NUI Galway).

  5. Publish more or perish further! • G. Flaherty, B.G. Loftus (2010). Choosing to Learn – Maximising the Potential of Special Study Modules to Promote the Professional Development of Medical Students (podium presentation at 2010 IMEC conference in Kuala Lumpur). • K.H. Chang, G. Flaherty, P. Cantillon, C.M. Malone, M.J. Kerin (2010). Basic Surgical Skills Special Study Module: the Galway Experience (abstract accepted for podium presentation at 2010 Sir Peter Freyer Surgical Symposium in Galway). • K.H. Chang, G. Flaherty, P. Cantillon, C.M. Malone, M.J. Kerin (2010). Acquisition of basic surgical skills in early year medical students is comparable with students in more advanced year (abstract accepted for podium presentation at 2010 Sir Peter Freyer Surgical Symposium in Galway). • K.H. Chang, G. Flaherty, P. Cantillon, C.M. Malone, M.J. Kerin (2010). The influence of a novel Basic Surgical Skills Special Study Module on students’ career preferences (abstract accepted for podium presentation at 2010 Sir Peter Freyer Surgical Symposium in Galway). • C. Murtagh, E. Mannion, G. Flaherty, D. Waldron (2010). ‘End of Life Enhancement’ - A novel introduction to the concept of quality of life and palliative medicine in first year medical students (submitted to Palliative Medicine). • N. Johnston, G. Flaherty (2010). High altitude athletic training – principles and practical recommendations (review in preparation for submission to British Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine). • T. Cotter, G. Flaherty (2010). Chemoprophylaxis of High Altitude Illness – From Controversies to Consensus (review in preparation for submission to Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases). • A.M. Crowe, M. McNamara, M. Ó Maoláin, A. Mead, I. Gibson, J. Crowley, G. Flaherty (2010). The design and development of a module in preventive cardiology by undergraduate medical students, incorporating patient management through an interactive web-based platform (abstract submitted to 2011 Academy of Medical Educators annual scientific meeting in London). • G. Flaherty, M. Ó Maoláin, D. NíUigín (2010). The Irish language in Healthcare Settings (collaborative podium presentation at 2010 CELT Creative Thinking: Re-imagining the University Symposium at NUI Galway). • http://www.highaltitudemedicine.com – Website developed under my supervision by my 2MB students in the special study module in high altitude medicine group in 2010. Website will be made live shortly and will be featured in a press release from NUI Galway.

  6. Professional development

  7. Civic engagement

  8. Student research activities

  9. Factors influencing medical graduate career pathways

  10. Student electives

  11. Clinical reasoning

  12. Malaysian student experience

  13. Struggling students

  14. Learning in Academies

  15. Medical teacher development

  16. Inter-examiner Variability

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